I don't know if I noticed that ye Xiyue was different from her previous determination. Instead, there was a trace of hesitation in her beautiful apricot eyes. Xiao lie looked at her with a glimmer in her eyes, clasped her wrist and leaned down to kiss again.

Ye Xiyue looked at the handsome face closer and closer to herself, and her heart jumped wildly several times. When Xiao lie's lips were about to touch her lips, she suddenly turned her head.

The soft and warm touch fell on the white and reddish cheeks. It left at the touch, but it made her heart more and more agitated.

Xiao lie stared at her with black eyes, and his finger belly slid gently on the inside of her wrist. It didn't seem that she was angry because she avoided the kiss.

But the eyes are darker and too heavy for people to see through.

Ye Xiyue looked at him and subconsciously blinked. The crow colored eyelashes fanned desperately, showing her slightly flustered heart.

The skin of his wrist touched by his finger abdomen was burning like a flame, which was surprisingly hot.

She wanted to take her hand back, but Xiao lie held it too tightly and didn't give her a chance to earn anything at all.

"You let go."

Ye Xiyue scolded low, which was not embarrassing, but it was difficult to sort out those chaotic emotions at the bottom of her heart for a time.

She is a modern person. She is not a young lady who did not step out of the gate in ancient times. She has never seen anything and has great innocence. Even if she has not eaten pork, she has also seen pigs running. With her heart beating faster and her cheeks burning, she has no feeling for Xiao liezhen. She really doesn't believe herself!

However, she had rejected Xiao lie's approach with all her heart. All she wanted was to cure him completely, and then she left the general's house smartly.

If there is a way to go back to modern times, she will find a way to go back. If she really can't go back, it's good to go wandering around the world.

Once she gets involved with Xiao lie, falls in love, or becomes a real husband and wife, she is not only involved with Xiao lie.

From what happened to Xiao lie before, we know that now the imperial court is surging and all parties are fighting so fiercely. As a general with military power, it is impossible for Xiao lie to stay out of the matter.

But once involved in this imperial struggle, no one can predict what will happen in the end!

In modern times, when she was bored, ye Xiyue also liked palace fighting dramas and saw many of them. None of those who stood in the wrong camp in the struggle for imperial power, especially those who held military power like Xiao lie, came to a good end in the end.

She instinctively didn't want to get involved in these things. She said that she was timid or cowardly. She cherished her life that she finally got back!

Xiao lie looked at all kinds of emotions surging from the bottom of her eyes and at her vague struggle and hesitation. Suddenly, he stretched out his hand to hold the back of her brain and directly pressed people on his chest.

"Xiyue, I can't make a choice about my identity, but I promise I will protect you completely!"

His promise fell on Ye Xiyue's ear with the low magnetic voice. Her heart was suddenly hot. She didn't know how, and her eyes were suddenly sour.

She raised her head slightly, looked directly at Xiao lie's hot and affectionate eyes, pulled the corners of her lips and said with a helpless smile: "the poison on the general still depends on me to solve. This sentence protects me completely. How much do the general think I should believe?"

Her smile looked like helplessness, but carefully tasted it, as if it was a compromise, which made Xiao lie's heart jump.