Chapter 89 - 89- CoMC

Name:Harry Potter But AU??? Author:DAFR
Harry's POV

"You have got to stoke them." Harry heard when started to listen, seeing the shock appointing in the students's faces as they watched Hagrid petting the monstrous book like a dog was extremely funny, especially when he had no problem with the book, having cannon knowledge is extremely helpful in the small things.

"Oh, how silly we've all been!" Malfoy sneered. "We should have stroked them! why didn't we guess!"

"I -- I thought they were funny," Hagrid said "look, even your friend there is sniggering." He continued pointing at Harry.

"Oh, tremendously funny!" said Malfoy. "Really witty, giving us books that try and rip our hands off! As for Peverel," he sneered, and Harry has to admit, he was a great at sneering. "You can't judge how funny things are from someone who don't have any social interactions, nor have any friends except Luny Lovegood."

Harry was now mad.

If you make jokes on his expense, he won't care.

Nor would he care if you bully him, he would just retaliate in the same manner.

But the two taboo subjects that no one can joke about are are his parents and Luna.

Making sure to show he wasn't holding a wand, by holding the book with both of them and making it look like he is going to smack Malloy with it, Harry casted an overpowered levitation charm on Draco's back side of underwear, creating an overpowered Wedgy.

"Ahhhh" Malfoy screamed as the underwear climbed higher then it should be possible, making everyone be shocked and laugh, Hagrid included, who only remembered after his laughter stopped to ask Hermione to cancel it.

After making sure the blond boy goes to madam Poppy, Hagrid went away for a few seconds, knowing the class will go smoothly from now on, Harry relaxed his vigilants, and waited for Hagrid who quickly returned with the hippogriffs.

While they looked weird, with the but the front legs, and heads of eagles yet with the back legs and body of a horse, Harry couldn't deny they had a unique beauty, a beauty similar to that of a thestral, as they looked like something which is both unnatural yet part of nature.

"Hippogriffs!" Hagrid roared happily, waving a hand at them. "Beautiful, aren't they?"

"So," said Hagrid, rubbing his hands together and beaming around, "who wants to come a bit nearer?"

Marcus and his friends took a step closer, though they looked a bit green.

"Now, first thing you have got to know about hippogriffs is that they're proud," said Hagrid. "Easily offended. Don't ever insult one, because it might be the last thing you would do."

Harry felt it was right about everything in the world, unless you are willing to make an enemy out of someone, human or otherwise, never insult them.

Hagrid continued explaining about the hippogriffs before saying "who wants ter go first?"

While most of the class took a step back, Marcus didn't, making Hagrid gave him a little push in Buckbeak's direction.

"Easy now, Marcus," said Hagrid quietly. "You have eye contact, now try not to blink.... Hippogriffs don't trust you if you blink too much...."

"That's it," said Hagrid. "That'ss it, Marcus... now, bow."

Marcus gave a short bow and then looked up.

The hippogriff was still staring haughtily at him. It didn't move.

"Ah," said Hagrid, sounding worried. "Right -- back away, now, Marcus."

Harry felt like he was watching a movie for the second time, as he already knew what's going to happen, so while he seemed to be focused on the class, since the moment Marcus neared the hippogriff, Harry was working on his code in his mind.

So imagine his surprise when instead of bowing back, like the hippogriff was supposed to do, a sharp talon slashed toward the boy who lived, drawing blood from his left leg, as he jumped sideway to avoid it.

Making Harry curse while smiling.

Smiling, as he got the chance to see Marcus bleed- something is seriously wrong with him.

Curse, as he felt that if everything he did to stop this tiny plot device from happening didn't work, his plans to change the future is going to be much harder, while also now needing to step up to make sure the terrible Professor won't become the worst.

Hagrid's POV

Having the class scared of the class and two boys in the hospital wing wasn't the way Hagrid envisioned his first class going.

He thought this was his chance to change a few students lives, to show the students the magical animals which most of the wizarding world is scared from for no real reason are misunderstood, now instead he made sure there are another generation of animals haters.

Maybe he should tell Dumbledore he quits.

Sighing after letting the students have the rest of the class for themselves, Hagrid went back to his hut, planing on drowning his sorrows in his firewhiskey.

It wasn't until he reached the door that he noticed one of his students was still with him, and more importantly, it was the Slytherin student who got his joke, how did Malfoy called the boy? Pit.. pol...pot..per... Perevel that was the name.

"What do you want?" Even if the boy had great sense of humor, he was still a Slytherin, and Hagrid didn't trust any Slytherin, except Professor Snape, because Dumbledore trust him.

"Can I have a chance at meeting the hippogriffs?" The boy asked him, surprising Hagrid, even he would have been scared meeting the animals that almost ripped someone's leg off if he didn't know how gentle are the hippogiffs, but the boy was asking less then 10 minutes after seeing it happening to meet them?

"Aren't you scared of them?" Hagrid asked truly curious.

"Of course I'm scared, I'm scared of everything that has the possibility of hurting me, but that won't stop me from learning experiencing this unique experience."

The boy truly confused Hagrid, why would he want to get close to something he is scared from? The boy apparently saw his confusion, as he explained.

"Mishandling the plants in herbology can kill me, so does learning potions or flying, in fact, every magical subject has the potential of killing me, even history, though it's only from boredom." Hagrid snorted at that.

"If I wanted to stay safe, I would have stayed in the muggle world, I'm in the magical world and I want to meet the magnificent magical animals that it has to offer."

'A Slytherin third year who lives in the muggle world?'

It was the first time Hagrid recognized who the boy is, the twin of Marcus Potter, it was then that Hagrid relaxed, as even as a Slytherin, a Potter couldn't be evil.

"Come, let me introduce you to Buckbeak, and don't call me professor, call me Hagrid."

"I'm Harry."

A few hours later, after having a wonderful afternoon where he talked to Harry about hippogriffs, dragons and other magnificat magical animals, Hagrid came to a realization from the concentration he had with Harry.

'While most students won't fall in love with the subject, he need to make sure they understand the animals and their desire for peace.

He only had to show them that everyone is afraid, including the animals.'

Harry's POV

As Harry finished his job at preventing the creation of the worst 'care of magical creatures' teacher in the history of Hogwarts, he took out the tiny hour glass and turned it twice, it was time to meet Luna