It was Sun Haojie from the five member team that flew the imperial sword.

But at this time, he was a little embarrassed and was bitten by three sea animals behind him.

It's no problem to fly at full speed for more than an hour, but if you can't fly to Donghai City, you will be consumed by the pursuers behind you.

Seeing an island in front of him, sun Haojie doesn't care. Go down first. His spells suffer losses in the water, and there may be a turn for the better when he gets ashore.

Sun Haojie, who dropped the magic weapon, looked around and found traces of fighting.

A joy in my heart, it seems that there is no way for heaven and man. I quickly shouted to ask my friends to come out and help me.

Yi Tian couldn't help it at first sight. He didn't clean it up, which showed a mistake.

He had to pretend to collapse and slowly came out from behind the rock to say hello to sun Haojie.

Seeing Yi Tian, who was practicing Qi on the seventh floor, and his face was tired, sun Haojie had a cramp on the spot.

Had to show that embarrassed smile, and Yi Tian responded.

I'm thinking about what to do later. Although it's two to three, I don't know how Yi Tian's Kung Fu is.

Looking at each other's face changed several times, Yi Tian also knew that he was looking at himself.

Seeing that the pursuer is coming, it's not time to investigate what to do. Let's solve the sea beast first.

This time, the three sea animals following sun Haojie also rushed to the beach and held each other with the two people opposite.

However, the three sea beasts showed tacit cooperation and formed a triangular array around the two people to prepare for encirclement.

To tell the truth, sun Haojie really wanted to run away, but he was worried that he would be chased to death after running away again.

In front of him, Yi Tian is also a slippery man. Obviously, he can fly with an imperial weapon, but he also sits on Qi HAOSI's flying sword.

I'm afraid that once he finds out his intention to run away, he will run faster than himself.

Cheer up. The situation is better now than just now. Finally, there is some hope.

As long as Yi Tian drags one, he can fight by himself.

Sun Haojie said to Yi Tian, "you drag the shrimp essence on the right. I'll try to get rid of the crab monster and the fish head man as soon as possible."

After receiving the message, Yi Tian nodded in response, and then directly shot the fireball in his hand.

Without waiting for them to encircle, they will start to separate the three sea animals first.

There, sun Haojie didn't leave his hands either. The wind blades on his hands were sacrificed and split straight at the crab monster and the fish head man.

Two people and three sea animals started directly on the beach. Yi Tian also led the shrimp essence away from the crowd to create opportunities for sun Haojie. In fact, he also wanted to see what cards he had.

Only the fireball technique is used to greet the shrimp essence. It's not urgent or slow. Otherwise, it's hard to justify yourself if you don't show duanni to others.

Seeing Yi Tian leading a sea monster away, sun Haojie cheered in his heart, and the wind blades of his hands continued to split on the crab monster's head.

Just now, the wind blade hit the shell unharmed, leaving only a trace, so I had to find the weakness of the crab monster's head and pour out my dissatisfaction.

The fish head man on one side relies on dark green saliva to launch an attack. Sun Haojie can basically avoid it by using his body method.

But if he continues to support for a long time, he will use more body methods and consume his aura first,

So I began to worry.

Yi Tian, who is entangled with shrimp essence in the distance, is busy in his hands, but his attention is still focused on the other three people. The more this happens, the dating will expose a person's essence.

Sure enough, sun Haojie avoided the flying saliva two or three times. The wind blade opened the crab essence's double pliers and retreated to one side.

As soon as his hands closed, his aura quickly gathered in his palm into a one foot long big wind blade, which cleaved over the crab monster's head.

The roaring wind blade split the head of the crab essence directly. Sun Haojie was relaxed for a while. He saw that the fish head man took a deep breath and a big mouthful of saliva sprayed directly.

Just now, the Reiki was mobilized too fiercely, and sun Haojie didn't have time to dodge.

At the critical moment of life and death, I couldn't care so much. My face showed its ferocity. A white aura suddenly gathered in my right hand, and then it turned into a white bone shield to block the saliva.

But at this time, sun Haojie's attention has turned to Yi Tian. He saw Yi Tian's continuous fireball strike the shrimp essence in an arc.

After a burst of fire roasted the shrimp essence, I was about to come to help, but I used the white bone shield to show him.

Yi Tian was determined when he came forward. When he finally showed his feet, the key is what to do next.

Two people hold a sea animal in a triangular shape, and Yi Tian and sun Haojie are on guard against each other.

The sea beast looked at the two people's intention to join hands, and his heart retreated.

Two or three steps turned and suddenly jumped into the sea and swam away.

Seeing the sea beast escape, sun Haojie felt relaxed. The boy practicing Qi on the seventh floor saw something he shouldn't see. He had to be sorry.

Yi Tian also deliberately kept a distance of ten feet from him. His hand behind him also quietly held the flywheel, and a fire aura had been attached to it.

Sun Haojie asked about Yi Tian and said, "younger martial brother Yi, come and help.".

But Yi Tian just said a few words perfunctorily and didn't move at his feet.

The two men were silent for a moment, and then both shot.

This time, sun Haojie strives to make a quick decision. His magic is the standard bone spear of the white bone sect.

Yi Tian directly attacks the control flywheel on the other side. After a cross in the air, their spells fly to the other side.

Yi Tianxin called well. He folded his hands and offered the spiral fire shield to block the bone spear. After that, he twisted the bone spear into pieces.

Sun Haojie urged the white bone shield to hold the flywheel, but the flame made the white bone shield squeak.

When I got back to myself, I found that the boy practicing Qi on the seventh floor in front of me was a hard bone. If I didn't do well today, I'll explain it here.

After thinking about it, he attacked with all his strength. After injecting white aura into the bone shield, he gradually pushed the flywheel back.

The first time they fight, they don't dare to keep their hands. If the fish head man who escaped just now goes back and brings rescue soldiers, neither of them will be able to leave at that time.

Yi Tian looked at it, took out the nanmu seed in his left hand and poured the wood aura into it. His right hand repeated the old technique, manipulated the flywheel again and lit the fireball.

Just listen to Yi Tian's fire flywheel attack again. Sun Haojie doesn't want to fight hard this time. The attack just now is very obvious.

Although this boy is practicing Qi level 7, his real fighting will is still above himself.

I was thinking of avoiding with my body method. Suddenly I felt a stab pain under my feet. It turned out that a tree vine came out from the beach and entangled my feet.

Seeing the flywheel attack, sun Haojie couldn't help it. He offered a white bone shield again to block in front.

But this time, after only carrying three breath, the white bone shield was broken by the flywheel.

Thinking of urging Reiki defense again, he found that his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier. At last, he fell straight with his head horizontal.

Seeing that the spirit beast was drunk, Yi Tian quickly took back the flywheel, and then quickly walked forward to remove sun Haojie's storage bag.

A big fireball roasted him directly and threw him on the beach. I thought that the fish head man could eat cooked when he came back.

After cleaning up the bodies of shrimp essence and crab monster, Yi Tian hurried to fly the imperial weapon and fled the island. He didn't want to be watched again.

Two hours later, the fish head man led several sea animals to the island again. He didn't find the body of his companions, but saw a burnt dead human body. Several sea monsters went up and ate directly.

After flying on the sea for two hours, Yi Tiancai saw Donghai city. He was happy and finally came back.

After entering the outer defense circle of Donghai City, Yi Tian showed his zongmen jade card and was arranged to wait in the task Hall of the city master's residence.

A quarter of an hour later, Qi HAOSI, Dongfang Zhuo and he Xinsheng all rushed over. After a burst of greetings, each of the four described the process of running away.

Yi Tian just explained the main situation. After ambushing and killing a sea animal on the island, he hurried back from the inland sea.

The three also praised Yi Tian's good luck after asking.

After that, the four people dispersed, and Qi HAOSI took Yi Tian to the task hall to handle the delivery procedures of contribution points.

Originally, the mission was a total of 1000, Qi HAOSI took 400, and the remaining four were divided equally.

But one more array was repaired halfway, so the reward for the task doubled. Yi Tian finally got 300 contribution points.

This is better than working in the station of the instrument hall for a month, but the risk factor is also much higher.

In this mission, Yi Tian also saw Qi HAOSI's ability and his array attainments.

On the way back, he also said with Qi HAOSI intentionally or unintentionally: "elder martial brother Qi and younger brother are very interested in the array all the way, so I wonder if I can have a chance to learn it.".

Unexpectedly, Qi HAOSI was very enthusiastic. He not only directly agreed to Yi Tian's requirements, but also agreed to guide Yi Tian to learn array Tao.

But there are also conditions, that is, after learning the array Tao, Yi Tian must take over Qi HAOSI's task of repairing the array. He can go out to repair it in the future without having to do it himself.

After listening to this condition, Yi Tian thought it was reasonable. He took other people's hands short and ate them soft.

After getting this benefit, you can't pay nothing.

And after taking the task of repairing the array disk, the efficiency of earning contribution points will be greatly improved, so I agreed with a little thought.

When Qi HAOSI left, he gave Yi Tian a jade slip of the initial solution of the array Road, and charged: "you should read it well within a month as soon as possible. If you don't understand anything, go to the steward's room at the station of the instrument hall and ask me, so that you can finish the array layout independently in two to three months.".

After that, Yi Tian took advantage of the vacation he had saved for two months to rent a room in the practice room of the Chuangong hall.

Nominally, it's seven days of cultivation. In fact, it's counting booty.

The first thing is to turn over everything in sun Haojie's storage bag. Yi Tian found the wood spirit formula, the white bone skill of the white bone gate and a wind escape skill called stepping on the wind.

The first two books are useless, but the body method is very good for Yi Tian's taste, and it's also a wooden spell, which is too useful for Yi Tian.

I have practiced the fire escape technique, and now I have the wind escape, so I can attack and defend.

It's a pity that my accomplishments have been improved slowly recently. If I reach the Ninth level of Qi practice, I can practice the powerful spell recorded in xuanyang real fire during the Qi refining period.

The most valuable thing is to find two letters in the storage bag. One is written by Zhao Xinmeng, which is quite detailed about Wu Xing's life and performance in the Dan Hall.

The other one is a letter from Yang Mingyang, the branch of baigumenwai, to Yexiao. The content is to find a new entry-level disciple who has practiced the powerful fire family skill.

The first thing Yi Tian kept in mind was that it was the second time he had seen the white bone gate act against Wu Xing.

But what on earth can Wu Xing attract baigumen to use undercover to investigate.

After this, Yi Tian is ready to go back and meet these people. It would be better if he could find Yexiao.