Chapter 113 - 113- Nothing went right

Name:Harry Potter But AU??? Author:DAFR
Ron's POV

Nothing was coming right for him since the beginning of the school's year.

It started out out great.

His summer vacation in Egypt was terrific, for the first time on his life he was in another country, for the first time in his life he didn't feel poor, hell, he even got a new wand, and those things are expensive.

He thought his life was changing, it felt they did, like for once he was the main character in the story, instead of just the sidekick.

And then Sirius Black escaped Azkaban.

Suddenly, his pet rat was sick, an escaped Death Eater was on the loose after his best mate, who not only had both parents at school to protect him, but also his uncle.

And it's not that he hoped Marcus would get hurt, but after two years where Hermione was the smart friend, who was always studying, Neville the knowledgeable friend, who had years of preparation to be the heir of a noble, pure-blood family, and Marcus the hero who was the center of attention, the youngest seeker in the last century, and the one who saved the school not once, but twice, he really hoped to be more than the comical relief.

It was why, when his brothers made the new game, he finally thought that would be his chance, get the best cards, become the best, be famous as more than just Marcus' best friend.

But apparently his twin older brothers cares more about money than their family, even if their brother was almost murdered!

Well, at least they are staying at school while he is going home for Christmas.

Nothing went right this year.

Neville's POV

Nothing was coming right for him since the beginning of the school's year.

First were the Dementors on the train station and first quidditch game.

Those foul creatures, while making everybody miserable, had worse affects on him, no, not Marcus' bad, but getting close.

And then was the the bogart fiasco, having his parents lookalikes telling him that what he always knew, what his gran always told him, that he wasn't good enough to be their son, was bad enough, being told that in front the entire class? Even worse.

Yet even this wasn't the worst, no, that reserved for what happened next, finding out his first true friend, before Marcus and Ron were considered one, before even Hermione was considered one, the one he stoped being friends with, who he and Hermione abandoned because he belittle them, was actually the one who tried to help the most, who, instead of just give unhelpful comfort, who just agreed with them, argued and fight for their benefit.

He stayed friends with them even when he went to Slytherin.

He stayed friends with them even as everyone else called them the squib and know it all.

He even stayed friends with them as they were so prideful for their win against the troll, which, as they studied about the trolls this year, he knew was just a lucky win.

He bought him a seven galleon worth gift for Christmas, something he didn't even got from his gran, for the sole reason that he thought he needs it.

And they bloody blew it.

He truly didn't know how to fix it, and Hermione wasn't any help, convinced he's evil, just because he is Slytherin, it was the first time he noticed that the Gryffindors, especially his friends treat Slytherin house same way blood-supremacists were treating muggle-born, but not the last.

He was really glad Christmas was around the corner, as he really needed advice from his gran.

Nothing went right this year.

Hermione's POV

Nothing was coming right for her since the beginning of the school's year.

Even if you forget about the Dementors and the fact a Death Eater was alter her friend nothing went right.

Even summer vacation went wrong, with her not telling her parents why she didn't write for the last months of second year so they won't pull her away from school, they were angry with her, making the entire vacation to France awkward and filled with shouting, one where in the end they told her they want to pull her out of school, where in the end she had to tell them that if she didn't complete her education at Hogwarts the government would mess with all of their memories, something only half a lie as she could study somewhere else.

Going back to school was a lot better, though not getting the time turner sucked, especially as the only reason for refusing was that they don't feel she's mature enough and that they can trust her after the polyjuice disaster. Her? Not mature enough? Not trust worthy? If not her then who? She was more mature then them the entire class! And she was sure that the only reason she didn't get her time turner was Professor Snape!

And if that wasn't bad enough, her best friend wanted to go and be friends again with that traitorous Slytherin!

If she didn't promise her parents to go back home for Christmas, then she would stay and make him stay just to have more time to beat sense to him.

Nothing went right this year.

Harry's POV

Everything went great this year!

Got his time turner, Gai the AI, Luna and the twins.

Got to his goal in physics, blacksmithing, transfiguration, made partner in a future successful business, and created the first sellable product, which also dubs as a power source for our current and future factory.

He even finished the second book in his books, which he keeps changing their names, right now it's - "beating commonsense to senseless wizards and witches vol 1 and 2"

And in two days he would show his current results in his DNA studies, and know which direction to go to for the cure.

Christmas is coming, and with it, joy