Although the three purgatory dogs are level five monsters, only the flame head in the middle can achieve the strength, and there is still a lot of gap between the two outside. After eating the soft tendon powder just now, the strength of the blue and white heads was obviously greatly reduced. If it weren't for the flame head, they would have been cut into eight pieces by three.

Shangguan Dingsheng in the middle also broke his teeth and swallowed it. He was the leader, but the two people next to him chose soft persimmons and left them to deal with the monsters in the early stage of the real golden elixir. The fireball from the mouth of the flame head forced him to rely on his body method to avoid. Even if the fireball rubbed around him, he would have a burning feeling. If he was hit, he would not die.

The hurricane was obviously out of shape. It was repeatedly succeeded by Xiao Linhang's flying sword. Moreover, the wound on his head became bigger and bigger, and the blood flowed all over the ground. The offensive was not as strong as it was at first.

The frost head on the left fought hard with Yi Tian. Fortunately, with the help of fat dog, Yi Tian hid in the frost boundary purely in the idea of consumption. As long as the power of the frost head is almost consumed, he can deal with it with a knowing blow.

The flame head of the purgatory dog obviously noticed the intention of the three people opposite, but there was no way. The movement speed of the body slowly became slow under the action of soft tendon powder. Several flame bombs were empty, and the body was hit several times from time to time.

Seeing the three people succeed repeatedly, Shangguan Dingsheng also laughed. Relying on the flexibility of body method, he kept avoiding the incoming fire bombs, which was no longer as embarrassed as before. And look at the next two people have begun to fight under the purgatory dog, and their hands are also spread out.

A burst of spiritual power fluctuated, and the Shangguan decided to win and changed his moves. The strength of the previous cloud turning hand was gone. Instead, it was replaced by small light spots. Each light spot turned into a small hand to attack from all directions. Yi Tian saw it in his eyes and said in his heart, "it should be the rain covered hand of the Ming king. Unexpectedly, he is really a number one. He can practice it in the middle of building the foundation. As expected, he can't underestimate the alternate son of the 'Emperor Yutian' Department."

The three purgatory dogs also felt bad. They jumped up and jumped over a distance of ten feet. Unfortunately, most of them were hit on the way. Small blood holes appeared on the hit body, and those blood puffed out.

The flame head looked at the three people, and then looked at the frost hurricane next to it. Then he howled up to the sky. The whirlwind around the whole body rose, and a burst of flame came out from all over his body.

Yi Tian on the opposite side also looked puzzled. He didn't know what the three purgatory dogs wanted to do. He only heard Xiao Linhang shouting, "he's going to work hard. Be careful."

I only heard the flame head say in a deep tone, "even if I spend another 300 years to rebuild three heads, you can't succeed." then I saw a red light flash on the flame head, the faces of the two ice and hurricane heads nearby twisted, and then slowly retracted into my body. After the two dog heads completely disappeared into their necks, only two one foot long blood red scars were left.

Now in front of the three people is a purgatory dog with a length of one foot. The whole body size has doubled, but the momentum is directly rushed to the appearance of a level 5 medium-level monster. Xiao Linhang looked at it and said solemnly: "it directly swallowed the demon spirit power of the other two ends and forcibly improved its strength. It can't last long, but its own strength has been strengthened. Ordinary flame magic should be ineffective."

The purgatory dog moved directly without waiting for Xiao Linhang to finish. The fire bomb in his mouth constantly protruded and attacked the three people, which turned into a flame purgatory dog. Yi Tian ordered the fat dog to follow him closely, and then changed the wooden spell in his hand. Several wooden thorns appeared out of thin air and shot directly at the purgatory dog.

Xiao Linhang also changed his attack method and took out eight copper coins from the storage bracelet. After pinching the formula of the ten finger movement method, the copper coins flew up and were divided around the purgatory dog according to the eight pole orientation of Qian Dui from Zhenxun Kan Gen Kun. Then he held a peach wood sword and recited words. In an instant, eight flashes of light covered the copper coin into a Tai Chi diagram. Xiao Linhang shouted, "I trapped it with the eight door golden lock array. Do it quickly."

Yi Tian didn't dare to neglect this. He came out with both hands. Two wooden vines drilled from the ground and emerged from the feet of the purgatory dog. They entangled one of its front claws and rear claws respectively. The thorns on the rattan vein entangled both feet with blood. Looking back, Shangguan was sure to win. His whole body was glittering with gold. He offered sacrifice to King Ming again. Fu Yu attacked the purgatory dog with his hand.

After a howl, a group of high-intensity psychic power fluctuated, and three fireballs with large bowl mouth appeared in the mouth of the purgatory dog, directly facing the thousands of light spots of the rain covered hand. After the fierce collision between the fireball and the light spot in the air, it directly missed and flew to the three people. Maybe it's special care for Shangguan's victory. The biggest fireball flew towards him.

The three were shocked by this way of killing together. Everyone hurried to sacrifice their defense means. No one wanted to end up losing both sides. Xiao Linhang was the first to react. A tortoise shell for divination suddenly appeared in his hand. A magic formula turned into the size of a grinding plate to protect himself. When Yi Tian whistled, the squatting "fat dog" shook his body reluctantly after his teeth, shrinking the frost boundary to three feet, and the halo became more thick. Yi Tian took out another copper bell and protected himself and "fat dog".

Shangguan Dingsheng's face is also very serious. No one will have a good face when he is taken care of by key points. Hurriedly took out a broken flag. After the aura was injected into his hand, the flag turned into layers of golden light and white fog in front of him.

Three people and a dog were attacked at the same time. Xiao Linhang was directly beaten three feet away with a turtle shell. After losing control of the eight door golden lock array, it turned back into eight copper coins and flew back into his hands. After a burst of breathing, he turned around to see if the other two people were any better. One side of Yi Tian's bronze bell was punched a hole. The fireball turned in the bronze bell and hit the ground directly. It hit a three foot pit.

The Shangguan in the middle was the worst. Not only the defense of the broken flag was broken, but also the protective cover on his body was broken. Fortunately, his upper body also wore a defense armor to resist the residual power of the fireball, but the counterattack drove the whole person out. After falling five feet away, his throat was sweet and blood gushed out, and one side of his head fainted.

With a flash of blue light, Yi Tian appeared next to Shangguan Dingsheng, picked him up, probed his lower nose and hand pulse with his fingers, but fortunately he was stunned. After putting the man gently on the ground, he ordered the "fat dog" to look after him. Yi Tian turned and looked at Xiao Linhang. He saw that he was ok, but his spiritual power was overdrawn.

The purgatory dog who lost his bondage didn't leave immediately. Just now he stood and resisted the rain. The level 5 monster has rough skin and thick flesh. Its natural defense is stronger than that of a friar. In contrast, it still has an advantage, but the funnel like blood on its body is out. After forced promotion, after many spells, the purgatory dog almost exhausted his strength, and his breath gradually became weak. The desire to survive prompted it to open its mouth again. This time, the fire bomb was more dazzling than ever before.

Xiao Linhang, lying on the ground, was so frightened that he couldn't resist the last move. After feeling that there is a high-energy reaction ahead, Yi Tian is also afraid. Is this over. Look at the unconscious Shangguan Dingsheng and the helpless Xiao Linhang behind him. Yi Tian also has no way. Since the fire magic is very effective and the wood magic has insufficient attack power, he can only use the hand of the Ming king.

A purple electric light flashed across Yi Tian's whole body, the blue bright King's hand was sacrificed, and the Ashura Dharma phase behind him appeared again. This time, the degree of cohesion of Dharma phase was clearer than that when the cave was darkened. Among the three songs, only the one in the middle opened his eyes. His facial expression was the same as that of Yi Tian. He smiled a strange smile at the corners of his mouth. FA Xiang's hands took over Ming Wang's cloud turning hand and played it directly.

Xiao Linhang, lying on the ground, was surprised to see that his two solid fists directly hit the big fireball. After a blow through, he hit the purgatory dog and pressed it deeply into the soil under his feet. Struggling to get up, Xiao Linhang hurried up to have a look. The purgatory dog was finally dead. Looking back at Yi Tian's serious face, Xiao Linhang smiled and hurriedly said, "everyone has a secret. I won't tell others about you. I can use the devil's power with my heart."

After taking back the FA Xiang, Xiao Linhang of Yi Dynasty said, "then you get up quickly. Time doesn't wait." after that, he pointed to the Shangguan lying on the side to win.

Three hours later, the eastern sky gradually lit up, and the rising sun lit up the whole purgatory valley. Except for some potholes on the ground, the valley is no different from before. The only difference is that the three people sat around the bodies of the three purgatory dogs, chatting with each other. Everyone looked relaxed and drank the monkey wine taken out by Yi Tian.

Shangguan Dingsheng woke up slowly after he was in a coma for more than an hour. Before he got up, he felt sore all over, and the bone frame seemed to have been torn apart. Take a look at Yi Tian and fat dog. Shangguan's determination to win is also a burst of gratitude. Then Xiao Linhang the bodies of three purgatory dogs, and the three burst into laughter.

However, Xiao Linhang forced himself to smile. An hour ago, he completed the demonic power under Yi Tian's cold eyes. Then he was assigned coolie work and dug out the body of the purgatory dog himself. Yi Tian just sat aside to exercise his power, regulate his breath and restore his spiritual power. Considering that none of his classmates in Tianyun gate has been polite to him since childhood, now he meets a strong man. It's really not a divination to go out.

When he was free, Xiao Linhang kept looking at Yi Tian. He also took out a Jieyu jade card in his hand, looked at it again and again, and his face was puzzled. The two lines written on the jade plate are

"Two people enter the valley

"The son of God slaughters the dog"

This is the unveiling speech given by the master Tian Yunzi to calculate the trip before leaving. But now it has become three people, and it was Yi Tianxing of the "Brahma mantra heaven" department who killed the three purgatory dogs. What's more terrible is that Xiao Linhang also broke other people's secrets and saw his fa Xiang body. If he hadn't been clever and prevaricated with the devil's power, he would have been killed by Yi Tianxing on the spot. His terrible eyes and hostility should have killed a lot of people.