Chapter 182 - 182-family

Name:Harry Potter But AU??? Author:DAFR

Apparently the twins were right and their mother really does have them ultimatum, which meant that he has roommates for the next two months, not that he cared too much about it, especially with him taking a vacation for the next week.

"Dobby will clean, cook and make sure you have everything you need for, so you can just focus on finding the right place to set up our shop in Diagon alley and set up the store." He said to them as he took his two bags with him, one with the giant spiders in and the other with all the things he might need.

"Yes mom, we know." George said with an eye roll.

"Besides, we already have a spot we want to buy, now we only need to close the deal and get the place ready for business." Fred added with a grin.

"Well, if you need me just activate the earring and I will be back in a second."

"Have some fun Harry, you really need it!"

"Thanks." He said before leaving to the airport, about to begin his magic-free vacation.


(Still Harry's POV)

A week was more then enough to rest, in fact, even if he ever planned to stay more he wouldn't, he was bored.

Resting just wasn't for him, his mind was constantly drifting to his projects.

He tried water sports, but jet sky just isn't as fun as broom riding.

He tried adventure parks, but couldn't stand the lines.

He even went to a circus, but when you saw basilisks, dragons and have more then 300 sleeping giant spiders in your bag, it just isn't that interesting to see a man put his head inside a lion.

Yes, Harry was addicted to the magical world.

Which is why he was happy to come back and meet his friends, who managed to secure a location on the alley.

"We know it's small," Fred said "but as it is only a place to sell out dueling products, we don't really need much room, and when we finish school and make movies part of the magical world we can get another, bigger space."

"What are you talking about?" Harry asked "Can't We just use expansion rune scam to make the place bigger?"

"No." George said, shaking his head "the entire Alley is built on expansion rune scam so we can't expand the shop."

A thoughtful look appeared on Harry's face when he heard that.

"But there is no problem for expended bags and tents to be sold here?"

"We asked the same time when we were told about that, it is just that the space in Diagon alley is expended to the maximum, and trying to expand it more will make it unstable, there is no real problem in putting something expended into something expended."

Harry knew about expended bags being one inside escorted to be no problem already, considering that people slept in expended tents with their bags in side and put the tents inside the bags.

The reason he asked is because he wasn't sure if the ministry had real reason to forbid it or only did it because of ignorance.

The only real problem is that an expansion bag needs a steady supply of magic when it has stuff inside, therefore not recommended to have it inside of another, as it means the magic flow from their owner stops, which, of course, would have raised the question where do they get the magic to keep Diagon Alley like that all the time if he didn't already had the answer from Hogwarts, they get it from the residue of spells cast inside of it, making him not the first that thought of the magical population as a battery, only the first to make it in such a big scale.

"We might have a way around it," Harry said, and with one look at their expecting expressions he explained.

"We just need to create a door like box that is expended to contain our entire shop." He said with a shrug, that was answered by two maniacal grins.

"We can make a new alley," George said "full of different shops and places of our own."

"We can make a place young children can duel, turbo duel, or even play quidditch." Fred added with eyes shining.

"Not to mention that we can hire all the muggleborns who find it hard to get a job." Harry reminded them.

The twins looked at each other before rushing forward and hugging him, confusing Harry.

"You know, Harry," Fred said "Since coming to Hogwarts we heard a lot of people from Gryffindor talk about the injustice Slytherin does to muggleborns."

"We heard many in Hufflepuff cry over the unfairness of the connections those in Slytherin has that make them get better jobs." George continued.

"Even people in Ravenclaws told us how the way Slytherin graduates rule the country is terrible and would destroy us."

"3/4 of the school, no, the country, cry over the injustice the rest cause, and while there are rich purebloods inside the minority, there are also the same in the majority."

"They all cry and complain about injustice, but there are still muggleborns without jobs, still only those with connections can advance to better jobs while those with ability stay behind."

"It was one of the reasons we wanted to open a shop in Britain instead of moving out of it like so many including our brothers does, to show people that even as blood traitors, even without money or connections, with courage, hard work and magic, you can't be stopped."

"And then you came."

"A fourteen years old boy who by working harder then anyone else, and also being incredibly smart, managed to come with an idea to give so many people hope without them knowing you even exist."

Their speech was really pretty and would have made Harry emotional if not for the fact the idea wasn't altruistic, it was to make their place the one where everyone goes to, thus making money and spare magic grow in size.

Instead, the speech made him really embarrassed.

"It isn't like that, I'm not the altruistic visionary person you make me sound like."

"We know that," George said "But actions are more important then words and thoughts."

"Dumbledore is someone who keep talking about loving everyone and helping those in need, but does nothing." Fred said "You might have selfish reasons, but actually helps."

Hearing that, his embarrassment grew while at the same time he felt a fuzzy feeling he hasn't felt in a long time, not since his parents died, something that is different yet similar to the feelings he has toward Luna, it was the feelings of family.