Chapter 36 - 36- The start of winter break

Name:Harry Potter But AU??? Author:DAFR
Harry's pov

While November past December came not much changed in Harry's life. He continued to study every waking second he had with the exception of his workout time.

While they apologized, Hermione and Neville didn't mean it and neither did Harry, so even though they weren't fighting they stopped learning and eating meals together. Instead of Hermione and Neville started hanging out with Marcus in the library when ever they could searching something.

After moments of thinking about it Harry understood they heard about Nicholas Flamel from Hagrid which made them search for the person's name in books.

Harry started to hang a little with the twins in the ROR where they showed him how to take a simple spell and change it to something nefarious like summoning someone's underwear from them while in battle.

In exchange Harry made sure to write everything Snape taught him about occlumency and gave it to them so they would become better potion creators and pranksters. (But not everything he knew from his occlumency book)

While doing so slowed his charm learning, he learned how to use every charm he knew to his maximum advantage.

In transfigurations he his progress kept accelerating as the more objects he transfigure the easier it became, yet he was sure that when he reaches third year's subject and the turn of live things to objects was when his first wall is gonna be.

The only subject he was stuck in was DADA, as a class which work mostly as charms, somehow he hadn't managed to use any of the jinxes wandlessly, so after a few weeks of not even one success he went to Flitwick in one of his office hours.

"Hey professor,"

"Young Harry! Come in, what interesting questions do you have for me today?"

"Well, professor. Today I want to ask about the differences between regular charms and DADA charms.

You see, while I managed to improve in charms enough to be average in class spell casting wise, I can't manage to succeed in jinxes. So I wanted to ask, what is the difference between charms and jinxes?"

"Well, Harry, there is a lot of differences. Actually, if we look at the start of creation of the charms and jinxes you would find them as two different periods.

While charms were created for the first time at about 5,000 BC, the creation of jinx didn't start until 500 Bc, a hundred years after the first wand came to existence. In fact, those spells were created by wizards who weren't powerful enough to use magic without a wand as at the time no-one except children and magicaly weak people would use wands, but as we forgotten how to do magic with no conductors and the more people learned wand magic, jinxes, curses and Haxes improved Beyond anyone's imagination, in fact, while charms are the inheritance that was left behind from the wizards of the past, and people all around the world use them. all the attack spells you learn at DADA until mastery are the only magic that only a wand wizard is capable of doing." Flitwick finished with passion.

After that Flitwick continued explaining the differences between the two kinds of spells but as much as it was interesting Harry got what he desired. While knowing that some magic could only be done with a wand he couldn't help but thinking about the magical which are only possible with other conductors and how can he learn them.

By the time Christmas was near the entire castle was in a festive move, everyone except Harry, as it would be his first Christmas without his parents since they took him in. So while everyone were ready for a break, Harry went deeper into his studies, as there were no classes he spent most of his day in the ROR and when the twins needed the room in the Hogwarts library.

He was halfway through his economic class and in his blacksmithing class he started moving into creating regular knives, as until he prefects every kind of weapon, armor and jewelry creation he wouldn't touch or learn any of the others.

In chemistry he was in the beginning of second year material and he was hoping that by Easter he would finish everything in this master's degree.

Anyway, Harry was swamped with stuff to do so he wouldn't think about his parents, at all.

Daphne's pov

Daphne was going back home for Christmas and she was so excited.

She hasn't seen her sister in 3 ½ months and she missed her terribly.

While thinking about the last 3 ½ months she was disappointed that she didn't find a cure yet knew she shouldn't be, after all, if finding a cure for the blood curse was that easy it would have been found years ago by one of her ancestors, and she was just a first year, but she decided, if by the end of the year she doesn't find even a lead to the cure she's gonna start roping Ravenclaws to her study group.

Hermione's pov

As they were driving back home, Hermione finished telling her parents about the troll incident and her fight with Harry.

"_can you believe it???? He yelled at me for not abandoning my friends while in trouble!"

"You are right, I can't believe it." Hermione's dad said in a quite voicewhich she knew was the beginning of a shout with him. "How dare you doing something that dangerous??? Why the heck didn't you listen to the professors? If you really felt the need to help your friends you should have told a teacher or an older student! And when a real friends comes worrying about you, you stop being friends with them? Is that what I taught you?"

As her dad continued to yell at her she just thought 'I would never tell my parents about anything dangerous again'