The bronze tripod, the congenital treasure between heaven and earth, was raised naturally. It disappeared and was completely broken. All kinds of divine forces disappeared and could not be reproduced.

People are desperate. Even things like the innate treasure, which are endlessly legendary, have been destroyed. What else is eternal in this world?

There are such examples in the past. Those God level demons also made strong moves to look for the congenital treasures scattered everywhere,

The worst thing of the day happened.

Various ancient heritages and detached forces in the world have been destroyed one after another. They can't even escape outside the territory. They are tracked down, then destroyed and dyed red outside the territory.

Guangming Dynasty and Tianzhou Dynasty are two ancient super forces. Gods were born once, but then they gradually declined.

Therefore, heaven and earth return to their roots, all parties integrate in the ancient world, and are not assigned to the divine world.

Unexpectedly, these two ancient forces with a long history actually have a congenital treasure.

This is their treasure, but today, it has become a disaster.

They all had a god level array to hide. They hid outside the territory and were not found, but the God level demons found them intentionally.

The two imperial dynasties were completely annihilated, and none of them was alive.

These were two riots outside the territory. The two imperial dynasties recovered two congenital treasures one after another, but they were all broken into pieces and completely disappeared in the world like bronze tripods.

This effect is so great that it shook the whole universe!

They still want to continue and kill with blood. Many continents shed blood along the way, and several people showed no mercy.

Minggui is also slaughtering. For the time being, he doesn't start on the congenital treasure, but the slaughter is very cold. He doesn't pull a hair and blood everywhere.

Behind him was a sea of corpses, and there were endless corpses under his feet, like a demon king. His hair was shrouded in blood mist, and the world shook because of him.

He had a spirit in his heart and wanted to kill Ye infinity and ye Xingchen, but there, it was difficult for him to get in, so he vented his anger on these people.

After a killing, the five gods gathered again to discuss how to find all the remaining congenital treasures.

While Minggui shook his head. He looked cold to the extreme and said, "Ye infinity, ye Xingchen, you are dead, but your hatred has not disappeared. Use your blood to make up for your old hatred!"

"I don't believe it. You will shrink there and don't come out. Ah! After all, your flesh has guarded the world, which is more or less inductive."

He wants to kill there again, leading to the present rootlessness and carelessness.

"I'll go with you," said the spirit of the evil spirit family. After all, he also heard about the terrible of the two people, especially Ye infinite. He killed a God alone, seriously injured three people, and finally left alive.

"This man is their shame. Even if he dies, his body will be destroyed."

"No, I look forward to Ye infinite's real return. This is my gratitude and resentment with him. It will end here!" he went on the road alone with a black halberd in his hand.

Several God level demons have separated one after another. They are still looking for powerful prey and congenital treasures. They have to wash the sky and earth from different routes.


The original place of Yuanshen was destroyed because many monks roared and cursed angrily, unwilling to give in to fate. As a result, the dark demon gods flicked their fingers and directly smashed the continent.

In other places, immortal inheritance, all kinds of ancient regions and powerful sects have also suffered blood washing.

"Tomb keeper... Where are you? The funeral bell is far away. Can't you really come back for a war!"

"Sobbing... Poor tomb keeper has been hurt and traveled far. Otherwise, how can evil demons come to the world?"

"What about the goddamn gods and gods? Do you really watch the world perish?"

"Ha ha, you all shrink in the divine world. One day, darkness will break through you."

Some people laughed wildly. They were completely disappointed with the world, the way of life and the people's hearts. Finally, they exploded and died. They will never become the blood food of evil demons.

There are also vigorous young friars who rush to those demons in a way of self destruction.

But this is undoubtedly hitting stone with an egg. It is useless at all. There is too much difference. It can't hurt the God level evil devil at all.

"Pure blood, you have guarded this world. Please come back to fight!"

"Pure blood ancestors, please come back and protect your people!"

Some old antiques and living fossils know that period of time and roar with great mental strength to make all sentient beings pray.

"The power of all sentient beings, this may be the only hope. The great gods of pure blood are dead and can't protect all sentient beings, but our own thoughts can also settle with the dark demons."

This is the method put forward by several antiques. It is to look through endless ancient books to find a statement.

"It's too weak to settle with me with the mental power of all sentient beings. What about all sentient beings? It's not enough to see what you count. The will of all sentient beings is trampled by those who stand at the top of the world!"

The spirits of the evil spirit family sneered mercilessly. As soon as he pointed out, some unclear Qi machines entangled directly exploded and could not be added.

Correspondingly, many people in some ancient places burst their eyebrows and blood, and a terrible hole appeared. They all fell into a pool of blood, and so did the strong in heaven!

"Tomb keeper, lantern God, ancestor of pure blood, where are you...?"

This is the murmur of an old man before his death, full of despair and unwillingness. His gray hair is full of blood, and several children are protected under his old body.

This is an example of human tragedy, tens of millions, billions, too many tragedies continue!

One hundred thousand barren mountains, on the abyss of heaven, two figures stood side by side. The ordinary and most ordinary man touched his cheek with his hand, which was full of tears.

This is not only the instinct of the body, but also the deepest touch of his understanding of the sea.

"I heard hundreds of millions of creatures crying and calling me. They were full of despair..." he said softly, wiping away his tears. He said, "it's time for us to start. What if we die."

"Yes, the congenital treasures have been destroyed one after another. It must be time for other congenital treasures to resurrect. The last and only chance is coming. We will fight them even if we die!" said the majestic man unintentionally. He also heard the call of countless people and directly transmitted it to his soul, like from ancient times.

The two figures over the abyss disappeared and rushed into the world.


The spirit of the dark demon family exploded a long string of blood flowers. He stumbled, but then he still couldn't stop his body and flew sideways. He was covered with blood. Unfortunately, he failed to fall after all.

The void opened silently, and an ordinary man came out.

"You dare to come out!" he had heard from Ming GUI. Although he saw this face so familiar, he still looked cold and said: "although you have the Emperor God body, you are not the original you. You have lost the law of Shinto and want to fight with me. You can only be regarded as dying!"

"I was going to kill all the people here and settle with you, but since you take the initiative to send them to the door, you should die!"

The visitor was silent, speechless and possessed the divine body, but he still couldn't kill the other party in one blow. This result is also expected, but there will be a war.

In another star region, he inadvertently appeared. He also beat the spirits of the evil spirit family and coughed up blood. He almost broke them in two, but he was still a bit short and couldn't succeed.

Ming GUI showed his cruelest smile and said, "did you finally get out of there? I thought you could calm down. I've been waiting for you to appear, ha ha!"

Obviously, the people who can threaten them in this world will be eliminated, all will be extinct, and there is no force to stop them.


In the distance, another congenital treasure collapsed and destroyed on this day.

Several figures came, and several God level demons appeared. Then they surrounded each star domain and trapped the two people who came out of the abyss in one domain.

"This is really an accident. Ye infinity, ye Xingchen, we meet again!" the spirit of the dark family said coldly and faintly, threw the body of a strong man who had spent a Nirvana robbery, and said: "this is your offspring. I have destroyed a lot, and this is only one of them, but their nests seem to be many and haven't been destroyed yet."

There is no doubt that this will be the final World War I, surrounded by the five God level demons. Looking at several people, they seem to be staring at the purest blood food. This is a person who has the strength to fight with them, and the blood gas in his body must be like a sea.

"Kill you, this world should be over, you sacrifice." the ghost gods said angrily.

"It's time to end this life..." the ordinary man in front said to himself with no roots and grief.

"If only you knew!"

"I know, you are ready to die, but you have to pay the price. You have created enough enemies for yourself!" he shouted unintentionally. For the first time, it was so majestic and shook the universe.

"Great enemy, apart from you two incomplete gods, is there anything else in this world? You can't do it alone!" Ming GUI looked up and laughed.

"The congenital treasure is also alive. You have even broken several pieces. The congenital treasures all over the world have been awakened and resurrected independently. Today we will kill you!" rootless is not tall, but that kind of dignity and righteousness frightens people.


A precious pestle vibrates, smashes all things, falls from the sky, and the purple Qi steams up.

Nine purple God pestle is a congenital treasure. Kill it.


The immortal light cuts through the eternity, the Taiji knife was born to illuminate the Jiuchong sky, tear open the universe and kill here!


The heavens shook and shattered the heavens, coming from a very distant place, across hundreds of millions of stars and falling down.


Eight wastelands are chaotic. Tashi rushes into the sky. Immortal tears are green and gold. Tears are scattered all over the universe. Sentient beings cry and shake 33 layers of heaven, covering the world and falling down!


Every piece of the innate treasure without owner was awakened by the most tragic killing in the ages. They woke up together and went out together to suppress several God level demons on their own.

In heaven and earth, all kinds of precious treasures come to wreak havoc on the world and kill all evil demons under God level evil demons.

All the congenital treasures have been resurrected, like the impact of human nature.