Chapter 172 - Lan Xueruo (R-18)

(Warning! NSFW Content in this chapter (Loli?). The characters involved in this FanFiction are a work of fiction, and have no relation to any real people, in this fictional setting, the characters are of an acceptable age, if you feel uncomfortable reading such sėxuȧŀ encounters, please skip to the next safe chapter)

(Yun Long is 12, Lan Xueruo's age is minimum fourteen )


"Simplifying it, I travelled back in time at my death, or I can see the future I would take thanks to this mirror… which is why I came to save your mother… I wish to lessen the burden for my silly little princess… whether or not you trust the memory is up to you Ruo'er…"

She wanted to deny the memory, but the feelings it induced within her made her instinctively feel that what he was saying was the god honest truth.

Which it was not…

Nevertheless, she wanted to confirm some things by talking to her so called beloved.

"Since you know the future… now that you have saved mother… I could choose a different path then to become your wife again…" Lan Xueruo said.

"En…" Yun Long said as he took of his golden phoenix winged mask.

Stunned by his handsomeness that was much superior to the memories, he just sighed "Although I am clearly the most handsome, eligible bachelor, I do no think myself infallible… well actually I might… but if you choose not to become my wife in the future that is fine… I gain no joy from forcing a woman that I genuinely care about into becoming mine, I will just annoy you until you become mine" Yun Long said as he hugged her waist and brought her to him.

Listen to the familiar rascal talk from those memories, Lan Xueruo wanted to trust his words and just become his… but something held her back as she asked "If I were to tell you to leave me alone now, and never appear before me again… what would you do?" she asked as she hesitantly looked into his starry eyes.

"If you asked me that… then I would place many life saving treasures on your body… and I will just watch from a distance… to make sure that you have a happy life… until the day comes where you no longer need my help from a distance… even then I will still check on you so that you remain happy…" Yun Long said as he placed his palms on her cheeks.

"Why… you told me that you only witnessed this vision… why would you do so much for me when this is our true first meeting…" Xueruo said as her body started heating up to his touch.

"Why… because I love you… Xueruo…" Yun Long said as he closed his eyes, gently edging forward as he went to initiate the kiss.

If she pushed him away then he will do what he said before, he would court her on his return to the Profound Sky Continent, and if she still did not fall for him before he left for the Realm of Gods, he would have a slave watch over her for the rest of her life.

But if she kissed him then all would matter not, since she would become his very soon.

Seeing him close his eyes, and his resounding words echoing in her soul, Xueruo's heart was pounding against her ċhėst as if it wanted to leave, as his manly scent started to become that much clearer as he closed in.

But she did not resist his advances, and similarly closed her eyes as he kissed her fragrant lips gently, since he knew she was similar to Qingyun and Xing Mei in disposition, he decided to take it easy on tender, yet mȧturė body.

Responding somewhat instinctively, she moved her tongue with his as he grabbed her budding C-cups, as he played with those sėnsɨtɨvė pearls that were trying to escape her robe.

"Xueruo… the me from the visions, as gifted as that person is, he is no where near the current me, this technique is one I use to bind all my women to me… I will mark you now… okay?" he asked as he looked into her hazy eyes.

"Un…" Xueruo muttered as she kept recollecting the kiss.

Yun Long was surprised by both the Amethyst Dragon and the Sapphire Phoenix… since he did not actually feel like that a true love could be established only a few moments after meeting someone… but he was happier since she could go through the Spirit Baptism.

Transmitting another set of memories, he then asked her "Xueruo… I wish for you to go through his baptism so you evolve into a higher being… but if you wish to remain as you are it is fine… it is just that…" Yun Long stopped talking as he awaited her decision.

"Un…" she was still lost in the feeling of that kiss, so she just unconsciously agreed, as Est appeared and stabbed her in the middle dantian, granting her the Spirit Basic form, and she pierced her upper dantian as she gained her True Spirit Form was one that surprised Yun Long.

Her form was similar to the Primordial White Tiger, and yet she was in fact a Snow Lion. Her fur was white with a green pattern, resembling the earth element that the Snow Lion represented, across her fur, and like a dragon her mane extended backwards in green colour, as did her tail, similar to flames in design.

Yun Long was pleasantly surprised, since he knew of Divine Beasts for the elements of the Lightning, Water, Ice, Fire, Dark and Light, he still needed to know of some from the wind and earth elements, so the Snow Lion was one that he would definitely look into in the future.

She did not have a mutated form, and just returned to her new evolved spirit basic form that increased her beauty, easily past Qingyue who had yet to go through her spirit baptism.

Est then carried on watching as usual, since she wanted to always be next to her Big Brother and learn new things.


"Husband…" Xueruo mȯȧnėd as she felt a burning object on her thɨġhs.

"Xueruo…" Yun Long mȯȧnėd as he placed her hands on his rod, as he placed his palms on her hands and moved her hands, showing her how to pump his rod.

"Ngh… your hands are so soft Ruo'er… it really does your name justice" Yun Long said as he licked her precious pearls.

"Mnn… so big… mother never said they were this big…" Xueruo mȯȧnėd at the heat it emitted.

Yun Long leaned back, as he brought her face next to it, as she asked her with an aroused voice "Did she tell you how to service it with your mouth Xuerou?"

She nodded as she started to lick it, but her mouth was too small so when she tried to suck on it, she could only get a little further past the tip as she made up for her deficiencies with her hands.

Yun Long flipped her around as he prepared her sacred region with his tongue which caused her to cry in pŀėȧsurė as she almost bit the tip of his dragon.

"Mhmm… aahhh… don't lick there… it is… dirty…" Xueruo mȯȧnėd as she felt something coming out as he worked his tongue inside of her.


He proceeded to move as he tore her hƴmėn, the blood leaked out as she cried out in pain.

"Ahh! It… is too big… gently… husband…" Lan Xueruo said as she smiled through her tears and pain.

Kissing away her pain, he then started to thrust slowly as slowly expanded her sacred region, unlike the others where he would conquest first then expand.

*PA* *PA* *PA*

"Mhmm… uhnn… haah…" Xueruo mȯȧnėd as she hugged his body as she let out a pŀėȧsurė like painful mȯȧn with his thrusting.

It was a gentle session for Yun Long, as he kept that one position until he let his seed out after she had climaxed four times.



Yun Long was satisfied with just one time since even Qingyue could bȧrėly match his true intensity, and she had her body forcefully mȧturėd early, with the Celestial Spirit Jade Dew.

He then summoned the coffin her mother, Lan Feng lied in, and asked her "What is the reason she is ill?"

"Un… mother gave birth to me at fifteen years of age, and she had lingering problems from the birth since then… although I do not blame father… mother seems to dislike father for some reason… which is the reason why she did not let him know of her health situation…" Xueruo said as he cleaned her up with profound energy, and wrapped the bloodied sheets to add to the collection.

He then opened the coffin as he used light profound energy to heal her damaged body from the infections and haemorrhage, she was suffering, as he then fed her a drop of severely diluted drop of Divine Water of Life, that restored her life force and increased her cultivation to around the Emperor Profound 9th Level.

Lan Feng woke up in surprise, wondering how she had escaped her calamity, as she looked to see the nȧkėd figures of her daughter and a strange, handsome young man.

"Hello Mother-in-Law" Yun Long said with a smile.