Outside the Wangdu City, Liu Wenxue began to tell the soldiers to hit the walls and doors. They had lost patience, especially when there was no food and grass. If they did not attack the city again, they would starve to death even if they were not killed by Ye Yiqing's men.

The only thing that Liu Wenxue didn't expect was that he underestimated Ye Yiqing. Originally, he thought that there were few generals who were good at fighting in the city. Ye Yiqing was just a literati. What experience he had in fighting, he was full of tricks. He kept his 20000 elite troops out of the city and could not go further.

"Ye Yiqing, what do you want? You're not from dongqingguo. Do you need to work hard for Li Heng? Your son's life and death are uncertain in Liusha city. Do you think he can really resist the army of Beiming kingdom? Without my command, Liu Jiabing would never help him. Do you want your son's life or defend the capital city for Li Heng? What do you think you can do now? After a while, it will not be the same as the northern Ming kingdom that has been embezzled? "

"It's two different things." Ye Yiqing looked down at Liu Wenxue and said, "eat your salary and bear your worries. Now your Liu family is rebellious. If I can't protect the emperor against you, what's the significance of me as Prime Minister? You are not worthy to cooperate with me for being unfaithful and disloyal. "

"Disloyalty?" Liu Wenxue sneered, "if it hadn't been for his Li Heng's inability to accommodate our Liu family after he ascended the throne, how could our Liu family have come to the end of being a dead rabbit and a dog cooking today? Are we going to wait for death? "

Ye Yiqing said, "is the emperor unable to accommodate you, or is there no one in your Liu family?"

"It's useless to say more. Ye Yiqing, if you have to be a general today, you should be very clear about the fate of your son in Liusha city." Liu Wen learns to hum coldly.

"If you can get into the city, come in. Don't talk nonsense." Ye Yiqing is not worried about his son, but now the fastest way is to subdue Liu Wenxue, or you can't send reinforcements to Liusha city.

Liu Wenxue ordered, "attack the city!"

Ye Yiqing also waved with a big hand, "there is no amnesty for killing!"

Ye Zhen in the prime minister's house heard the voice of fighting and killing outside again. She was frightened and sat up straight, "Liu Wenxue began to attack the city?"

"They've been out there for five days, and there's no chance they'll get into town." Said Schelling.

Yes, the reinforcements who always said they would arrive must have arrived, but they didn't act for so many days. I think that's what dad meant.

"What's going on out there?" Zhaoyang came in from the outside, looking at Ye Zhen nervously.

Ye Zhen said, "nothing, but Liu Wenxue is attacking the city."

Zhaoyang heart a tight, "that your father hasn't come back yet?"

"He must still be on the wall at this time." Ye Zhen looked at Zhaoyang and found that she seemed to care about his father.

"Do you have any news from your brother?" Zhaoyang asked again.

This problem is also the most worried Ye Zhen, her elder brother now also a little news did not come, before only heard that the northern Ming state-owned changes, but now do not know how, "Xuelin, quicksand city there is no news?"

Xue Lin said in a low voice, "the city gate is blocked, and the news can't come in."

Ye Zhen Xiu frowned, "I know."

Liu Wenxue was captured alive, and only 5000 soldiers were left. Liu Wenxue did not expect Ye Yiqing to have such terrible patience that he let 50000 soldiers watch them attack the city. When they were exhausted, he ordered them to be surrounded and exterminated.

Even Liu Wenxue, who has experienced many battles, has to admire Ye Yiqing's strategy and patience.

However, he at least took a breath for himself and shot Ye Yiqing in the shoulder. Even if he could not kill him, at least half of his life was OK.

Ye Zhen was awakened in the middle of the night.

"Girl, the master is hurt." Hongling came in from outside.

"What?" Ye Zhen was surprised to sit up, "Dad?"

Hongling said, "Wu Chong sent him back. In the house outside the hospital, Wang Yizheng was also there."

Ye Zhen can't care too much, put on clothes on the ground, go and take my medicine box

They rushed to the outer hospital, only to find that in addition to Wang Yizheng, there were several imperial doctors who were ordered by Li Heng to heal Ye Yiqing.

"Wang Yizheng, how is my father?" Ye Zhen directly into the room, asked is to Ye Yiqing hemostasis Wang Yizheng.

"Miss Lu!" Doctor Wang saw that her face became loose. "Lord Ye's arrow is right next to my heart. We dare not pull out the arrow easily We can only stop bleeding first. "

Ye Zhen a see that arrow almost a little bit on the heart, her hand can not help shaking, angry eyes to Wu Chong, "is not let you protect my father?"

Wu Chong was covered with blood, and he knelt down on one knee

"Don't blame him. I was careless." Ye Yiqing whispered to Ye Zhen.

"Dad Ye Zhen eye socket is aglow, "I heal for you, you do not speak."

Ye Yiqing held her hand. "Don't be afraid. Dad will be OK.""Wang Yizheng, please go out!" Ye Zhen said in a low voice, she must use Lingquan to have confidence to take out the arrow for Dad.

"Miss ye, don't you need help?" Some doctors questioned.

Ye Zhen cold voice says, "do not need, you all go out!"

Wang Yizheng frowned at her, "Miss Lu..."

"Xue Lin, Wu Chong, please go out and don't let anyone in." Ye Zhen has directly ordered.

Ye Yiqing nodded gently to Doctor Wang.

Only their father and daughter were left in the room.

"Dad, I'll take the arrow out for you." Ye Zhen looks at the wound that still seeps blood, her palm is opposite Ye Yiqing, heart reads together, spirit spring gushes out.

"What is this?" The cool and fragrant liquid dripped in his mouth, and ye Yiqing felt that the pain of the wound was relieved. He looked at his daughter in surprise.

Ye Zhen avoided his eyes, "I don't know, in short, it can save people."

This is Golden finger after daughter's rebirth? Is this the secret that she can cure Li Heng's brain tumor?

Can water flow out of the palm automatically? No, it's not ordinary water. What's it called, Lingquan?

"Dad, I'm going to pull the arrow." Ye Zhen said.

"After you are reborn, you will have this thing in your palm?" Ye Yiqing asked.

Ye Zhen pursed lips, "does father think I am a monster?"

Ye Yiqing laughed. "How many people want to be monsters? Yao Yao, this is a gift from heaven. It is sacred and precious. Don't waste your golden fingers

"What is a golden finger?" Ye Zhen took a clean white cloth to press his wound, and pulled out the arrow.

Ye Yiqing snorted and his face turned whiter.

Ye Zhen quickly dripped Lingquan to his wound.

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