Chapter 476 - Returning back to Ayindril (Part-2)

Waving good bye to his friends was a heart wrenching affair for Ryuu, he hugged Frozen Ocean who returned one in kind, but their hug was soon joined by a teary eyed Su-Min, even Amnon and his wife Daniella were not exempted from it as they all joined eagerly in the group hug, all except Zywia who seemed to be staring into the unknown.

Ryuu sent them a smile with tears in his eyes as he spoke, "I do not know when or how we will meet again, but I hope we would be able to see each other soon."

Amnon nodded as emotions welled up in his throat as he spoke, "This few years have been an eye opening experience meeting you all was a blessing from heaven do not be stranger."

Ryuu nodded as his eyes travelled towards Su-Min who was hugging a stone faced Zywia as she whispered many things to her but all she got was a blank look, seeing Zywia, who was one of the most happy and boisterous person like that made everyone's heart clench with sadness.

But, Ryuu did not get a chance to contemplate anything as he was soon swarmed by other cultivators who came especially to thank him and say their goodbyes it was an emotional affair for everyone present.

"Ryuu may I have some of your time."

A familiar voice came to his ears as he looked at the person as wide smile blossomed on his face as he exclaimed out with unhidden joy, "First big sister! How have you been?"

"I have been fine Ryuu, but come here for a moment will you."

Ryuu moved to her location with a confused look on her face as he spoke, "What is it big sister?"

Antariskh simply smiled at him as she spoke, "Just follow me, I will show you something.", with that she dragged Ryuu towards a certain part of the now mostly faded Eden.

"Look at this place and tell me what you can see."

Ryuu looked at the portion where his name had been inscribed with the words fifteenth floor engraved in it, he reached for it and touched it gently as he spoke with a hint of awe in his voice, "I cannot believe I did it."

Antariskh simply smiled at him as she spoke, "What we did was an unprecedented and unimaginable feat, it stood the trial of times for such a long time, yet it was broken by you single handedly, you make us so proud Ryuu, so proud that I cannot even use words to describe my feelings."

Ryuu felt himself choking from the emotions welling up in his throat as Antariksh flashed him a proud smile as she spoke, "Well then shall we return back home."

Ryuu nodded as Antariskh quickly escorted him to their flying vessel while glancing towards the distraught family of Zywia, who were fussing about her.

"Ryuu, about Zywia what happened to her?"

Ryuu looked towards the direction of Zywia's family as he spoke, "Something happened sis, something extremely bad, and I hope I can speak with their family as soon as possible, something terrible happened to her."

Antaiksh nodded before she entered the flying vessel where rest of his teacher's family were waiting for him with a warm smile on their faces, but before anyone could say anything Antariskh spoke with a look of alarm, "Mother something is wrong with Ryuu, his KI is fluctuating too much not to mention he seems to be running fever."

Her words send a jolt of alarm on their faces as Ryuu quickly found himself under Veena's extreme scrutiny.

Ryuu frowned as he spoke, "I am fine, I am perfectly fine."

Veena scowled as she spoke, "No you are not your KI is fluctuating too much, your pulse is also unstable, not to mention your fever, that is not correct Ryuu something is wrong."

"Something is definitely wrong, Ryuu spill up what happened with my daughter, why is she such a state, spill up now!"

Saidhal loved his family dearly and seeing her daughter in that state nearly drove him insane, as such he raced towards the only source of answer and that was Ryuu, as soon as they had gathered their daughter Saidhal and his family made a beeline towards Ryuu without even speaking a word with others present.

Maheswara frowned at seeing the killing intent and KI Saidhal was exuding as he spoke in a stern voice, "Saidhal control yourself."

Ryuu winced upon seeing the stern look on Saidhal's visage as he quickly spoke, "Teacher please there is no need to be angry at brother Saidhal, I understand why is acting as such.", he then turned towards Saidhal as he spoke with a sad look on his face, "Brother Saidhal, please sit this is going to be a long talk, and please be patient."

Saidhal sighed before he closed his eyes for a moment reigning in his emotions before he spoke, "I am sorry, seeing her like that."

Veena looked ready to protest only to be stopped by Ryuu who spoke in a pleading tone, "Please first mistress, please allow me to speak with them, Zywia's mental health is much more important."

Veena bit her lips as she spoke with a nod, "That is something I understand, but I will work on you while you speak and that is non-negotiable."

Ryuu accepted with a nod as he spoke, "Fair enough, though I would keep my mask on my face, I am having difficulty in reigning in my charm."

A few minutes later, everyone including Ryuu's teacher's family, as well as Saidhal's family and their friends who came to visit found themselves sitting comfortably while Zywia was sleeping in a dreamless sleep on a bed which was brought hastily by the maids.

Zarina could not take any longer as she decided to break the silence, "Ryuu, what happened? What happened to my cheerful daughter?"

Hearing her saddened tone made Ryuu winced inwardly as he spoke with a tired sigh, "Zywia fell in love with a fellow cultivator."

His words had instantaneous effect as Cezary jumped up from his seat with his killing intent and KI rolling in spades as he shouted, "What!!! Who is that no good bastard that made my sister like this?"

Ryuu gritted his teeth as he replied back with equal amount of force, "Shut up! Just shut up, Daoist Brother True-Spear was a noble person who died while trying to keep Your Sister's virtue and honor intact, he gave away his life to preserve your sisters, so just shut up."

Cezary looked as if someone has physically slapped him as he spoke with a meek voice, "I, I am so sorry, I did not mean it like that."

Ryuu ran his finger though his hair as he spoke, "No no, there is no need to apologize, you did not know about it, in fact I am sorry for being shouting at you."

As Cezary took back his seat as Zarina spoke with tears in her eyes, "Were they close."

Ryuu nodded as he spoke, "Yes they were, very very close, it was a true tragedy, what happened was a true tragedy, I wish I was there to prevent it."

"Aww, don't be sad my love, it is a good think that he died there after all I doubt the little girl's family would have accepted an orphan with unknown questionable lineage and very low prospect."

Ryuu jumped up from his seat as she looked towards the speaker while Sylvana spoke with a snarl, "You again, do you not even know the decency to not even eavesdrop or intrude upon a private matter."

The 'Empress', gained a predatory look on her eyes as she spoke, "Careful little girl I already made your sisters lose their heart and hand, do not make me do the same for you, when I am grateful for your help."

Ryuu gritted his teeth as he spoke, "How dare you say something about him? And what would you know?"

The 'Empress' sent a loving smile towards Ryuu as she spoke, "Of course I know many things, after all I kept an eye on you all the time."

Neacht scowled as she spoke with disbelief, "That is preposterous, stop lying no one can see what goes inside of Eden."Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #%!d(string=11448539305377005)/returning-back-to-ayindril-(part-2)_%!d(string=51673606605817955) for visiting.

The 'Empress', simply scoffed at her words as she spoke, "Please do not lump me with the rest of untalented trashes like you."

Ryuu frowned but before he could speak, he found himself under the Empress's glare as she continued to speak, "And, what did I tell you about not opening another pair of eyes, I clearly remember warning you about how dangerous it would be at your current level, yet you disobeyed me."

Nuwa frowned as she spoke, "Is this the reason for his current bout of illness."

The 'Empress' simply tilted her head as she spoke, "Yes it is.", with that she moved so fast that others could not even perceive her and in a blink of an eye she was in front of Ryuu, and before anyone could react she brought him into a searing kiss.

Veena who was the nearest from Ryuu, sprung into action as she shouted out, "Get away from my child."

Again before anyone could perceive Empress was back into her original position, with a blush on her face.

As Veena did a quick check up Nuwa spoke with barely controlled anger, "What did you do to him?"

With a giggle the Empress spoke, "Nothing I healed him.", her words turned out to be true as Veena simply gave a small nod supporting her statement but her next words made everyone pale, "I healed him so that I can punish him for falling in love with someone."

As she spoke an inhumane scream tore through Ryuu's throat as he collapsed on the ground as a indescribable pain passed through his body.