There are many active volcanoes deep in the West wasteland, but there are few places suitable for building a refining chamber. In the past 30 years, Ximen had searched for a long time and finally determined the location.

In the northwest of the Xihuang plain, at the core lava mouth of an active volcano, Ximen yaoao began to prepare more than ten years ago. First, drive out all the monsters within a hundred miles around, and then put layers of prohibitions at the entrance of the volcano to seal the spiritual power inside.

When the three came here, they found that there was no living creature around, but it was good. There was little possibility of being disturbed when they started.

After scanning the surroundings, the three flew directly into the crater. The fire taking point of Ximen's defiant refining device is in the center of the flaming valley. The skin on the body can feel the hot heat generated by the tumbling magma below. For every ten feet drop, it is obvious that the temperature here has increased by an equal order.

After they slowly landed on the lava island in the center of the town, they looked at the scorched soil on the ground. They could leave footprints on it. It was obvious that the hard soil was softened into soft mud by high temperature.

Under such a high temperature, Yi Tian felt that the group of true fire in the elixir field in his body was very active. He felt that a little exercise for a week was much better than practicing outside.

If it wasn't for the trouble of cultivating weapons, Yi Tian was really going to settle down here. At least the cultivation effect would be improved a lot here.

After meeting Ximen Jieao, he found a place to sit up from a distance and handed over the rest to Yi Tian and Hong Luanjing.

After sorting out the materials, Yi Tian turned back and said, "this is an open fire point. I can learn from each other in this cooperation with Hong Daoyou. I hope Daoyou won't laugh at me at that time."

After hearing this, Hong Luanjing said with a smile, "it's my blessing to be able to communicate with the first gold elixir smelter in Xihuang. I hope you can give me more advice." without affectation, he went directly to the melting point and sat down.

At the same time, in the refining room of Tianmo gate thousands of miles away, it seems that the repair project of Tiansha magic knife on Huochi refining hand has reached a critical stage.

Looking at the whole repaired magic knife in the furnace, his face also showed a confident smile. Throughout the blade of this Dao, all of them are black and dark gold, and there is a vertical pattern with obvious boundary.

The reason is that the back half of the body is the original blade, and the front half is refined again on this basis. The inscriptions of the whole Dao have also been re engraved. The inscription of "ice and fire as one heart" is recorded in the ancient books of the sect of heaven and earth fire control school.

It is because of this that Huochi Lian dares to promise Ximen's arrogant request to repair the magic knife. The process from repairing the blade to re engraving the inscription went very smoothly. Although it took several years, it was quite effective.

The next step is to melt the spirit. The fire red Lian looked at the two spirit sealing bottles of red and blue placed next to him, took a deep breath, and then stretched out his right hand to point at the two jade bottles respectively.

After the bottle cap popped up, two spirit crystals of ice and fire rushed out. Under the simultaneous control of fire red Lian's hands, the two spirit spirits seemed to be held by invisible hands, and then they were pulled to the two "ice and fire one heart" Rune nodes on both sides of the handle of the Tiansha magic knife.

Under his hands, the two spirit crystals were quickly absorbed by the rune node, and then the inscriptions of the whole knife were activated, showing the appearance of red on one side and blue on the other.

The red fire smelts the finger, a little fire will urge it out of a foot high golden flame, and then the magic knife is put into the smelting furnace for the final sealing and shaping.

Three years later, thunder clouds suddenly covered the sky over the Tianmo gate. The monks who didn't know where they were thought it was the golden pill friar who was crossing the robbery. Fortunately, Ximen, the sect elder, took a arrogant shot to stabilize the situation. In the following years, there were many rumors that the thunder robbery flattened the refining room of the Tianmo gate, but fortunately there were no substantive casualties.

In Xihuang flaming Valley, Yi Tian and Hong Luanjing have been refining a new Tiansha magic knife since 1989. Unlike the repair like fire red refining, the re refining scheme of the magic knife is more troublesome.

After taking out the true fire in the center of the earth, Yi Tian directly put the first half of the magic knife body and three Youming black iron ingots into the furnace for calcination. In order to maintain the complete fusion of two-phase materials, this process is also very slow.

Fortunately, this refining method also purified the material again in the process of continuous fusion. After three years of smelting, the raw materials of the knife embryo were refined into a ball one foot large.

Seeing that the fire was almost over, Yi Tian said to Hong Luanjing, "please help me replace the spirit stones in the surrounding spirit gathering array. I'm ready to shape and engrave?"

"Is Yi Daoyou going to carve and shape at one time?" Hong Luan Jing asked in surprise.

Yi Tian nodded, then stopped talking and directly focused on controlling the materials in the furnace.

A quarter of an hour later, Hong Luan Jing urged the whole spirit gathering array again. The spirit array composed of a large number of spirit stones absorbed the spirit within a hundred miles around, forming a spiritual vortex in the air.

Yi Tian, sitting in the center, absorbed enough spiritual power before slowly taking out the ball in the furnace. Then he stretched out his hands to offer a red and a blue spirit fire with different attributes, aiming at the ball at the same time.

At the same time, the flame on Yi Tian's hands began to refine and condense on the fingertips of his index finger.

After the divination knife was formed, Yi Tian put the knife in front of him with a divine mind control object, and then replaced the inscription knife with the flame at the top of his index finger. At the same time, he divided the whole set of inscriptions of "ice and fire as one heart" into ice and fire and began to engrave them on the knife body.

When the inscription was finished a quarter of an hour later, Yi Tian directly put away the two wisps of spiritual fire, and then pointed to the two jade boxes beside him.

I saw that the seal was blown away instantly, and then two spiritual lights came out. The spirit tool in Yi Tian's hand was transformed into two spiritual power constraints. Take out the two spirit spirits of ice and fire and put them on the inscription nodes on both sides of the blade.

Ximen, who was sitting in the distance, also opened his eyes and looked carefully, and then couldn't help nodding. It took him more than 20 years of hard work to find these two spirit spirits after running through several volcanoes and ice caves.

As Yi Tian said before, the key to the forming grade of this Tiansha magic knife depends on the affinity between ice fire spirit essence and spirit weapon, as well as the situation of passing through the weapon robbery after forming.

Now it seems that the two spirits seem to take the inscription on the Tiansha magic knife as a new home. As soon as they approached the inscription node, they rushed in by themselves.

Then the inscriptions on the whole knife became blue and red after being activated. There was no conflict between them, but it was like two spirit spirits playing with each other in the inscriptions.

After the whole process lasted nearly two hours, I only heard Yi Tian cry, "take the Millennium cold ice for quenching."

Hong Luan Jing took out a four foot square ice box from the storage bag, with a hollow groove three feet long and five inches wide in the middle. After Yi Tian put the magic knife into the groove and covered it with ice, the robbery clouds in the sky began to condense.