Xuanyang cave is located more than ten miles west of the hall of Xuanling sect. It is not in the same direction as the blessed land of zongmen. It is guarded by the elder Jindan on weekdays. Basically, no idle people can enter the range of three miles.

This time, a group of more than 30 people walked slowly on the way to xuanyang cave. In addition to 21 disciples of the three sects, less than one-third of the aristocratic family passed the screening. Yi Tian looked at the people around him. In addition to himself, Meng Xin and le tongxuan, five monks and disciples of the aristocratic family rang the Xuanling bell.

The original team of more than 30 people was eliminated by more than 70%. Meng Xin, who was even on the side, sighed repeatedly that the gap between the monks of the aristocratic family and the disciples of the sect was not generally large.

At the back of the team is Xiao Linhang, who is the last monk to run for the test. At first, Yi Tian was still wondering. According to the news from Nangong Jie, Xiao Linhang was sure to participate, but he didn't see him among the sect disciples. On the contrary, after everyone was finished, Xiao Linhang came in a hurry, but the two golden elixirs didn't blame him. It seemed that he was waiting for him.

Like Yi Tian, Xiao Linhang sounded the Xuanling bell with only one spell. Although the sound lasted only six seconds, it also proved his strength. After screening, Yi Tian also silently counted in his heart. There were five people who could use magic to ring the Xuanling bell, Mo Mingjun, Lu Qihao, Le tongxuan, Xiao Linhang and himself. On the contrary, there was no Xuanling sect.

The first two Yi days are well-known. They are monks who have been famous for many years. And that Le tongxuan has been listed as an extremely dangerous person in Yi Tian's mind. As for Xiao Linhang, find a chance to talk to him again.

Several friars stood at the door of xuanyang cave, led by Nangong Aotian, the leader of Xuanling sect. Seeing that the candidate disciples have lined up, Nangong Aotian waved his hand and the disciples next to freedom came forward to register. Everyone needs to take out his jade card and give it to the Deacon disciple for inspection.

Nangong Aotian was chatting with two younger martial brothers, and his eyes glanced at several disciples in front of him from time to time.

After reading it, Yi Tian found that it was basically the same as his estimation. Nangong Aotian's eyes stayed on the five strong candidates for a while before he earned the next one. Yi Tian is no exception. It's really uncomfortable to be watched, but he doesn't dare to say anything.

When each disciple in front went in, he stood at the door of the cave with a jade card in hand. As long as he activated the jade card with mana, a beam of white light would be generated on the jade card and hit the prohibition of xuanyang cave. A crack one foot wide and seven feet high would slowly open. After entering, the prohibition would naturally close without leaving any gap.

After an hour, it was finally Yi Tian's turn. More than 20 people in front lined up and went in. Everyone spent a lot of time. Take out his jade card and show it to the Deacon disciple of the record. After confirming that it is correct, Yi Tian is preparing to go forward. Suddenly, he hears Nangong Aotian say, "wait a minute."

Yi Tianxin wondered if there was something wrong with the jade plate. It's reasonable that Nangong qianyun won't give it wrong.

After three breaths, Nangong Aotian came forward and looked at the jade card in Yi Tian's hand. He was silent. After the meeting, he said, "it's all right. Go into the hole."

When Yi Tian thought he had muddled through, he received a voice in his ear: "you should at least bring out a xuanyang fruit. My Nangong family's jade card is not so easy to take."

In an instant, Yi Tian felt locked by a divine consciousness, and the ensuing sense of oppression directly made Yi Tian lie down with three drops of cold sweat on his head. Unexpectedly, he was taken care of by Nangong Aotian. Yi Tian could only smile bitterly and do his best.

The left hand picked up the jade card. After the mana was injected into his hand, his body was surrounded by a white light. He couldn't open his eyes. After feeling that the dizziness on his head was better, Yi genius opened his eyes.

The whole xuanyang cave is illuminated by the light from the depths of the cave. Even at the entrance, there is no need to use night pearls or torches to illuminate.

In and out of a small passage, and then to a ten foot stone chamber, where many friars came first gathered, mostly exploring the passage in front of them. After looking at the crowd, Yi Tian didn't find those powerful people. Even his enemy nine was gone. It is estimated that he has chosen a good way to go.

Looking around, there is a circular arc wall on the front. There are 64 doors on it. Facing the number of eight eight hundred and sixty-four trigrams, several doors have been closed. Several Xuanling sect disciples nearby said that they had been closed directly after going in.

The whole area is divided into eight parts. Except for the big door at the top, there are seven other small doors at the bottom. After looking at Nangong Jie's puzzled choice, Yi Tianze went to the right place and sent a message to him and asked, "Nangong Jie, have you chosen which way to go? Is there any stress here?"

Hearing Yi Tian's voice, Nangong Jie brightened his eyes, looked back, and then directly turned to Yi Tian and said, "it's called 'eight fraud doors diverge', and each door corresponds to a test."

Yi Tian looked at the distribution of the portals in the next eight areas and asked suspiciously, "what's the difference between these big holes and small holes?"

Nangong Jie also explained to Yi Tian as if he were literacy: "the eight deceitful gates are also called eight trigrams. The eight regions have their own attributes, and the eight big holes represent the eight trigrams respectively. There must be a lot of crisis here, but there are also rich rewards after passing the pass. If you can't break the pass, they will be directly transmitted."

Hearing this, Yi genius understood that this is the coexistence of danger and opportunity. The greater the risk, the higher the return. He turned back and asked Nangong Jie, "how do you choose?"

"I take a safe road. I'm metallic. Naturally, I go through the earthquake gate or Shixun gate. Xiangke's attribute has inherent advantages." after that, Nangong Jie also waved his hand and dodged into the third small gate under the Xun gate.

Maybe Nangong Jie still has some reservations about his strength and wants to pass the first level as soon as possible. Yi Tian just glanced at the eight gates on the top and said in his heart: "the disciples of xuanyang gate also came to this place to test thousands of years ago. Are they all soft eggs? What's the meaning of xuanyang's ancestor opening this xuanyang cave.

He smiled on his face and looked around. Many disciples had chosen the way to go in, and then the stone gate fell down with a bang. There were still seven or eight people left in the cave, including Le tongxuan and Xiao Linhang. Meng Xindu, who was looking for a stone cave on the second floor under the word Kun, went in.

Xiao Linhang was also puzzled when he saw Yi Tian. He seemed to be thinking about something, but he was not sure. He was too lazy to talk to them. Yi Tian took off and flew directly into the door of the fire department. There was a 'Bang' behind him. Yi Tiantou didn't know that the stone gate was closed. Next, he had to go one way to dark.

There is a stone pillar at the entrance of the passage, which reads "leaving is fire". After looking at it, Yi Tian thinks it should be the strongest fire path in the south of the 64 trigrams. No matter what else Yi Tian sees, the inner wall of the passage is red, and he can feel the hot temperature with his hand.

After laughing, Yi Tian also strode forward. Although he didn't know what was waiting for him in front, he always had to go down the road. A quarter of an hour later, Yi Tian found that the road was not selected and tilted down. The further he went down, the higher the temperature around him, and the deeper the red color on the wall of the cave.

Half an hour later, Yi Tian was already sweating, and the surrounding temperature had risen to the appearance of the stove in the local refining room. He seemed to have entered the stove. Knowing that this would not work, Yi Tian opened the protective cover and forced the hot air out of the body three feet.

Walking, Yi Tian suddenly asked a burning smell. Looking at the ground, the road on the ground had turned dark red, and a burning smoke came out from his shoes. There was no way to stand on the ground. Yi Tian was helpless, so he increased a layer under his feet with a protective cover, and then walked forward quickly.

After walking out of the spiral falling area, there is a straight road in front of me, but Yi Tian is not happy at all.

The temperature around him is getting higher and higher. Even his clothes will be lit by sparks splashing out accidentally. Yi Tian keeps putting out fire all the way except walking. I feel that he has reached a depth of 50 feet below the ground. In front of him is a flame channel, and a little lava drops from the top of the surrounding area from time to time.

On the wall next to it, magma erupted every three or five times. The flame channel in front of me couldn't see the end at a glance. I don't know how long it was. Looking back, it was impossible to look back. Moreover, the lava rain continued to extend towards the place where I stood, as if urging me to run quickly.

This is the first time Yi Tian regretted choosing such a channel. He pretended that he couldn't be struck by thunder. He bit his teeth and Yi Tian had to go forward with a stiff scalp.

Before walking a few steps, a large piece of magma fell from the top of the channel and directly hit Yi Tian's protective cover. Yi Tian was so frightened that he had to wrap his hands in the aura of fire and quickly move the magma away. The next road was basically shuttling through the flame molten slurry. He had to stop to clean up after being hit from time to time. The hot magma hit the protective cover and increased Yi Tian's spiritual power consumption from time to time. Half a quarter of an hour later Just walked out of the distance of nearly fifty feet. The road ahead is still far from the end, but the lava rain behind seems to have begun to accelerate and gathered itself less than five feet away.

In a panic, Yi Tian also began to panic. He constantly cursed the founder of xuanyang, Yun Zhongzheng, for a trial channel. If he was caught up and drenched by fire and rain, he would lose his skin.

Hard headed, Yi Tian continued to move forward. Before he walked ten feet away, he found that his protective cover was wrapped by too much magma, and his action began to slow down, but the lava rain behind him was more tight, so he was three feet away from himself.

Yi Tian didn't dare to sit and wait to die. He closed his hands and sealed his seal. He whispered, "xuanyang fire protects my real body." a red golden flame flew out of his hands and ignited his whole body, forming a three inch thick human shape. This is the xuanyang fire armor that Yi Tian practiced hard when he closed in the blessed cave.

Random Yi Tian pulled the protective cover and felt light all over his body. Then he made a force on his feet and ran directly in the flame channel. While walking, he also blocked the magma dripping from the top of the channel with both hands.

The spiritual power consumption in his body also doubled. Yi Tian used xuanyang fire armor for the first time, but he was embarrassed. After running for a quarter of an hour, Yi Tian felt that his spiritual power consumption was more than half. He was about to have a rest. Looking back at the lava rain, he followed Yi Tian, and the distance was slightly opened to about five feet.

But once Yi Tian stopped to rest, the lava rain actually began to accelerate. Now Yi Tian couldn't sit still anymore. He jumped up and ran ahead. He also took out a bottle of heroic cloud on his right hand and drank while walking. His left hand took out two Chinese spirit stones and crushed them into his mouth.

After running for nearly half an hour, the spirit stone was filled with spirit wine. Suddenly he saw a bright light in front of him. He held his eyes and saw that it was an exit. Yi Tian was overjoyed and hurried to work again. He began to sprint at a distance of about half a mile.