Chapter 65

Name:He's Super Sticky Author:Ying Zhi
This is the anti-theft seal. They all opened their eyes in shock. They couldn't believe that two young masters of two of the four families were together.

This is amazing news!!!

Tan Yiran sighed that his two friends were too high-profile.

But he was not worried. These people did not dare to spread it outside.

Bai Chen didn't care about those people's eyes. He looked at duanqin with some anxiety.

I wonder if ah Qin will be angry?

Do you think he is too overbearing and unreasonable?

But he just didn't want his ah Qin to be taken advantage of by Xuan Lingling.

Even if he looked at Xuan Lingling and said a word to her, he didn't want to.

Ah Qin is his.


Bai Chen's eyes flashed a dark light. Xuan Lingling had a plan to attract Duan Qin's attention this time. Just when he left the private room, the system detected that Xuan Lingling was waiting for them at the corner they had to pass.

Duan Qin, who was ordered by Bai Chen to close his eyes and don't talk, not only didn't have Bai Chen's worried anger, but because of Bai Chen's possessiveness, he had a taste of sweet honey in his heart.

But at the thought that xuanlingling's half covered body was seen by Bai Chen, Duan Qin's heart couldn't stop being angry and wanted to let xuanlingling disappear immediately.

Just now, when Xuan Lingling flew the basin to scare Bai Chen, Duan Qin wanted the manager to deal with Xuan Lingling, but now Bai Chen did it.

Duan Qin was so angry that she had better not appear in front of his baby in the future, otherwise

Duan Qin opened his eyes. When he touched Bai Chen, his cold eyes immediately gave birth to infinite tenderness. He looked at Bai Chen and noticed that Bai Chen was nervous and stubborn at the bottom of his eyes. He read Bai Chen's mind for a moment and felt some pain in his heart.

He leaned over and printed his lips on Bai Chen's eyes and whispered to Bai Chen, "baby, I'm happy."

I'm glad his baby is so possessive of him.

Because he has such a mind.

Bai Chen's mood at the bottom of his eyes dissipated in an instant. He bent his eyebrows and gave Duan Qin a sweet smile, "ah Qin, you will spoil me like this."

He can't help going too far.

Duan Qin seemed to have a smile on his frozen face all year round, "baby, this is my goal."

When I met him, he had only black and white for many years, and countless colorful flowers bloomed in his life.

He is willing to pour all his tenderness, all his sweet words and all his love into his baby.

Thousands of love only for him.


This time, not only the onlookers, but also Tan Yiran and Zheng Xuanhao couldn't help staring.

Since they grew up together, they have never seen any change in Duan Qin's iceberg face, and now he smiles.

The two were shocked and happy for their friends.

Duan Qin held Bai Chen and touched Bai Chen's head with his broad palm. His cold eyes swept around.

Suddenly, the onlookers turned their heads trembling.

Duan Qin took back his sight and led Bai Chen out of the restaurant.


Xuanling, who was expelled from the restaurant and from the food street, hurriedly returned to the dormitory.

She thought about the scene when she was dragged out of the restaurant and food street. She was angry and waved all the books on her desk to the ground.

Xuan Lingling heaved his chest, his eyes twinkled with a cruel look, stared at a point in the void, and said, "Yan Yan"

For more than half a semester, Xuan Lingling has been trying to attract Duan Qin's attention. However, Duan Qin's oil and salt did not enter. No matter how bright she was in school or how prominent she was around him, Duan Qin still didn't notice her. Let alone a word, even a look, Duan Qin didn't throw a penny at her.

Xueba renshe, Gao Leng's imperial sister, deliberately fell in front of Duan Qin, and acted bravely around Duan Qin. After a few days of silence, Xuan Lingling decided to take the wrong edge of the sword and adopt today's method.

Sure enough, Duan Qin put his eyes on her and said a word to her, but all this was destroyed by Yan Yan.

Thinking of this, Xuan Lingling kicked the next chair to the ground and made a loud "clang" sound.

She gasped, fell on the bed and murmured, "there's still a chance."


Bai Chen sat cross legged on the bed.

The original owner, Duan Qin, Zheng Xuanhao and Tan Yiran are not only young masters of the four families, but also friends of the same age who grew up together. When they entered school, the four of them made an appointment to live together.

Washington noble school is built in a small town near Z Guojing City, covering an area of 10000 mu. It not only has the best teaching conditions in the country, but also has the only accommodation for students in the country. It has not only Residential Suites, but also villas.

The original owner and the four of them occupied a small villa in the villa area.

At this time, Zheng Xuanhao took Tan Yiran to the game room to play games, while Duan Qin watched the video with Duan's master in his study.

Every night, Duan's family will take time to test Duan Qin's learning, or hand over the company documents to Duan Qin to cultivate Duan Qin's ability to deal with affairs.

Bai Chen knows he shouldn't disturb Duan Qin at this time even if he sticks to Duan Qin again.

After parting with Duan Qin, Bai Chen returned to the room and asked the system to monitor Xuan Lingling.

He is very concerned about Xuan Lingling.

After more than 20 years of cultivation in the last world, it is no longer difficult for the system to broadcast pictures, and there is no longer a distance limit due to lack of energy.

Bai Chen looked at Xuan Lingling in the picture and his eyes flashed:


Bai Chen:

Bai Chen turned off the video and took a bath in the bathroom.

Soon after, he came out of the bathroom with bare feet, loose pajamas and dripping water on the ends of his hair.


Bai Chen answered lazily, but he didn't move, but rolled over and rolled on the bed.

He grabbed the quilt, lay on the bed and was quiet for a long time:

After a short time apart from Duan Qin, Bai Chen couldn't stop missing Duan Qin. He wanted to see Duan Qin and be held in his arms.

In the last world, he was really spoiled by Qi Xiao. No matter where Qi Xiao went or what he was doing, he brought him to his side, so that he didn't see Duan Qin in less than an hour. He was wronged because of missing.

Chin, chin.

The system broadcasts the picture of Qin in the middle of the study to Bai Chen.

Bai Chen lies on the bed, his eyes brighten, and immediately sits up from the bed.

He subconsciously wanted to reach out and touch Duan Qin, but his fingers passed through the picture in the video and touched a piece of cold air.

Bai Chen pouts his mouth, droops his eyebrows and eyes, and is listless.

The system is a little distressed:

Bai Chen's eyes brightened and then dimmed:

System coax:

Bai Chen sat cross legged on the bed and thought about it. Finally, he made up his mind according to his inner desire.

He got out of bed and opened the door.

Outside the door, a tall and handsome figure came into view.

Bai Chen's eyes suddenly lit up thousands of stars. He jumped up, climbed on the person, wrapped his legs around each other's waist, buried his head in the person's neck nest, breathed greedily, which made him infatuated with the reassuring breath, and called sweetly: "ah Qin."

Qi Xiao's determined tone instantly reassured Bai Chen.

Because of the task, Bai Chen can only ask Qi Xiao to take him home under the urging of the system. Therefore, he almost sticks to Qi Xiao all morning and has to hold Qi Xiao everywhere.

Ji Wenxuan, who rushed to the villa early in the morning to see his future sister-in-law, almost lost his teeth when he ate dog food.

When sending Bai Chen back, Ji Wenxuan resolutely abandoned his car, bravely ignored his cousin's cold face, brazenly squeezed into the co driver's seat, and then quietly became a wooden man.

On the back seat, Bai Chen sat on Qi Xiao's leg. He curled up in Qi Xiao's arms, drooping his eyebrows and eyes. He looked like I was very unhappy. Come and comfort me.

In Qi Xiao's eyes, it is lovely and distressed.

"Baby, why don't you go to the grandpa's house with me?" Qi Xiao looked at the Yanyan in his arms. He was distressed. He was reluctant to separate from Bai Chen. He wanted to tie Bai Chen to his side all the time with a rope. He could take Bai Chen wherever he went and see him wherever he went.

Obviously, they met for only one day, but he couldn't let go anymore. In the past, the empty heart was filled by Bai Chen, and even the blood bones were engraved with Bai Chen's name.

See your parents so soon! Cousin is worthy of being a cousin!!!

Bai Chen's two small claws firmly grasped the front of Qi Xiao's clothes. When he heard the speech, a beam of shining light burst out of his eyes, but it dimmed again after a while.

Bai Chen shook his head slightly, "I, I'd better go home."

The tone was full of reluctance.