Chapter 67 - 67- getting blood and revenge- by blaźe

Name:Harry Potter But AU??? Author:DAFR
Harry's POV

Harry knew he didn't have much time before Hermione's body returns to it's original condition, as while in the books it took Pomfrey weeks to reverse her transformation, the Matron didn't know about the polyjuice.

Now that she knows the cause, Harry's time to get the blood got shortened to three days tops, and probably less.

It took him half an hour to decide the best course of actions

Which was why, four hours after his second visit to the headmaster's office, he returned from the Royal London Hospital with blood taking equipment.

Putting a notice me not charm around himself, he went toward the hospital wing.

Upon arrival, he dropped the notice me not charm on him self, but not on his equipment, and cast the invisibility charm, for safety measures. (AN: While the invisibility Charm is better for sneaking around with noticeable stuff, it has a chance to make people hit you. While the notice me not charm make people avoid you)

As he walked in, he wanted to curse, not only were the six patients awake and fighting, as the Gryffindor patients did knock the three Slytherin patients out and threw them into a closet and then locked the closet, the matron was still there, so he decided to wait.

It took two hours!

Not only for all six patients to fall asleep, but for Pomfrey to leave.

After which, Harry casted a huge notice me not charm on the room, took out his wand, and cast six quick Stupefys, just to make sure non of them woke up, then took a litter of blood from the cat-girl, and left as quickly as possible, stoping only to cancel the notice me not charm on his way out.

After a quick trip to his house where he had a refrigerator he bought specifically to store blood, and back to hogwarts, Harry felt he had a pretty productive day.

January 4th 1993

Blaise POV

Blaise wasn't happy.

As a gift for the first Christmas he celebrated with his friends, the golden group of Gryffindor decided to take over his identity by knocking him out and stuffing him in a locked closet, and if that wasn't enough, they put him in a locked closet with Crabbe and Goyle!

No, Blaise wasn't happy, he was furious.

Now, if they were getting expelled he might have calmed down, but with only detention, point loss and public apology? No freaking way!

Which was why, he sat with his newspaper on breakfast with the smuggest expression on his face, after all, what better revenge there is against the boy who lived than destroying his reputation?

The wizarding world savior? Or a start of a new dark lord?

By Rita Skeeter

Not a lot is known about Marcus Potter, the boy who lived, as his parents didn't let him out much as a child, telling everyone it is to keep our savior safe.

and even as he started Hogwarts, not much was reviled, which is why, when a Hogwarts student wanted to give me details, this journalist, seeker of truth, jumped on the offer.

R.S (Rita Skeeter)- "Hello, Mr. Zabini.

B.Z (Blaise Zabini) - "Please, call me Blaise."

As a sharp eyed and tongue journalist it took me less then a minute to get to the chase

R.S- "So, Blaise, what can you tell us about Marcus Potter?

B.Z- "I could tell you a lot. I could tell you he is an average student, a trouble seeker, a student the teachers favor so much that not only did they let him be a seeker on the first year without a trial, they gave him points for breaking rules in school that could lead to physical harm.

But that isn't the important stuff"

R.S- "That isn't the important stuff?"

Truth be told, I was shocked.

Our savior is an average student? The teachers favor him so much that when he break rules they reward him? Even those things are signs for alarm, as you wouldn't want the boy who lived to think he can get success without effort. And if those aren't the important stuff, what is?

B.Z- "No, the biggest things happened this year. First of all, as I know you know, by the articles you did about it, the Chamber of Secrets was opened. What you probably didn't know is that Marcus Potter is a parselmouth, something we all know was Salazar Slytherin's ability and that passed to his descendants, and also something that is considered dark."

At this point my shock was so strong I almost didn't noticed the little panic that started in my heart. Maybe the reason no one knows how the boy survived the death curse is that no one ever dwelled into the dark arts as deep as needed to find what is he?

But I quickly dismissed the thought, as we all know the boy is light.

B.Z- "some whispers started about him being the heir of Slytherin, but I didn't take it seriously, it was more of a joke.

Until this winter break happened.

It was about 3:30 PM and I was walking in Hogwarts alone when I felt extremely sleepy and the next thing I know, I am locked in a closet with two other Slytherin. It took 45 minutes until Professor Snape rescued us and told us what happened.

Apparently, Potter and his friends wanted to get into the Slytherin common-room, so they decided to dose all three of us in sleep potion and take our hair and use it in polyjuice potion."

For those who don't know, using polyjuice potion without ministry approval is worth 6 months in Azkaban.

B.z- "And get that, they didn't get to go on trial, or even got expelled, in fact, except detention and point lose, the only punishment they get is to publicly apologize to the three of us!"

As a truth seeker, I couldn't just believe what he said without proof

R.S - "do you have any proof"

B.S- " I can give you the memory of the apology."

After which he brought out of his bag a silver memory which confirmed everything he said.

My question to our readers is: "should we be afraid? Is our savior need to be in lock up? And why does Dumbledore give him a free hand?

As Blaise read the article, a cold smile went on his lips as he thought 'a vanom of a snake can kill even lions.'