Chapter 111 - 111- winners and second tournament

Name:Harry Potter But AU??? Author:DAFR
Harry's POV

For the last month he has been preparing for this moment, with the exception of his body workout and magical control workout he abandoned all his other projects, working solely on the disks, AI code, and magical power container, which is practically three rune schemes on a metal box and the philosopher's stone in the box, one that put the power that the came player give in the container, one that prevent the stone from taking it, and one that move the power into the machines it relates to, which can be at most three machines right now.

The reason he needed the philosopher's stone there is that he still hasn't managed to figure out how to prevent the magical energy from disappearing to the atmosphere, yet it is something basic the stone does, as for the second scheme, it's because they need as much of the energy as possible, and by letting it get sucked in and then out of the stone they would lose 7% of the energy.

But right now non of it mattered, what mattered that the ritual succeeded, the soft were uploaded, and the first ever Matai (magical and technological artificial intelligent) was born.

yet, as right now it had zero knowledge, as it was just born, he let it use the scanning magic he put on it, the same one people use for pictures so they can see out side of their frame, and left it with all the books he brought him, which were encyclopedias, muggle school books for every subject he could think of till after collage, and magical theory books, the only subject he made sure not to put in was robotics, as even with the core rules he put in his core and the golem magic that should make him house elf level loyal, he still can't fully trust it, it's why his core rules were:

1) never do something that can harm Harry Peverel, directly or non directly.

2) never use magic without permission

3) even if given permission never change your core rules

4) do the best it can to help Harry Peverel

5)never disobey Harry Peverel

6) never lie to Harry Peverel

With those 6 rules, his golem ritual, and the fact he would never let it get into the internet, so it won't get viruses, nor would he let anyone, magical or not, near it, made him trust the AI enough to upload it to the super computer he got from Basitill and connected it to the magical container, so it can do simple scanning magic and page flipping magic.

Knowing it would take the computer 29 hours to go through the books, Harry left for his long awaited break.

Fred's POV

When Harry first told us about his idea, the sucking energy game, Fred thought the boy was crazy, sure, it felt like a genius idea at first look, making a game that use 1% of a persons magic to work but sucks 5%, there fore talking 4% of the person's magical energy every game at least, not including the magical power up that illusions can get, but, why would people pay for cards if they can get it for free? It was then that Harry explained his marketing idea.

First, give each of the students a basic deck of cards, with only a few students with rare cards.

Second, create a tournament with unique cards for the winners, who would probably be those with rare cards, but make sure most of them won't really win anything by putting stronger opponents against them.

As for the third, he was just about to announce it.

"Well, I hope you enjoyed the first monster cards tournament, as for our Professor cards holders - in tenth place the holder of the Professor Trelawney card- the fifth year Ravenclaw- Roger Davies, who showed never to take the future lightly." The Ravenclaws were clapping and cheering so loud he had to let them stop before he continued. "Ninth place, the holder of the professor Vector card - it's professor Vector, who made sure we understood the math behind her cards."

Fred could see how people liked his interpretations, which made him understand why Lee Jorden kept doing them.

"Eighth place is also the professor on the card - professor Babbling, showing the power of traps.

Seventh as you all know is a magical number, which is why there was no battle for that holder and there for, the professor Binns card, goes to one lovely Hufflepuff- Susan bones.

Sixth was a surprise, as it came as a tie when Oliver wood a seventh year Gryffindor, managed use the card Bombarda and strengthened it with his own magic to the maximum, therefore activating the card special effect that instead of only destroying one monster on the field, he destroyed them all and pulled both his, and the professor's life points to zero as they both didn't have much left, after much thought, we decided to give the card to Oliver, for a well done execution!

Fifth, it was professor Sprout who won, showing everyone that plant cards aren't to be taken lightly.

Fourth, Professor Flitwick showed us how to win by using the power of dueling like a true, professional duelist.

Third, professor Snape used his potion cards to teach us how potions can be used to bewitch the mind, brew glory, even stopper death.

Second place was another surprise as it went to the sixth year Slytherin Garrick Ogden by using the Professor McGonagall card to defeat Professor McGonagall

And of course, first place go to Dumbledore, who showed us that sometimes, instead of needing a strategy, you can just smash your opponent with insane strengthening of a card, but remember, it can also spell your defeat."

He then let his brother take charge.

"Now," George said "this is the end of the first tournament, but also the beginning of another, bigger tournament." The audience went wild, meaning that they truly love the game. "This one is longer, a tournament based on points, where every person has ten points and by winning you get one point of your opponent and the 50 people with most points by the time the winter vacation is over get into a special tournament, with the last four to survive it would each get a founder card, with first place getting the hogwarts field magic," again the crowd went wild, proving their idea that people in this school are way too obsessed with houses and founders.

"Now, if your points are finished, yet you want more chances to play, you can, just play for fun, or, if you want to get points, you can bet a card you own versus a point of your opponent, just go to a teacher so no one would say the other one cheated.

Lastly, I think I said a mistake, while the cards are a gift for the students, the disks in which you play them are something that by the end of the year would need to be returned to us, as we will maintain them and make sure next year it would go to the students again.

Thank you, and I hope you would win!" As George said his last line, Fred saw Luna casting the charm and instantly on every disk's center the number 10 showed up, announcing the start of the second tournament and the start of people rushing to buy cards to improve their decks, for a bigger chance to win, 'this is gonna be a long day....'