Chapter 195 - 195- progress and a new song

Name:Harry Potter But AU??? Author:DAFR

It's interesting to see how messing with someone's mind affect their behavior.

Even with the changes Harry put in Umbridge's mind, making her a competent teacher, and someone who doesn't bring political opinions into the classroom, it didn't change anything outside of it.

In fact, the same evening, when Marcus got to Detention, she was waiting for him with the blood quill, yet there were changes when she had him write 'I shall know my betters' instead of 'I shall tell no lies'.

Of course, the second Marcus left the room Harry made sure by confuding the woman that she won't use it on any other student, but it was interesting to see how the quill was enchanted with not only the cutting properties but also with making the person who use it unwilling to tell anyone about it.

If that wasn't enough, the next week a new law came out making the DADA Professor the 'High Inquisitor at Hogwarts', something he actually has been waiting for since his first year, and the very day the law came out Harry made sure to direct her to the people that needed to be changed the most- Binns, Lily Potter and Trelawney.

And the next month was spent with Umbridge in various classes.

Meanwhile that happened, Harry was busy on his own.

The first thing that kept Harry occupied was Nagini's constant need to be close, something that seem to calm and energize him.

It was only when Luna told him how his and Nagini's auras seem to combine sometimes that he understood the affect of the familiar bond seem to go both ways, making both of them desire the other person's company.

It should have bothered him.

The way magic seem to affect his mind.

But he could feel the changes it had on him were positive.

It not only had him think clearer, a little bit like when he had the Occlumency suppressing his emotions but instead of suppressing them he just had an outlet for them, it had also let him connect better to the spiritual realm, strengthening the spiritual side of his magic.

It didn't grew his magical energies, but just like studying, it lowered the requirements of needed magical energy to preform magic and improved his ability in blacksmithing, making him only a step away from the third stage.

It was for that reasons, that instead of trying to learn of a way to untangle his magic from Nagini's mind, Harry decided to focus more on other things, and he had many projects to work on.

His work on the Fidelius charm finally reached a point where Harry needed to start working on creating a space that repels the world's spiritual realm, something that was difficult, but he started making ways by using Occlumency as blueprint for the product.

With his knowledge of four ways of Occlumency, it took him a while to decide which he should use, but in the end he chose the Greangrass', as it was the only one that combined spiritual and physical magic.

The thing is, only Occlumency filled object wasn't enough, if it was He would have finished it already.

He also needed the object to be able to expand and most importantly, contain the meaning of the Fidelius charm.

The main problem with using those three together was was that the expansion magic seemed to interfere with the object's ability to keep the Occlumency shield up.

Another thing he did was opening a few self-sustained magical gardens in wonder alley to create his own supplies for the future potions store.

And, of course, he also practiced music with his friends, and tonight will be the performance.

"Hello everyone!" Tom said in the middle of dinner.

"I hope you missed us, cause we missed you all!" The applause was deafening.

"What a crazy year have we had! The tournament, the apparent return of the dark lord, the realization the headmaster is a lunatic, wonder alley, CADs, and of course, Umbridge.

I'm sure not only I am confused by all of this, which is why, our band decided to use this year's songs to explain things to you- and this year's first song will be to explain, if the headmaster is correct and way is upon us, who is the dark lord, who is the headmaster, and who are the Death Eaters, we hope you enjoy." With a bow, the music began.


Voldemort is here

My daddy told me when I was younger,

"You are just a big mistake."

He left me stranded in an orphanage

To hurt my friends and talk to snakes

(Taking his nose off, eyes red, and his skin becomes white he continue to sing)

There's nothing wrong with loving who you are

So I accepted evil in my veins

I split my soul up into seven parts

To put the mudbloods all in chains

You'd better kneel down and pray

'Cause Voldy's seizing the day

I've made a comeback, baby, and I'm born to slay

All of you muggles are swine

I've got no nose but I'm fine

I am the dark lord, baby, and I'm born to slay

Welcome to the darker day

Neville, Ron, Hermione

Marcus I was born to slay

I will make that Potter pay

Voldemort is here to stay

I am the dark lord baby and I'm born to slay

Then the singer changed to Bella with Tom in his Voldemort form taking the drums as the music changes


I started as a black and married to Lastrange

In Slytherin, i was sorted, everybody called me strange

But now I'm running Death eaters 'cause I'm monstrous

I curse all the good guys asking

"Why so serious?"

Can't read my, can't read my

No they can't read my troubled mind

'Cause I'm a psychopathic killer

Can't read my, can't read my

No they can't read my troubled mind

I will even kill my own husband

Bella taking Severus's spot and he start singing as once more the music changes.


Lily evens and Patunia, I'm wearing black robes

I'm wearing black robes

My name is Snape and I'll spy on you all,

I'm a teach and I wear black robes

I am the potion master and I'll never be loved

I'm his spy and I wear black robes

Lily Evens

I'm wearing black robes


Once more the music changes as Lucius start singing


The muggle hunter's here

Yeah, I'm smelling the fear

Some may call me cruel but it was taught it in this school

So I curse shut every single muggle throughout Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="/book/harry-potter-but-au_16512137105212805/chapter-195--progress-and-a-new-song_50970500058376438">/book/harry-potter-but-au_16512137105212805/chapter-195--progress-and-a-new-song_50970500058376438</a> for visiting.

Britain and beyond

Now I'm not a real bad man

You're dead unless you don't annoy me

'Cause I'm a, I'm a Malfoy

Now I'm a master mind, I won't stop until those muggles have died

I'm the dark lord's man

I killed a girl named Anne

Can't stop me

'Cause I'm a, I'm a Malfoy.

The music changes again as Lucius disappear and in his place Dumbledore appears.



I got a thing for forgiving guys

I'm too distracted by their cries

I could have prevented war but I'm sticking to the plan

I'm staying light and looking good

'Cause I got big plans, gonna be okay

Big big plan plans

Got big plans don't get in my way

I got big plans

Got big plans I'll blow you away

Big big plan plans

Got big plans

Got-got-got some plans


This is the our Villain Medley

Harry saw that since the beginning of the song the headmaster was trying to prevent it from happening but he couldn't as Harry made sure the power GAI sent into the illusions was way stronger then the headmaster.

He kind of felt bad for Snape, but he had to admit, this entire thing was one of their best songs.