Seeing Qin Feng coming, the man in black bit his teeth, arched his body, and then rushed towards Qin Feng like a hunting cheetah.

Qin Feng waved his hand lightly, and the man shot out directly and sprayed blood.

"Let the man behind you come out to see me." Qin Feng said indifferently.

With this strength, it's hard for him to believe that he is a man from hell.

On that day, in the depths of the dead marsh, how terrible those experts they met were, and here, it was too vulnerable.

Qin Feng wondered if it was someone with ulterior motives who wanted to use the gimmick of hell to achieve his own ulterior purpose.

"Hum, you are not qualified enough to meet my master." the man in black stared at Qin Feng coldly and said, "young man, although you are very powerful, I advise you not to be an enemy of my master, because you will never know what strength my master has."

"You are very strong, beyond imagination. Even the world is not as strong as you, but it is only limited to the world. Outside the world, there are things you can't imagine." the man in black still said calmly.

"Is it related to the underground?" Qin Feng smiled.

The man in black looked stiff, stared at Qin Feng, and then nodded: "it seems that you don't belong to the world. No wonder we haven't found your origin for so many days."

"But no matter how strong you are, if you are the enemy of my master, you can't escape the end of ash annihilation in the end."

"If your master is so powerful, why don't you come out and kill me now, but send you as a small role." Qin Feng pulled his mouth.

After a long delay, the man in Black said, "anyway, I have reminded you that if you continue to be stubborn, you will be robbed. The world is exhausted and no one can save it. Those who can hinder us have long been buried in the long river of history. Do you think those hidden Guardian families can protect the world?"

Hearing the speech, Qin Feng brightened his eyes and said, "tell me what you know about the guardian family. You can be safe and sound."

"No way."

"Then I'm sorry. I can't blame me for any trauma when I explore your spiritual knowledge."

Qin Feng's spirit swept out and rushed away towards the man in black.

But at this time, Qin Feng's surging spiritual power suddenly gave a meal, and then all of it swept back to his mind.

He looked a little dignified, because I didn't know when, behind the man in black, a man in black suddenly appeared, all dark and hidden in a wide black robe.

In this man, Qin Feng perceived a vast ocean like depth, which gave him a deep and unfathomable feeling.

You know, although Qin Feng's Taoism has been weakened, his experience and perception are still allowed to open the Tianguan pass. However, he can't see through it. We can see his strength.

"Master." the man in black quickly knelt down, with a very pious and respectful attitude.

The man in black waved, and the man in black retreated respectfully and disappeared into the darkness.

Qin Feng stared at the man in black and felt the pressure for the first time in the world.

But theoretically, there can be no supreme level, because he was cut off in the quasi open heaven pass realm.

"Are you from hell?" Qin Feng asked.

A faint laugh came from under the black robe: "young man, I think my sincerity is deep enough! Don't care about this matter, because anyway, in the end, your strength is very little and can't change anything."

His voice is very young, like a young man in his twenties, with a kind of magnetism, very nice to hear.

"Since you are so worried about my meddling, why don't you kill me now? Isn't it all over?" Qin Feng sneered. He is not a novice. The other party has many fears, which shows that it's not so easy for them to do it themselves.

The man in black shook his head and said, "at the end of life, the underworld is the home of all spirits. It's just a change of state. It's human, ghost and soul... Is it so important?"

"The underworld will come, and no one can stop it in the world. The sword cultivators were buried in the famine, the lantern family fell in the years of folding ancient times, and the tomb guarding family exhausted their last strength in the upheaval thousands of years ago. The rain god reversed the victory and defeat at the cost of his life."

"They are all resounding giants of heaven and earth and the ancestors of all things, but now, the world has declined, and the veil covering the earth should be lifted to restore the true face of the world."

"After all these years, it's time for the real Kyushu mainland to return to its true self."

Qin Feng frowned and said, "maybe this is not the only real Guardian family."

"It seems that you still don't know what Kyushu is." the man in black shook his head and said, "it's undeniable that in a certain period of ancient times, when Kyushu was still a real Kyushu, he guarded the strength of the family, knew everything from heaven to earth, and dominated the ups and downs of the universe. Once the law came out, he dared not obey."

"But it is all the glory of the past. There is no immortal imperial dynasty and immortal inheritance. No matter how powerful the power is, it will eventually decay and perish. In this world, only the underground government will survive forever and stand in the long river of time."

"There are no immortal forces." Qin Feng shook his head and said, "isn't there a time when the underground government was beaten and disappeared from the world? The underground government has no enemies, and it will scruple, fear and even hide."

The black robed man was stunned. After a long time, he couldn't help shaking his head and smiling: "it's undeniable that what you said is the truth, but in the end, the underground government will make a comeback, but what about the guardian family that almost destroyed the underground government! Zhengrong is long gone and completely extinct, it's just a matter of time."

Hearing the speech, Qin Feng slowly raised an arc of disdain at the corners of his mouth. He said: "I'm afraid you don't know what is guarding the tomb and what is carrying a lantern! Don't say that you front-line soldiers, even the masters of the underground, may not be able to destroy them. If you don't know guarding the tomb and carrying a lantern, you will never understand what is powerful, what is not eroded by time and inviolable by all laws."

The black robed man frowned: "so, are you determined to stop the birth of the underworld?"

"If it's a real underground, how can I stop it with my power?"

The black robed man nodded: "indeed, with your strength, you can't change anything. Let's see if you can turn the tide and block the emergence of hell, or you will die under the wheel of history."

With that, the man in black retreated slowly and finally disappeared into the darkness.

"Alas! I wish I was right... Otherwise, how to face them!"