Chapter 154 - 154- the second task

Name:Harry Potter But AU??? Author:DAFR

The day of the second task has arrived, and as he knew it would, his hostage was Luna.

Eating quick breakfast, Harry went toward the lake, where the seats that used to be where the first task happened now were, picking a small rock as he went.

As it seem he is one of the first to arrive, he sat on one of the chairs and listen to GAI read him medical books as he thought about Parseltongue, and Harry's ability with it.

He used to think he had the ability to talk with snakes because of the soul piece in him, and that once he extracted it he would lose it.

It was because of this that he led Dobby anywhere in the chamber of secrets, even the inheritance of Anastasia, so he would still be able to come in after it was over.

But, even after the soul piece was extracted, he could still talk to snakes.

What did it mean? Could it be he truly is Slytherin's descendent?

Yet, he didn't Really care who was his ancestor, what he did care about was whether or not Marcus had a soul piece in him.

Up until now he thought both of them had it, but if Marcus didn't have it, why did Dumbledore decided him to be the boy who lived?

"Excuse me?" A condescending voice woke him up from his thoughts. "You are sitting in one of the judges' spots." Looking up, he saw Percy Weasley.

"Oh, I'm sorry, but" Harry said and looked around, "I don't see any of the judges."

"Mr. Crouch is sick and I'm taking his spot." He raised he nose higher, as if it will stick better inside his boss' ass.

"Well... tell him we hope he feels better soon." Harry said politely.

"I will. Now, get up and go to the contesters' launching point.

Harry quickly went there, where he saw two of the other champions.

"Hey Harry, how are you?" Victor said while smiling.

"I'm fine, but is Fleur?"

"Oh Harry, they used my little sister as a hostage," Fleur said in panic "she might die!"

"Fleur," Victor said calmly. "Calm down, she won't die, they won't let it happen."

"Well," Harry said "if you are nervous, I do have a way to quickly reach them and finish the task."

"Really?" Fleur asked, eyes full of hope.

"I have to admit, I myself am intrigued."

"I know where the mermaid village is, and have a quick way to reach it, and best of all, it is taking a page out of our additional champion."

Understanding shined in their eyes.

Just wait until Potter is in the lake before doing anything.

A few minutes later Marcus reached the lake.

"Well, all our champions are ready for the second task, which will start on my whistle." Bagman said with a Sonorus on his voice "They have precisely an hour to recover what has been taken from them. On the count of three, then. One . . . two . . . three!"

Marcus stuffed something into his mouth and jumped toward the lake before Harry winked and the three of them together summoned a broom.

The three brooms reached the lake almost the same time, with the other two waiting for Harry's to come.

Harry activated the tracking he placed inside the leg bracelet and led the other two to the middle of the lake as Bagman talked about what was happening.

Reaching where twenty meters below was the mermaid village, Harry said "use your spells to breath underwater and go down." Before taking the rock he picked earlier, enlarging it, casting the Bubble-Head Charm, a warming charm, a shield charm and jumping toward the lake.

The Bubble-Head Charm is one of the most unique charms Harry had the pleasure to study.

It doesn't just create a bubble of air around your head, as that would only be working until the oxygen in the bubble run out.

No, the bubble has the unique ability to filter all the things around it and let only oxygen in.

Which is why it only works in places oxygen is, but so does every other magic that let you breath underwater.

Letting the rock drag him down to the place Luna is.

It took Harry three minutes to reach her.

Quickly cutting the ropes, Harry held her as he watched the two champions who became semi-friends with him reach each of their hostages, happy to see Victor looking at Granger with the best sneer one can do with a fish head, before he created a stream of air from each of his legs, throwing himself and Luna toward the outside world.

Reaching the outside world, Harry caught his broom as Luna woke up, before flying them toward the lakeside.


Looking at his date for the Yule Ball, Victor sneered.

He couldn't believe the judges thought she will be what he miss the most, though it could be his headmaster said it.

Looking down on his watch, he saw only 4 minutes have passed since the start of the competition and couldn't help but wonder if the next competition would be harder, and will Harry win it as quick as he managed to pass the first two.

Did he feel guilty about following Harry's method?

No, not at all.

First of all, they are friends, plus Harry is the one that told them about it.

And secondly, it is a known method of seekers to follow the opponent to catch the snitch.

Victor actually didn't care if he wins anymore, he got what he wanted by coming to this competition, people that looks at him as his own person and not just a quidditch star.

Looking at Fleur with her younger sister and back to his hostage, a sigh escape his fish face.

Well luckily it wasn't his younger sister that they used as a hostage, as they did use Fleur's, so he guess things could be worse, but he did hope no one make this into a love story.


'There is a Veela saying.' Fleur thought as she cut the ropes around Gabriel.

'Never touch my younger sister!'

Well maybe it is more of a Fleur saying, so what? It is still true.

She didn't know who was the 'absolute genius' that thought 'let's take them dates and friends for the other contestants, but for Fleur? Her younger sister', but he better hide.

'Luckily, Harry helped me.' She thought, her cheeks turning slightly red.

It was different from last task.

Last task they were exchanging ideas and his was the best one of them.

This time, he didn't talk to them at all beforehand.

It was only when Fleur was panicked that he decided to help, maybe costing him the win.

Sure he said he doesn't care about winning, but if he didn't want the fame he wouldn't have joined.

Taking her little sister, she saw Harry giving both Victor and her a look before shooting out of the water.

She wasn't sure how can he use basic spells to win, but it did turn her on.