The disciples of the white horse sect can have a three-day holiday every season. Yi Tian met his uncle at home the day after the assessment and described his recent life in the sect in detail.

After hearing this, Yi Da also told Yi Tian about his hometown. Old Master Yi was fine, his parents were strong, and his brother grew up. He was a little worried that he hadn't seen Yi Tian go home for a long time.

The business between the grain shop and the winery has become better. It may be due to the relationship between the white horse gang. He secretly supports the grain shop. Yi Da asks Yi Tian to work hard in the white horse gang. Maybe he can become famous in the future, and his family can follow him.

Yi Tian doesn't pay much attention to these. He doesn't know how the battle between the white horse sect and the green bamboo sect has gone this year.

I always feel that Wang GUI has a plan for himself. Fortunately, he still has utilization value and can't see any crisis for the time being.

I know from my uncle that the conflict between the white horse sect and the green bamboo sect has escalated this year.

At first, the white horse gang got involved in the herbal medicine business of the green bamboo gate. It should have monopolized the situation. Now there is another competitor.

The white horse Gang opened a drugstore on the site of qingzhumen in Xishi. It is said that when it opened, the county magistrate was invited to attend the ceremony.

Xu Kaishan of the green bamboo gate is also a famous person. He also gave a gift to him.

Unexpectedly, less than a month later, the green bamboo gate opened several small gambling houses in Nancheng, but Wang GUI of the white horse Gang sent several plaques with booming business.

After that, these small gambling houses broke up the customers of the four seas gambling houses and robbed them. Although both sides did not point out, they were secretly competing. Both sides made Yin moves behind their backs.

Yi Tian should have wanted to take advantage of these days to have a good rest, but he was awakened by his uncle the next morning and said that someone from the gang had to work.

He had to put on his clothes immediately. After leaving the inner courtyard, he saw Ren Kui sitting in the hall chatting with Yi Da. When he saw Yi Tian coming out, he bowed his hands to Yi Da to say goodbye.

Yi Tian saw Ren Kui's solemn face and knew that something must have happened. He didn't say much. He said goodbye to his uncle and followed Ren Kui out of the door.

When he went out and got into the carriage, Ren Kui, with a dignified face, ordered Yi Tianxing: "the guild leader ordered me to choose the green bamboo gate, but there are not a few people who know me in Hewan county. As soon as I got on the gambling table, the makers ran away. I recommended you to the guild leader.".

"Why me?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

Ren Kui smiled proudly and said meaningfully, "I'm optimistic about you. This time, as long as you make contributions to help Li, I'll let you go to the villa when you're free, and the tap is yours.".

Yi Tian knew that he had been recognized by Ren Kui, so he recommended himself to the guild leader Wang GUI.

And he is a stranger. If he doesn't know others, he won't be afraid.

Seeing Yi Tian in silence, Ren Kui comforted: "don't worry, we're going to follow the rules. We'll solve the problems on the gambling table. I'll take someone to pick you up outside. Ren Liang will go in with you. He's my nephew and a Kung Fu expert on the seventh floor the day after tomorrow. There's no problem protecting you."

After a while, the party came to the good luck teahouse in Nanshi. Opposite the teahouse was the gambling house. Ren Kui ordered a pot of tea and sat at the table. Don't drink while waiting.

Yi Tian was anxious. This was his first mission. He didn't expect it to be so dangerous. The gang didn't have a stable life. He simply sat down with Ren Kui.

Sitting and drinking tea, I don't think it's noon in a flash. The emperor is not short of hungry soldiers. Ren Kui ordered a table for Yi Tian. Yi Tian has nothing to do, so he asked the next Ren Kui about his martial arts.

The three leaders of the white horse gang are all experts on the ninth floor the day after tomorrow. Even Ren Kui sitting in front of them has trained to the seventh floor the day after tomorrow. It is said that Liang, the shaobang director who came to protect Yi Tianxing this time, has also trained to the seventh floor the day after tomorrow. As for Wang Bao, the fat man doesn't like practicing martial arts. Now he's only on the third floor the day after tomorrow.

However, Wang Bao has a brother named Wang Bao, who is 20 years old. It is said that he works as an escort with Ren gang leader. This year, he has just broken through the peak of the seventh floor the day after tomorrow. It seems that Wang Bao's qualification is still a little worse than Ren Liang.

Xu Kaishan of the green bamboo gate is in his early fifties. He has about half a step of innate skills. Several elders of the green bamboo gate also have the skills of the early eighth floor the day after tomorrow.

If the three sect leaders hadn't worked together, maybe the white horse sect would have been swallowed by the green bamboo gate. Yi Tian estimated that his skill and Wang Bao could be tied, up to the third level the day after tomorrow. If this level is not good at gambling, it is basically the material for serving tea and water.

When Ren Kui was talking to Yi Tian, he saw a young childe in the street enter the teahouse, shouted to Ren Kui, and the second uncle sat down next to him.

Yi Tian looked at Ren Liang carefully. He waved his arms forcefully, his footwall was calm, his eyes were divine, and he could rest at ease for the time being.

Ren Kui introduced them, then picked up a package around him and handed it to Yi Tian. He pointed to the small gambling house opposite and signaled them to make a quick decision.

After this, we have to catch up with the next game. The guild leader Wang GUI's order is to pick all three small gambling stalls at the green bamboo gate today. There can only be one gambling shop in all parts of the world in Hewan county.

After the so-called strong meal, Yi Tian opened the package and saw that there were five twelve silver notes and some silver coins in it. This was all his capital.

Besides, there is an expert on the seventh floor the day after tomorrow. If you have a little retreat, you must be the first one to be cut. Then uncle's grain shop and winery white horse guild are happy to take over.

In order to survive, Yi Tian cheered up, put aside his thoughts, picked up the package and went into the gambling house.

In the afternoon, there were more and more guests in the gambling house. Nanshi was originally a place of three teachings and nine streams. There was also a miasma in the gambling house. There were not many people and little play.

Yi Tian has a look after entering the door. It's really cheap enough. Compared with gambling houses all over the world, one is a sales nest and the other is a dog's nest.

Behind him, Ren Liang always keeps a distance of three steps, which should be the most confident distance of Ren Liang.

It can not only prevent Yi tianjuan from running away, but also prevent the thugs in the casino from hurting him. In Ren Liang's eyes, none of them can fight here.

Yi Tian walked around after entering the door. First, he looked at the surrounding environment, so as not to run to the wrong place and lose his life in vain.

The gambling house is also very monotonous. You can bet on the size of dice and guess the numbers. In line with the idea of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, Yi Tianxian played a few on the gambling table of fan stall. Anyway, this is how to use silver coins. Losing points won't arouse suspicion. If he was an expert, he wouldn't have to act so obscene.

After losing five or six, Ren Liang in the back came forward and squeezed Yi Tian with his elbow, signaling him not to waste time.

Yi Tian can't beat him. He may ask for him, and there is a supervisor sitting outside. He simply crosses his heart and goes up.

Pick up the package and go to the dice table. Take five silver tickets in your hand and wait for the dealer to shake the dice.

The dealer usually takes a long line to catch big fish. His favorite is this kind of lengtouqing. Give some sweets first and the first leader will come back. But I didn't know there was a tiger sitting in front of me this time. In the first few days, Yi Tian tried ox Dao. In order not to attract attention, he followed others to bet.

And every time it's twelve or twelve times. After winning a few in a row, it keeps turning up.

Slowly, the dealer found that it was wrong. When the man opposite came to play, he even lost nine in a row. The most fatal thing is that the man sitting opposite is still adding weight. The original twelve has now become five hundred Liang.

Originally, those gamblers also bet with the young man, and they would lose thousands of Liang when they put down a shop. If it goes on like this, the gambling house will close today. You know, the small gambling house here in Nanshi will get in and out of thousands of liang of silver every day, which is not comparable to the gold selling nest like the four seas gambling house.

The wolf pack effect began to take effect. Several gamblers around were like wolves following Yi Tian. They were all waiting for Yi Tianxia with silver tickets.

The dealer began to pay more and more. After six or seven, the dealer was already sweating on his head. When each one opened, he paid thousands of Liang.

Yi Tian saw the dealer make a face towards the man next to him. He knew that the meat play was coming. After waiting so long, it finally began.

After opening this, the dealer called it off. Several gamblers with the dealer looked at the thugs around and ran away without even taking the money on the gambling table.

When Yi Tian saw it, he grabbed a handful of silver tickets on the table and went to Isaac in the sky. He shouted, "the casino can't afford to lose money and beat people". After that, he rushed to Ren Liang. Anyway, it's not his responsibility to finish the matter.

The bad gamblers next to them fished in troubled waters. I don't know who shouted "rob money". The whole casino began to be chaotic.

Ren Liang took out a resounding arrow from his sleeve, threw it out of the window, and then punched down the thug at the door. After a meal at his feet, he flew behind Yi Tian. Yi Tian grabbed the space and dodged out of the gambling house.

The door was already full of people from the white horse sect. Ren Kui came forward to hold Yi Tian, waved his hand, and more than a dozen martial artists rushed into the gambling house.

Then I heard bursts of noise in the gambling house. After a while, a group of martial arts teachers came out of the door. Everyone's eyes showed fierce light. Ren Liang walked last, and the blood on one hand was still dripping.

Yi Tian sees a bag of things bulging in front of Ren Liang's chest. It's estimated that the guy hasn't forgotten to pack all the silver tickets. It's true that talents don't lose.

Ren Kui took a look, patted Yi Tian's shoulder and said, "next family."