Chapter 141 - 141- evil master plan

Name:Harry Potter But AU??? Author:DAFR

The DADA class in which Occlumency showed its advantage has already passed for both the twins and Harry, with the twins feeling relief that their friends managed to defend against the imperious and that they can go back to pranking, card creations and playing music, and Harry passing it with indifference, resisting the commends while doing as they asked to make sure no one knew he can resist, no one but Daphne, who taught him about the subject, yet considering most of the Slytherins didn't resist, Daphne included, no one call him out on it.

And as everyone around him threw themselves on their school work, Harry too threw himself into study, even as he got stuck into blocks in every single one of them.

He finished the entire seventh year's work in transfigurations, as once he combined belief it became extremely simple.

He thought to continue to masters, yet was disappointed to find out that to be called a master in transfigurations you need to be able to change objects without a specific spell, something he does since first year and do wand point transfigurations- doing the spells without using wand movements, and he does it without a wand.

In charms he is stuck, as he doesn't seem to have any detailed explanations about the Fidelius charm, how it works, and its history in any of the books Harry read, so he now works slowly about unraveling it using arithmancy but it takes time.

In runes Harry hit 27, but with GAI creating the actual Runes, and the students deliver pure energy with the game, all he needed to do is pour his belief everyday and control the magical energy output as it comes into the runes, which while does help him better his control, as it's not only a magical energy that doesn't belong to him, it is also something people poured with excitement, making it harder to control, it's something that takes time and didn't need studying.

The only magical subject that seem to continue grow was blacksmithing, in which the trip to the east helped much more then expected.

With him already knowing how to forge and have time now that everything else seem to be on pause, Harry started changing the ROR into a smithing room and bring metals in to create objects.

Surprisingly, the goblins techniques about pouring intent and magic into the object as you create it, works extremely well with a less used magical weapons technique in the east, something that muggles actually use better then most of the eastern magical people - katana creation.

You see, while the muggles use the method of folding the metal as a way to strengthen the brittle iron their land has been plugged with, the magical people use this method as a way to pour negative emotions and magic into the sword, making it usually a demonic sword.

Harry on the other hands had a different use for the technique, instead of using brittle iron he used magical metals, instead of using negative emotions he used intent as the goblins taught him.

The technique, which is based on layering the metal tens of thousands of times, make it possible for it to have many different intents in a product, and while he can't do it vary well right now, he managed to create products with two intents for now.

While every Saturday and Sunday he kept learning at Gringotts, having Ragnok explain his mistakes and becoming better and better, during the week he started making bracelets for the duel disks that do the same as the sword of Gryffindor does though on a much smaller scale, the sword's ability is sucking and releasing, the sword suck in everything it thinks can have positive affects on it and it's owner, including, after (according to the goblins) Godric messed with it, people's bravery and courage, so everybody who holds it becomes as brave as all the things and people the sword killed, his invention on the other hand, make it so it sucks a little bit more magic then the duel disks would have sucked without it, and release small doses of the cheering charm every time someone use it, making them, little by little depended on the game, making it possible for Harry to always have extra magical energy.

And by using the layering method he put on top of it an unbreakable charm, so if someone check what magical ability it has they would find only the unbreakable charm.

Yes, it is probably evil, but not more then the nicotine companies are, well maybe a little bit more...


Remus knew he had to perform well in this assignment his lord gave him.

No matter how many times the lord told Remus to call him boss, he couldn't.

How could he? With his family waiting for this moment hundreds of years, training each and everyone of their children for their entire life to serve the lord?

No, while he called him boss on the out side, on his heart he will always be his lord.

Not to mention that after studying his body for less then a month his lord told him he has thought of a way to cure lycanthropy!

He couldn't help but think about his dad's bed time stories, about the lord being the most noble, the smartest, and the kindest god, one who can do anything he sets to do.

And the lord needs his help!

He needs all the books he can find, especially ones on memory charms and curses, and while Remus didn't have any special ones, he knew who had, his 'friends' James and Lily Potter.

Oh, how he can't stand them, they abandoned his lord! But he need to be nice, the lord need him to be his spy in the order.

Walking on to the house Remus knocked the door, only for it to be opened by someone he really hoped not seeing.

"Hey Sirius."

"Moony! How are you?"

"I'm fine you know, in between jobs and houses right now, had one in China, but they found out about my furry little problem and... anyway how are you?"

"I'm much better, Prongs helped buy me some health potions, but to be truthful, I really want to go out, I feel like I'm losing my mind, again." Sirius laughed at his joke.

"Very funny," Remus said dryly. "but why don't you go out?"

"Prongs, Lily and Dumbledore said it was too risky, said that the Dementors are still after me, that if I live at their home I should listen to their rules." The dog animagus gambled.

A plan started forming in his mind, one that would let him reach his lord's goals quicker.

"And you listened to them?"

"What can I do? I have nowhere to go to."

"Well Padfoot, can you keep a secret?" The look of 'don't you know me?' Made Remus explain.

"No, I mean from everyone, even James."

The indecision was written everywhere on Sirius' face.

"Sure, a marauder's oath."

"I found someone that can cure me." The eyes of the escaped convict went out of their pockets.

"Really? So why aren't you cured?"

"Well, as the procedure is unique, not to mention incomplete, he needs special books books and artifacts as a way to help him complete it. It was why I came here, to see if there is any book that would be useful, but now that I heard your plight, would you join me on my journey?"

"Me? But I can't leave the house!"

"You can't leave the house? Aren't you a wizard? Change your looks! We will mostly be in the muggle world, where Dementors are forbidden from coming to."

Excitement could be felt gashing out from Sirius.

"Would there be adventure? Would there be chicks?"

"After finishing raising the Potter library and maybe the blacks, I was planning to sneak into every magical house in Britain, and after that, France. So yes, there would be all of the above."

"What are we waiting for? Let's do it! The two of us, bachelors ready to storm the world, you go to the library, I will organize my stuff!"

As Sirius ran inside leaving the door open, Remus couldn't help but smile, this was as easy as taking a candy to a baby.