Since last time shu'er tried to test A-bu, although Ming Xi and huohuang didn't say anything, they were very curious about a Bu's life experience. Therefore, when huangfuchen took a bu back, they also had the cheek to follow.

Huangfuchen's bamboo house is in the mountain forest. Even if he lives a Bu, he is very quiet here. With more Mingxi and huohuang here, it immediately becomes lively. No matter where he goes, he hears huohuang talking to a bu.

Although a bu didn't say a word.

"Can you be quiet?" Mingxi is annoyed by huohuang's voice and can't help but ask him to shut up.

"Then you'll let her talk." Fire Huang points to a bu to say.

Huangfuchen, who was drying herbs, said helplessly, "a bu can't speak."

Huohuang and Mingxi exchanged a glance.

"Where did you meet Abe, sir?" Mingxi asked with a smile, his face innocent.

"In the deep mountain over there, I found it when I went to collect herbs." Huangfuchen pointed to several high mountains in front of him.

There are basically deep mountains and old forests, fire Huang looked at huangfuchen in surprise, "you found a no in that kind of place, do you not doubt her origin at all?"

"Doubt." Huangfuchen nodded, how could he not doubt, "but she lost her memory and couldn't speak. I couldn't help her."

"Sir..." Mingxi squatted in front of huangfuchen and looked at him with his eyes dripping, "what is she like when you see A-bu? What are you wearing? Are you hurt? "

Huangfuchen slowly raised his eyes and looked into the red and black eyes of Mingxi

It's not true!

Mingxi from huangfuchen flashing eyes to see clues, he stood up with a smile, "OK."

"Do you think A-bu's life experience is suspicious when you ask so many questions? What do you know? " Huangfuchen asked in a low voice.

"No, just curiosity." Mingxi said with a smile, "children are full of curiosity."

Huangfuchen stood up with herbal medicine and looked down at Mingxi. He had been a teacher of Mingxi before. He knew that the child's character was different from other children's. Mingxi was smart and steady since he was a child. He was not a person who would ask the truth because of curiosity. Did he change his temperament when he went to other places in the past four years?

"Mingxi, what have you done these years?" Huangfuchen asked.

"Nothing." Mingxi a face innocent, "Sir, nothing, we'll go to find a bu."

Ming Xila fire Huang's hand to go outside the fence, a BU is in the nearby small lake.

"Mr. Huangfu is lying." Huohuang lowered her voice and said to Mingxi.

"I know that when he saw A-bu, he was not sure he was like this now." Mingxi looked back at huangfuchen. Just now he asked about the appearance of seeing a Bu Shi for the first time. Although he covered it well, he still flickered for a moment.

Huohuang frowned and said, "I don't feel any spiritual power in a bu. If it wasn't for shu'er I didn't find her different. "

Mingxi pointed to the highest mountain, "let's go there and have a look."

"Do you want to take it, no?" Huohuang asked.

"No Mingxi shook his head and walked to the lake.

There are a lot of fish in the small lake near the bamboo house. Mingxi remembers that huangfuchen used to like to eat fish, but he lived in the bamboo house for two days, and it seems that he did not eat fish.

A bu stood by the lake and picked up a small stone. She seemed very afraid of the water and didn't dare to get too close.

"No, what are you doing with so many small stones?" Huohuang asked, "what's good about little stones? Let's go fishing."

"Oh A bu shook his head and glared at huohuang.

Huohuang said with a smile, "what? You don't like fish? "

A bu stamped his feet angrily, put the stone in his pocket, turned and ran back to the bamboo house.

"What's wrong with her?" Huohuang is confused. What did he say wrong.

"Is it because of A-bu?" If Mingxi is thoughtful, is it because a bu Cai no longer likes to eat fish?

Huohuang scratched her head, "what are you talking about?"

"Let's go and say goodbye to our husband." Ming Xi said, pull fire Huang to the bamboo house to find huangfuchen.

"Sir, we've been here for two days. It's time to go back, or my mother will think that we've made trouble everywhere." Mingxi said with a smile.

Huangfuchen looked at Mingxi carefully, considering whether his words were true, "don't you want to stay here a few more days?"

"No, we'll come back with shu'er in two days." Mingxi said.

"Well, I'll take you out of the woods." Huangfuchen said.

"No, No Ming Xi waved his hand and declined, "we know the way."

Huangfuchen nodded gently and sent them out of the bamboo house. He watched their backs disappear on the mountain road, and then he turned back to the house.

"Ah." A bu holds a small stone in his hand and looks at huangfuchen with a smile."Why do you pick this up again? You can't put it in your bed. It hurts when you sleep." Huangfuchen said with a smile.

A bu doodle mouth, she likes to put these stones under the bedding.

"Are you in front of them in Mingxi..." Huangfuchen looked down at her legs.

A did not understand the meaning of huangfuchen, she shook her head vigorously.

"That's good." Huang Fu Chen tiny smile, "we sit down to eat."

At this time, Mingxi and huohuang, who had already left the bamboo house, stopped after walking for a long time. They sat in a towering tree until it was dark before they flew to the mountain at a high speed.

At night, the deep mountain was very cold, and the leaves were covered with frost. The figures of Mingxi and huohuang flashed through the woods. After half an hour, they came to the mountain huangfuchen said.

"How could Mr. Huangfu come to this place to collect herbs? We have to fly for such a long time. It will take him at least half a day to get here." It still requires people with excellent martial arts skills to get here. It is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to walk to the mountains on foot.

"Maybe you want some precious medicine, so you don't hesitate to spend time in the mountains." "Let's go to the mountains and have a look," said Mingxi

They flew to the highest mountain and stood looking down the cliff.

"Look there." Mingxi pointed to a flash in the distance.

"There should be A lake. " Huohuang folded her wings and turned into a human figure. The place where she looked at Mingxi's fingers was that the lake reflected the moon in the sky and then gave out the glowing light.

Ming Xi gently nodded, "go and have a look."

"There is such a big lake in the mountains." The fire Huang murmurs, looked around, this just took Ming Xi to fly past.

When they got close, they found that there were five high mountains around the lake. If they had not looked down from above, they would not have found the lake. , the fastest update of the webnovel!