He gives people the feeling of deep tranquility, stability and peace, which can make people feel at ease.

That straight and great body made Qin Feng aware of his determination to move forward and my courage not to go to hell.

It seems that he was born to protect all the spirits in the world.

He is like a shining light, bringing light and hope to this dark and desperate world.

With this figure in front, it seems that it can be isolated from all unknown, darkness and terror.

However, from this figure, there is also sadness, loneliness and sadness, which will make people's nose sour and eyes astringent, and can't help feeling what they want to share for him.

Qin Feng now has this feeling. Even if he knows that his strength is poor, he also has the impulse to rush up and fight side by side with him.

The man who claimed to be the Lord of heaven was evil and dark. When he saw the shadow, his face was a little ferocious: "you... Can come back. How is it possible? Haven't you already set foot on that road?"

"If you don't interfere with him, I can't come back." the figure made a sound, and his mouth didn't move, as if heaven and earth were speaking for him.

The speech is calm and deep. There is no great road sound, but it makes people feel at ease.

"What do you want to do now?"

"I have to make up for my own negligence."

"Make up, how to make up? You created me, and I also bear all the darkness and uncertainty for you." the figure laughed wildly, and then said ferociously: "I bear all the negativity for you, but you have to make up for it now."

The great man looked at the broken and dark heaven, his deep eyes rippled a little, and he said softly, "did you... Give them a hand?"

"Hum, if they hadn't suspected me, I wouldn't have done it so quickly." he said here, his face was a little complicated, and said: "unfortunately, although the heaven was destroyed and the bronze lamp was extinguished, the woman still ran away, but she couldn't live anymore. I wasn't the one who did it."

"Alas!" the man carrying the knife sighed, "come with me. Since you have made a mistake, you should naturally take responsibility."

"It's not so easy to accept me. Don't forget that I am you, you are me, and you and I are one."

The man shook his head, slowly stretched out a finger and pointed at the ferocious man from a distance.

At the next moment, Qin Feng felt that the space here was solidified, and even time was still, becoming a picture volume.

Even if he could not move, the luster of his body surface solidified into a picture.

The ferocious man roared, the avenue Rune rose from him, and hundreds of millions of luster broke out. Each road has the terrorist power to blow out one side of the world.

Then under the man's finger, nothing was useful and looked very pale.

His terrible attack can shatter the light of a world. When it spreads out, it falls into solidification and stillness.

"You... How could you..." the man was stunned at first, and then roared angrily: "if you destroy me, you will destroy yourself, you..."

He couldn't go on, because with the spread of the ripples on the man's fingertips, he was still and motionless.

At this time, Qin Feng could move. He looked at the man in the white fog. Just about to ask, the man turned around and looked at him. His deep and quiet eyes were a little complex and deep.

"Senior, you... But Uncle Lin in the mouth of Qin Shiyu, the disappeared person the tomb keeper is looking for?" finally, Qin Feng asked.

The man stared at Qin Feng and finally said slowly, "I hope you can appear in the last war."

The voice fell, and his figure slowly faded.

"Elder, how can I save my companion?" Qin Feng stepped forward and asked hurriedly.

"Go on according to your own ideas and remember that no matter how desperate you are in the future, someone will catch up with you and fight side by side with you. You are not... Alone."

The figure completely disappeared. Qin Feng was stunned. He... Just disappeared?

Qin Feng was a little lost. If this man could help him, his companions would definitely be resurrected.

For a long time, he took a deep breath. They were not contemporaries, so they couldn't help him. He had to solve everything by himself.

After seeing the frozen Tianting palace and the man, Qin Feng still turned around.

This piece of heaven and earth is melting. The heavenly palace is like smoke in the twinkling of an eye. Dust returns to dust, earth returns to earth, and everything disappears clean.

At the moment when the dust turned to ashes, he seemed to see the queen with a bronze lamp. She was gorgeous, looked up at the world, and her delicate body was stained with blood, but she was still heroic,.

He saw that grass pervaded the whole world, the sky and the earth, and the empty time was floating. This kind of grass leaf bloomed, withered and withered.

He saw a group of people, such as emperors and emperors, stepping on the sky.

Finally, he saw this man standing on the heaven with a broken knife on his back. He was so lonely and sad.

Qin Feng knows that this is the desolation of the golden generation and the end of an era.

In the end, everything disappeared. In the past... Or in the future, such a huge organization, the golden generation, finally came to an end, leaving only a piece of waste land.

This piece of heaven and earth is twisting, heaven and earth are twisting, time is going back, and time is diffuse, as if it has gone through endless and distant time and space.

Everything around changed into chaos, filled with mist and could not see anything.

Qin Feng stood in the void, his heart sank, because the power on him disappeared, which made him panic.

Although I don't know why he can get this power, this power is his only confidence to enter here, because this power makes it as easy for him to kill the great gods as to crush ants.

But now, that power has disappeared. He has restored his own power and will open the Tianguan realm. How can he compete with the powerful creatures in the ancient hell?

"What is this place?" Qin Feng forced himself to calm down and entered the underground. He saw too many incredible things.

Yan Luo of the ten halls of the underworld helped him open the way. There are many mysterious experts who don't know where they came from and what era they came from in the mysterious sea.

On the other side of the dam, the ruined heaven, the man of light and darkness.

Now, he appears in chaos.

"Starting from chaos, finally chaos, the rise of God, the disappearance of chaos, boundless Tao, no Tao, no heart, no self, is for the emperor and the emperor."

The loud voice, like a bell and a big LV, sounded in this chaos, which made Qin Feng's heart tremble, like an enlightened mind.

"My way, my method, my way!"

Qin Feng sat in chaos and was almost crazy. He had no earthly power and needed to be strong immediately.

He took tianzhang pill, hoping to break through to Tianjing quickly.