344 Public Display

Name:Headed by a Snake Author:
"Sir Tycon!" Athena Vanzano beamed, "Hi! Welcome! These are the Stormbrands! What d'you think?"

Tycondrius had to control himself to not shy away from the positive radiance the young lady was emitting. She was like a child presenting her favorite material possession. Knowing her... Tycon had to restrain himself. If he was uncareful with his words, Athena would pout.

...which was also somewhat like a child.

...which, considering their differing ages, she was.

Tycon forced a polite smile, "What is... going on here?"

Besides 'Orcus', the various Stormbrands all had mismatched armor as well. It seemed only Athena and Tanamar, were actually armed and armored well... as well as a rough-looking fellow in a dark coat similar to Tycon's own. The mix of Bronze-Rank adventurers and a few Iron-Ranks lazed about on the ground or seated upon their packs.

There appeared to be no logistical personnel of any sort. There were no tents set up nor was there evidence of gear being inventoried or maintained. Though there was a higher-concentration of Iron-Ranks in the group for such a small company... compared to the rest of the Brazen Guard war camp, the Stormbrands looked incredibly unprofessional.

Tanamar was nowhere to be seen. He was probably doing something more important... likely having to do with logistics.

What the Stormbrands had put effort into... was creating a dueling ring of sorts, a dozen or so rocks arranged in a somewhat-circular shape. A Bronze-Rank Warrior and Thief were sparring at its center, but the technical skill displayed was not enough to hold Tycon's interest.

Athena looked back at her woefully colorful troupe, "Y-yeah. It's not really much. But most of us grew up together!"

So the young lady was personally invested with the Stormbrands. That made sense why a full-time academy student would also be in an adventuring company. If she was well-liked amongst her guild, Tycon could at least trust they would keep her safe.

Zenon stepped forward, speaking in a hushed voice that could barely contain his excitement, "Th-that's Orcus, right? Can you introduce me to him? Do you think you can help me get his autograph?"

"Oh, Mister Zenon..." Athena tilted her head, her smile somewhat hesitant, "Y-yeah, I don't think Tancred will mind."

Tycon did not let the name-drop go unnoticed. Athena's brother, Gian, she called by his childhood nickname, Maximus. Her footman, she referred to as Tanamar. 'Orcus, god of battle', she referred to as... Tancred, assumedly his actual name.

As for why Athena chose to call him that, Tycon did not know... only that it was markedly different. He also did not know the reason he was referred to as Sir Tycon and his Centurion as Mister Zenon.

"It looks like Tancred's about to duel Mister Photios," Athena looked over. "So you'll have to wait, Mister Z."

...Zenon's name changed again? Stars and stones, what did it mean?

"Oh! Oh! Can we watch?!" Zenon Skyreaper, Centurion of the Church the Eternal Flame asked giddily.

"Mhm! Sure!" Athena grinned.

Tycon grimaced. It was an open dueling circle. Why was Zenon asking for permission to watch a public display?


A mage entered the improvised arena, wearing an ugly sneer upon his thin, sunken face. His height was above average, but he was slouched over and slovenly. If not for the mage's thick, enchanted, black-and-silver robes, Tycon would have judged him to fit well amongst the rabble of the Stormbrands.

Athena informed Tycon that the gentleman was Photios, the strongest offensive caster in the Brazen Guard.

⟬ Photios, Iron-Rank Human Silver Pyromancer. ⟭

It was no wonder. The mage had a Tyrion-specific high tier class. Zenon noted that, though he wore no rank identifiers, there was imagery inscribed onto Photios' robes that hinted that he was a sanctified spellcaster of the Church of the Eternal Flame. Due to his young age, it was likely that he had only recently left its service.

Logically, Photios had fulfilled his contractual obligations honorably, as he was still alive. The Church was not lenient to those they deemed... lacking.

In a flash of mana, silvery flames began to radiate outward from where Photios stood. Tycon was disappointed that the heat the magic generated was pitifully low. It seemed the mage's source of power was less elemental and more divine in nature. Divine energies were better suited to smiting enemies of the Church than for keeping warm.

If Photios was an actual fire mage, Tycon would have wanted to become friends with him.

The Pyromancer grinned, crooked tooth and arrogant, "You ready to do this, little gladiator?"

Tancred Mors stood across the circle, stifling a yawn. He drew his heavy two-handed axe and allowed its weight to fall, the blade sticking deep into the earth with a loud thump, "So you finally grew some f*cking balls."

Tycon grimaced. He did not like either of the rude combatants. He spoke idly with Athena and Zenon about their wellbeing and the weather, only paying half-attention to the fight.

The mage cast some fire spells. They were dodged and deflected by Tancred.

Athena had a big blister on her toe, but it got better with some Elementary healing.

The mage set an arcane trap, chains of silvery fire bursting from the ground. Tancred leapt through the flames.

Zenon was craving for garlic bread, but that would likely have to wait until they returned to Silva.

The mage used their ⌈Mana Ward⌋ skill to prevent getting decapitated by an ally. Then, they disappeared in a gout of flame, reappearing at the opposite edge of the arena.

Tancred used a movement technique, ⌈Charging Bull⌋, to close the distance. The fight was ended with a skill called ⌈Ravager's Strike⌋. The domineering axe attack shattered Photios' arcane barrier, following through and smashing into his left forearm.

Tycon judged Tancred to be rather reckless. The Reaver relied mainly on his reflexes, reaction speed, and strength rather than forming a careful plan. It was a viable strategy and worked especially well, considering that Tancred could not be entrapped by Photios' spells.

"By the Flame... He's so cool," Zenon was exuberant to watch his personal hero in action.

Tycon remained skeptical, "Mister Photios appears to be grievously injured."