Chapter -2 - Harry's stats as of 76 (end of second year)

Name:Harry Potter But AU??? Author:DAFR

Name: Harry DJ Peverell

Age: 12

St: 18 (was 14)

End: 19 (was 17)

ME: 20(was 17) (Snape is 21 Dumbledore and Voldemort are 26 and 27 respectively)



Finished regular high school, bachelor degrees in math, physics, programming, and microbiology, finished masters degrees in chemistry's biology


History of Magic- finished second year

Astronomy- learned all the theoretical 7 years and finished practical second year

Herbiolegy- learned all the theoretical 7 years and finished practical second year

Potions- learned all the theoretical ingredients to ‏enough to become a master, works on his control over the potions and finished practical second year

DADA- finished learning curses to the middle of third year but otherwise finished second year (has to be with a wand)

Transfiguration- in the middle of fifth year's transfigurations

Charms - finished Hogwarts level studies and succeeded in his first master level charm

Arithmancy- finished hogwarts level

Runes- memorized all of the runes hogwarts has to offer and work on basic rune scams

Gringot studies:

Economic- finished

Blacksmithing- finished theoretical metals and making daggers, swords, sabers, armors and now is working on Jordan

Martial arts:

Jujitsu- purple belt