Chapter 177 - 177- colors and ritual

Name:Harry Potter But AU??? Author:DAFR
(AN: a lot of people wrote they don't like how Harry feels shame, and how he seems to be Luna's bitch, I get it.

But you seem to misunderstand something.

Harry doesn't feel regret about his actions until now, he only regrets how it affects or will his friends.

As he said, he won't stop, not for anything.

As for people say she nags him, seriously? What he did was a jerk move, especially after the fight, she is human, you can't expect her to be ok with it, so just don't consider her only a Yes man, please.

Now, as for thinking the world around him isn't real, if you remember what his greatest fear is, you would know that it is his life is just a story.

Sure, the multiverse theory could be real, but as he has in his mind other stories like that, he can't know he isn't one of them.

And he made peace with it.)

Now to the story


She could see the shame in the aura, hell, it was so intense browny she could almost smell the poop.

The intensity was amazing, in fact, every emotion she saw in Harry's was amazing.

While Harry didn't let his feelings control his actions, since the fight with the twins he stoped pushing them down, which let her after three years to truly see his emotions.

She wasn't sure why, maybe because he kept suppressing them, maybe because he doesn't have emotional animals around his head, but each emotion he shows, instead of being added to the other emotions a person has, is taking all of the space of his aura and is always breath taking.

His blue sadness seemed as blue as an ocean, his red anger seemed like red lightning, his black hatred was light sucking black, and now, his brown guilt seem like poop.

She might have fallen in love with the semi-emotionless Harry, a state he usually in, but she couldn't help but find his emotions beautiful, though she wished she knew what is that unclear color he always seem to have on the edge of his aura when he talks to her.

"I see you understand how it affects other people, so let's leave it for now, what about Marcus' memory?"

"You know how Marcus kept telling Voldemort is back?" Luna nodded. "I changed his memory to make him think he managed to escape on his own." The brown guilt was replaced with greenish yellow joy, meaning it is about his plan for revenge.

"So he is back?" Luna asked just to be sure.

"A war is coming, that's for sure." He answered seriously.

"And you changed Marcus memory to... ensure he is confident in his fight against Voldemort?"

"No, I did it to bring the Potters down as far as possible." The question on Luna's face might have been obvious, cause Harry elaborated.

"To not cause panic, the ministry is most likely to try to deny the story, and their way of doing so is most likely to be by spreading rumors about Marcus and his parents being liars and pass manny rules to suppress them, and when they are at lowest point, when they finally do something illegal, I will make sure they won't get out this time, prison would be their place of living, and justices will be served." Luna couldn't help but smile when she saw the hopeful purple in Harry's aura.

"Now," Harry said and the room changed to heir study room. "I have something I worked on for a while, he said and with a wave of his hand brought out a hologram of a ritual she didn't recognize yet seem familiar.

"This one here, is a modified animagus ritual and if it works right should be able to change an animal into a human being." Luna had to raise her brow suspiciously about that, even if the ritual works as intended, the animals have to be able to understand human anatomy to be able to change, and even then, the human body usually contain something other then just its parts, it also has a soul, even is an animal change into human body, what would it gain from it? The instincts of a human? Two opposite thumbs?

Hell, even if everything worked she still didn't believe it would, the animagus ritual is about finding your inner animal, and she couldn't think of an animal's spirit animal being human

Harry didn't let her much time to consider it as he continued.

"I don't plan on using it on animals, though it would be interesting to see a man-eating spider from the forest become its food which are most likely to change into human considering their mind and character.

No, I plan on using it on the 'blood malediction' patients as a possible cure."

Luna's eyes opened wild at that, the problem with the illness is that it comes from your DNA, where instead of having one of a full animagus or only human, you have the DNA of half animagus, only able to change into the animal, and having to use your magic and will to change back into human.

If this thing works, then their disposition as an animal will still be the main body, but instead of using their magic to resist changing into an animal all the time, they would just have a human animagus form.

The next few hours were spent looking at the ritual closely, trying to see in her mind what affects would there be on the one who does it.

The ritual seemed to be modified it two ways.

1) instead of working like the first ritual, where it seems to connect you to the animal closest to you spiritually, this ritual gives you a few options in a vision like state, and you get to choose.

2) it seems to work based on the magic of both the person who is having the ritual done to (like in the original) and man who does the ritual from outside, so the person outside can guide you in your journey.

After hours of looking, she couldn't find one thing wrong about the ritual spiritually, but she did find physical ones.

"I have three questions about the ritual." She called, making the man who seemed to listen to another book look at her.

"It doesn't seem to fix the genetical problem of the future children, why?"

"Well, it does and doesn't at the same time. You see, when the patient goes through the ritual, his or her's descendants will gain animagus form of them, making them able to change from a human to a human, making it almost useless."


"Well, yes. I have done some changes to make them as healthy as possible."

"Yes, that is actually the second thing that I wanted to talk to you about, what is the additional circulatory system that is written in the ritual to be added to the animagus form?"

"Well, it is hard to explain to someone who hasn't learned eastern magic, but basically it is added to their body by special practices to make the magic flow faster, more controlled, and safer without adding pressure to the blood vessels as magic regularly flow through the blood."

"I would like to see those books if I may?"

His smile whenever talking about learning was identical to her own.

"Of course, but before, what is the final question?"

"When are we doing it?"