The sea tribe originally practiced in the deep sea, and I don't know when it began to slowly appear in the shallow sea.

Then a dispute broke out between human beings and the sea people to seize resources.

Over time, there were more and more conflicts, and finally formed a struggle between the two races.

High level sea animals who like to move in the deep sea don't like the shallow sea. The aura in the water is weak. The direct sunlight on the sea makes them feel uncomfortable.

That's why we set up a tidal array, introduce deep water and block the sun, so that high-level sea animals can display their skills.

This time, the Terran friars took the initiative to destroy the tide array, and the three groups of men and horses were aimed at the three nodes of the array.

After Yi Tian destroyed the first node, the deep sea water in the tidal array slowly flowed towards the deep sea.

The clouds in the sky are getting thinner and thinner. Is there any sunshine that can pass through the clouds and shine into the array.

In the face of the onslaught of the Terran friars, the four fifth order sea monsters also tried their best to fight.

Among them, the mutant leilong who thought he was the first was the most arrogant. The thunder bomb in his mouth was fired at the two brothers in the opposite direction.

In order not to let Lei long hurt the crowd by mistake, the Hu brothers also used the combined attack of two people to catch the Lei Guang bullet.

Although one of the three nodes was destroyed, the other two did not move.

The friar Jindan began to be a little rough. If he worked hard, he would lose both sides.

Friar Jindan is a human spirit who has lived for two or three hundred years. No one will really fight here. It's a big deal to return to Donghai city and wait for the next chance.

Ye Qingchen and Ning Qingyuan of Chiyang sect were excited just now, and the farthest node was destroyed.

As long as one of Qi HAOSI and Mei Yingxue succeeds, the tide array will be defeated.

But after waiting for nearly a quarter of an hour, there was still no news, and the bat fish and jellyfish in front of us obviously began to go crazy.

Resist their spells and fight back frequently. Sometimes they rely on the strong hard top of the flesh, and also shoot their own water wheel and jellyfish electric ball at their opponents.

Suddenly there was a wind in the sky. The howling wind scattered the clouds. No clouds blocked the sun.

I saw the bright sunshine all at once on this sea area.

All the sea creatures that were photographed trembled and turned around to swim to the deep sea.

Ning Qingyuan is fighting with the jellyfish. Suddenly he sees his opponent retract into the sea, and then quickly retreat back.

Shouted happily that the tide array was broken, sounded the horn immediately and attacked all the way.

Several other Jindan ancestors also tried their best. At this time, the opponent's geographical advantage disappeared, and they were good to pursue while winning.

A group of Terran friars have great momentum and offer their unique skills to encircle them from both sides.

Qi HAOSI and Mei Yingxue, who are at two nodes, don't have to go up and destroy the nodes.

He hurriedly summoned his companions to evacuate. The two groups had just attacked and were entangled by the four fourth order sea beasts left behind, so they could not directly destroy the nodes of the big array.

Looking back, Yi Tian, who made the last move, took the lead first. He was a little ashamed.

After suddenly hearing the horn of the general attack, the imperial weapon immediately took off and joined the coming Terran friars.

There was a fire in the air, and Yi Tian ran away with the girl in his arms.

Seeing an island ahead, Yi Tian was relieved and finally could have a rest.

He flew at full speed for a quarter of an hour and held a man in his arms. Yi Tian's Reiki consumption was not as large as usual.

Just now I saw a frightened woman looking at her in a blister on a small coral reef.

After summoning the ice soul fox back to the beast spirit bag, Yi Tian directly broke the blister, picked her up and ran away.

Who knows, a gust of wind blew away the dark clouds in the sky, and the sea was like a ebb tide. Then I saw a group of sea animals rushing into the deep sea a few miles away.

Yi Tian was so frightened that he quickly jumped on the magic weapon and fled to the outside. He saw a fifth order sea beast coming back from a distance,.

Yi Tian had to bite his teeth and try his best to run away. Fortunately, the frightened sea beast didn't notice him.

Two hours later, both sides of the war almost stopped fighting, but these days I don't know.

Instead, he made a fire on the island, took out the beef from the storage bag and roasted it.

After playing for a while, I was tired. I just absorbed the spiritual power of several spiritual stones before I felt better.

The wind on the sea still feels a little cold on me. I just make a fire to keep warm. I'll go on my way after a big meal.

The little girl still had a panic on her face, but it was much better than before. Yi Tian was afraid that she would freeze, so she handed her the roast beef.

He said, "eat while it's hot.". Unexpectedly, the little girl looked clever and had a big appetite. She didn't have enough after eating three pieces. She asked Yi Tian to bake a few more pieces.

Yi Tian was afraid that she might catch a cold. He took off the clothes of the external disciples of Chiyang sect and put them on for her. However, the girl was too young to wear a dress.

Just now, Yi Tian let the fat dog out of the animal spirit bag and gave it some animal spirit pills.

Unexpectedly, the little girl stared at the beast spirit pill in Yi Tian's hand. Finally, Yi Tian had to take a bottle and give it to her.

As soon as their hands touched, Yi Tian found that the girl's hands were cold. It seemed that they were locked in blisters and frozen.

He picked her up and sent his wood spiritual power to her body through the palm of his hand.

After a long time, I found that the temperature on the girl returned to normal, but I was embarrassed to see her blush.

In the afternoon, the wind gradually began to rise on the sea to the west of the sun. Yi Tian got up and was ready to go back to Donghai city.

At this time, the two sides have stopped fighting, so the risk factor of going back is greatly reduced.

Yi Tian summoned the spirit beast back, then jumped on the magic weapon and waved to the girl, which means to go together.

But unexpectedly, the girl said, "I can tell my entourage to pick it up. Go first, big brother.".

Before leaving, the girl gave Yi Tian a leaf of fan shell and said, "thank you for your beef." finally, she and Yi Tian reported their names to each other. It turned out that the girl's name was LAN Yuer.

Yi Tian pointed to her clothes and wrote her name on the left.

Then the two smiled and waved goodbye to each other. Yi Tian stepped on the flywheel and flew to Donghai city at full speed.

When Yi Tian's shadow could not be seen in the sky, LAN Yuer took out a conch from her body and blew it gently.

Less than half a column of incense, four fifth order sea animals emerged from the sea and gathered on the island.

A conch car ran out of the sea. LAN Yuer took the car and looked at Donghai city.

Then he ordered to set off and dive back to the bottom under the protection of a group of sea animals.

Three days later, the army of sea animals retreated back to the deep sea, and there was cheering all over Donghai city.

The naval battle is finally over. Then you can go back to zongmen to continue your cultivation.

Those who died in the war will be compensated by each sect. If they are seriously injured, they will also receive special treatment from the sect.

Those who have made meritorious contributions are happy to spend after receiving their contribution points.

You can buy many local specialties here. You can send them back to zongmen.

No wonder war is the driving force of cultivation.

People like Huang Ziang and Huashi city are the typical ones. Originally, Yi Tian took them to arrange the array and made a lot of money.

Now, after the decisive battle, many dead sea animals have been fished, especially after the chemical division city took the defense armor and double axes given by Yi Tian, its combat power has increased greatly. It has fought with the sea * * many times in the past year and a half.

Cultivation has also improved rapidly. It has reached the peak of the seventh floor. After returning to the sect this time, you can try to impact the eighth floor of Qi practice.

Huang Ziang also basically touched the threshold of the seventh floor, but the main energy of this goods is still on collecting sea animal corpses and earning spirit stones. He is not too concerned about cultivation.

Seven days later, the great hero Yi Tian complained bitterly to Ning Qingyuan in the city master's house.

This time, Jindan decided to contribute 800 points to each of the other two groups, while Mo Mingjun and Yi Tian were 1500 points per person.

I didn't expect Yi Tian to be happy when he got the contribution point this time. He said with a bitter face: "the master war is over. It's difficult to earn the contribution point of Donghai city so quickly in the future. The little 9000 contribution in my hand is still not enough to change the spirit formula of Asura".

After listening to his ideas, master Ning Qingyuan just smiled gently, asked Yi Tian to take the identity jade card, went to consult with other Jindan friars, and gave Yi Tian a reassuring look back.

An hour later, Yi Tiangao walked out of the city master's house happily. The Ashura becomes the lingjue jade slip has been put in his storage ring.

Ning Qingyuan helped and discussed with several other Jindan friars. Yi Tian got his first merit this time.

You have to give a discount for exchanging lingjue. Finally, we agreed to give Yi Tian a nine conversion as an additional reward.

However, when Yi Tian got the spirit formula, Ning Qingyuan also mentioned him by the way.

This lingjue was found in a cave on an island off the sea in the later stage of Ye Qingchen's foundation building.

At that time, only the first two layers were rubbed down, and the later ones stayed there because it was too late.

Yi Tian can consult her if she needs to know some details.

It turned out that it was still a detour in his hands. Yi Tian also muttered.

If I had known this, I might as well go to ye Qingchen and buy it. The price may be cheaper. It seems that this 10% discount is still very watery.

Seeing Yi Tian's suspicious eyes, Ning Qingyuan said with embarrassment: "in fact, the spirit formula given to you is changed from ye Qingchen's hand. Ye Qingchen's 10% discount is also for the sake of his classmates. Fortunately, it's still the original rubbings, so everyone won't suffer.".

In the evening, an auction was held in Donghai city for friars in the period of gas refining.

Yi Tian sat in the box with a thoughtful face. He didn't take anything out of the auction table in the middle. He was thinking about his conversation with ye Qingchen in the afternoon.

After getting Ashura's spiritual formula, Yi Tian also came to thank him. Anyway, this time he also inherited ye Qingchen's favor.

By the way, I also want to inquire about the origin of this lingjue. Ye Qingchen said that she got lost once when she participated in the naval battle.

He accidentally broke into the boundary of the Hai nationality. In order to avoid hunting, he accidentally found a cave on an island.

Just inside, I saw the spiritual formula of the divine knowledge sub trace and Asura change on the stone wall. After rubbing the divine knowledge sub trace, because of the lack of time, I only rubbed the first two layers of Asura change and escaped.

It is said that there are three layers of Asura transformation. It needs Yi Tian's chance.

After coming back, ye Qingchen found that the three points of divine knowledge were too difficult to practice, so he gave up.

Directly copied a copy and turned it over to the then city Lord's house in exchange for 5000 contribution points.

In Yi Tian's disdainful eyes, ye Qingchen is also high-minded.

Anyway, with 9000 contribution points, Yi Tian couldn't ask her to spit it out.

Then the two also talked about chores. Yi Tian thanked ye Qingchen for accepting Ye Ziyan, that is, pill as an apprentice, and hoped that she could practice smoothly.

Finally, ye Qingchen was asked to hand over the shell to Ye Ziyan. Although LAN Yuer gave it to her, the shell felt full of aura of water attribute, and she felt uncomfortable with it.

It happens that ye Ziyan is the spiritual root of water, wood and fire, which may be useful.

Ye Qingchen likes his new apprentice best, so he doesn't object to hearing that Yi Tian's gift is for ye Ziyan. He promised to return to Zong and give it to her.

But when he got the shell, his eyes obviously flashed a different color, and he looked at Yi Tian up and down, so that Yi Tian hurried to leave.