Chapter 243 - Epilogue - Calamity Bloodline (8)

"You dummy… why did you try so hard to forget me…" Yao complained as she lightly tapped his shoulders.

"Who knows… love makes you do idiotic stuff I heard, my love just turned me into a brainless, insecure young master…" Xuanyuan said as he stroked her soft hair, wondering if she would ever return her hairstyle back to how it used to be.

"So then? Do not leave me waiting, what happened after that?" Yao impatiently asked Xuanyuan to carry on with his story.

"Hmm… nothing too interesting… he brought me to this black energy source, and that was when he told me that I had become the Primordial Embodiment of the Void… now that I had brought that power back to life, I had to find the descendant of the Calamity Dragon God Clan and bring her to that existence so that she could claim the power of the Calamity source and become the Primordial Embodiment of Calamity…" Xuanyuan explained as she pouted when she heard about the 'her' he was talking about.

"Is this the damn harlot that he had you find?" Yao asked with puffed cheeks, pinching his hɨps as hard as she could, even though she was not a jealous type, hearing that her beloved wanted to find another girl so that she could essentially wipe her existence from his mind really annoyed her.

"Ss… calm down, it was when I met that girl that I realised that doing so would not erase you from my heart…" Xuanyuan said as he kissed the back of her head.

"Why… what happened when you met her?" Yao asked as she closed her eyes with a blissful smile on her face.

"Un… I had found her after that existence gave me an energy orb that would locate the perfect successor of the Calamity Source… once I found her, I found that the Calamity Dragon God Clan resided in the Demon Realm…" Xuanyuan said as she opened her eyes in surprise.

"You… you entered the Demon Realm? Are you crazy Xuan!?" Yao turned around and started to reprimand him for his actions, after all those who cultivate in the Demon Realm get consumed by the baleful aura that reverses their psyche, causing them to possess traits recognised by all that belong to Demon Realm cultivators.

"Un… it is fine though, the baleful area cannot affect me… but at that time I was like an emotionless puppet, solely focused on making sure that she would come with me to become the successor of the Calamity Source… and those few weeks I spent with her… even though she fell for me… her actions were so… disgusting… I ended up just killing her after she came to learn about you… and promised to bring me your head so I would forget about you…" Xuanyuan said as he did not face Yao as he spoke.

Yao bit her lips as hard as she could, but Xuanyuan placed his thumb on her lips, so that she did not cause pain to herself because of his actions "What did she do… even if she was a horrible person… the fact that you were sent to find her… that existence said that she is your woman from that point you took his void power…"

"Just the typical things a Demon Realm Princess would do, indulging herself in carnal pŀėȧsurė daily, killing the humans slaves slowly, as she enjoyed their last expressions of despair, any woman who offended her, she would have them gang-r*ped in front of the people, their lovers or husbands were forced to watch… any man who offended her… their female family members would receive the same treatment… if someone was more beautiful than her, she would gorge on their face as a warning to everyone else, so that she would remain as the 'number one' beauty of the Demon Realm…" Xuanyuan said with no emotions as he recounted the times he spent with her at the demon realm.

"You… you should have killed her straight away…" Yao said as she imagined her beloved just watching those despicable actions, not doing anything because she was her goal, she only wondered how is mind still remained so stable after seeing such things.

"Yes… but that existence warned me that it would be in my best interests to make sure that girl was the one to succeed his powers, as he could not guarantee any mishaps happening if someone of my choice were to collect that power…" Xuanyuan said as he explained what happened on that day he took the girls life.


"Fufufu… is that so? Then I, Princess Dai Tai swear upon the Demon Gods… I will bring that wretches head before you before I take your heart" the young woman dressed in purple robes, exuding an exotic natural charm that would weaken the bones of most men, promised out loud before Xuanyuan whose eyes flashed at her words.

"Void Dragon God: Void Severing"

Xuanyuan lightly muttered, the Princess felt something odd on her neck, bringing her fingers to her neck, she touched her neck, causing a red line to emerge on her neck, realising what was happening, she looked up to the emotionless Xuanyuan whose bangs were covering his eyes, she muttered in her mind "Xuanyuan… you… how… dare… you…"

Xuanyuan could hear her speak through her remaining soul power, she cursed him continuously, going over to her body, he kneeled down on one knee, before he placed a finger on her still warm body.

"You should have never mentioned killing her… but I must thank you for enlightening me… I would rather take the chance of choosing someone who may fail than to allow a corrupt, ego maniacal temptress as yourself get your hands on such a power…" Xuanyuan muttered as he destroyed her remaining soul and spirit, leaving her physical body in tact as he brought her body back to the cave where the Ghost-like existence that claimed to be the King of Dragons resided in.

'Huuhuu… aaahhhhh… it is too beautiful… there was finally one who did it… you are simply too naïve… ehehehahahahaha…' the Ghost-like Existence thought in its mind as it watched Xuanyuan kill the girl, and was spinning around as his excitement and anticipation for their next conversation that would happen, which had caused him to laugh uncontrollably for the next few days.

Finally reaching the cave after he left the Demon Realm, Xuanyuan then went into the inner sanctum as he said "King of the Dragon Gods… I have failed your task…" Xuanyuan said as he awaited the Ghost-like existence to appear before him.

"Huuhuu… ahaha… no… you did not fail… you only chose a path that the ones before you never had taken… they had all obediently chosen the correct successor… so for you to choose something new… aaahhhh… it is just too… entertaining… eeeyahahaaa!" the Ghost-like existence said as its laughs shook the inner sanctum.

"I understand… I will leave the choosing of the successor to you… I do not care about who they are so long as their character is not something like Dai Tai…" Xuanyuan said as he awaited the Ghost's orders.

"Huuhuu… please… allow me to reward you for bringing such an interesting source of entertainment… hiding in here all these years has been ever so boring… especially with such boring successors… for now… head inside and fully master the Void Dragon God's powers… I will bring you the successor you choose for in the future… when you find her… I think you will be pleasantly surprised… ehehahaha!" the Ghost said as it laughed once more before it disappeared.


"I see… so the reason I awakened that Calamity Dragon God Bloodline… was because of that strange crazy ghost I saw in my dreams?" Yao asked in fascination after she heard his story.

"Un… I had noticed that Dai Tai's body had disappeared from where I had buried it in the inner sanctum… so he must have a method to grant you her bloodline… although everything seems to perfect…" Xuanyuan muttered as Yao didn't pay attention to him since she was happy that the person he had to unite with was now going to be her, he could never run away from her again!

"So, what did you mean earlier that you were going to pass?" Yao asked as she remembered his ominous words.

"Hmm? Oh… that was just a joke to keep you on your toes… I know that you dislike paying attention to any details so I said that so you paid attention now… you silly little girl" Xuanyuan said as he pinched her nose.

"Hmph… I am not a little girl… I am the Young Mistress of the Devouring Dragon God Clan… and if you misbehave young man, I will have to punish you accordingly you know?" Yao retorted as she smiled with bad intentions.

"Fine, Fine… come… let us go receive the power of the King of the Dragon Gods… or whatever he is… so that we can ensure our families safety before we move on from this place…" Xuanyuan said as they travelled back down to the lower mortal planes.