Chapter 55 - 55- reaching an agreement

Name:Harry Potter But AU??? Author:DAFR
Harry's POV

Harry was having a great start of a year, he showed Luna the day before the ROR and made sure the twins knew not to target her, after which she and the twins hit it off with a conversation about their unique perspective of ingredients in potions.

the twins's perspectives of the ingredients were more about the properties of the animal, like how a boomslang is a snake that changes colors so when they were trying to create a candy that shape-shifted you into a cannery they were using it.

While Luna's perspective on the ingredients was more about the magic and emotions each animal possessed before taking the ingredients, like how a mandrake is used in waking potions because of it's screaming power and scared disposition, even though it's properties are more useful toward truth potions and self discoveries like animagus.

In the end if their conversation, Luna was happy she made two more friends, the twins were happy they had knew ideas about their candy making and about the parts they didn't understood about the animagus potion they were starting to work on and Harry was happy he learned so much from the conversation as while already learn much about potion ingredients, he has only read about the twins perspective in all the books he found in the library and ROR but felt Luna's attitude had some insight toward potions he didn't consider till now.

As he got closer toward the Slytherin common room with Luna after his daily magical control practice, to which Luna joined, Greengrass once again was waiting outside of it.

"Can we talk again?"

After getting into the common room, he tald Luna good night s as it was almost the first year's bed time, and took Greengrass to his room to talk.

"So," he started after a few moments of awkward silence, "what can I do for you?"

"You know exactly what you can do!" She almost yelled before calming down and having once more a cold glint Harry was 99% sure was her Occlumency shields.

"Sorry, I didn't come to yell or beg, I came here to do what two civilized Slytherin should do when they ether have something or want something, negotiate. So, you know what it want, what do you want?"

Harry knew this is a delicate situation, he needed to make her reach the conclusion about Occlumency without telling her out right to get maximum benefits with minimum effort.

"Well, as you know, I was casted out of the Potter family, and as you probably noticed, I am kind of addicted to learning. So what I want for my knowledge is knowledge I wouldn't find in Hogwarts."

Harry could have swore he saw a glint of a 'I was right' look before it vanished underneath her cold gaze.

"I might have something you would be interested in..."

"Oh, really? What?"

"How about an almost lost art of mind protection?"

"Tell me more..."

After that Daphne explained about Occlumency, Legilimency and the history about the way it was stopped being taught in Hogwarts while not letting a single emotion out of her body, while Harry only let out what he felt was the appropriate reactions.

"So?" After finishing telling him all of this Daphne asked. "Do we have a deal? You will join my group and I will teach you Occlumency?"

"No," was his answer, because even though he felt like her art was exactly what he needed too perfect his Occlumency, he truly had no time to waste in sitting with children and helping them study, which was part of the group's objectives. He raised his hand before she could start talking, signaling he has more to say. "But we can do something else, we can trade the knowledge, you would give me one lesson about the art, while I, in exchange would give you the idea I have to solve the blood curse, and a basic explanation about the way to go and do it, what do you say?"

Daphne's POV

'this exchange had pros and cons' Daphne thought after hearing about the exchange Peverell proposed.

'While on one hand, I wouldn't have to really teach him until proficiency my family's Occlumency art, but only give him the way to go if he had a real teacher and still get the one thing I really need from him which is the way to go in researching the blood curse and the cure to it.

On the other hand, he might not only be misleading me but also have more then one idea about the way it works and not tell me which would mean I would have to go more then once to him thus make me depended on him, not to mention he might be completely wrong and make me waste way too much time, but I don't really have a choice, do I?'

"I agree, but with conditions.

1) you have to tell me about related books about the subject so I won't have to search the entire Hogwarts library as I searched for the last two days and couldn't find one mention about DNA

2) we use an unbreakable oath to make sure both of us tell the truth and not let any basic knowledge about the things we agreed to teach the other slip by.

3) if you have more then one idea about the blood curse, you have to tell me about it.

Do you agree to the terms?"

"I agree, do you want to bring one of your friends who know how to do it now so we can get the oath out of the way and do the teaching tomorrow, or do you want to do it all tomorrow?"

"Now." She said, not wanting him have time to decide the deal isn't fair and back out.

After a few minutes of convincing Theo to be their binder, she returned with him in toe to find Peverell sit on his bed, mumbeling something about the difference in transfigurated objects and real objects.

"Are you ready Peverell?"

"After this last few days, you can call me Harry."

"Daphne. Are you ready, Harry?"

"Sure, lets do it."

"Do you Harry, promise to do as we agreed upon?"

"As long as You, Daphne, agree to do as we agreed."

"I do"

"I do

a thin stream of fire will be emitted from the Theo's wand, weaving around the hands of the both of them before disappearing.

"So, tomorrow at 17:00?"

"Agreed, nice doing business with you and good night."

"Goodnight Harry."

As Theo and Daphne left she felt bigger hope then she knew possible.