From the back door of Notre Dame palace, a group of people at the foot of Notre Dame mountain are walking slowly along the mountain road towards the path up the mountain. All the remaining monks have been screened in three years and those who fish in troubled waters have been eliminated.

There are only about 20 monks in the whole team, but because there are layers of prohibitions on Mount Notre Dame, any unauthorized monk who wants to enter from the air will be shot down by the defense array.

Walking in the group, Yi Tian thought about Yan Zhaoxue's reaction just now, as if her performance didn't make her abnormal. His high-profile passing attracted the attention of others. Even Yan fanxin sitting on it nodded slightly and recognized it. On the contrary, Yan Zhaoxue looked at himself with pursed lips. I really don't know where to offend her.

After a while, they followed the girls' sect to a stone gate in the middle of the mountain. When they stood still, they heard Yan fanxin say, "this is a medicine spirit space guarded by the girls' sect, which is about one tenth of the size of the Western wasteland.

You have a limited time of one year. Your purpose is to collect high-grade Jinyang grass. You only need to pay a material of level 7 or above or level 6 / 3 or above. "

At this time, someone asked, "master Yan, if you don't want to continue, can you take these precious materials as your own?" they looked back and asked monk Huiyuan

Yan fanxin nodded and said, "of course, but as a reward, you need to pay the equivalent spirit stone at 50% of the market price or use spirit tools and pills to offset the account."

After hearing this, several monks also looked satisfied. They knew that their strength was not the most outstanding. They came here to take a chance.

Then Yan fanxin said, "the lowest level is also a level 5 monster, and there are level 7 monsters in the central area. Because they have not passed the shape disaster, although they can speak, they can't refine the horizontal bones. But it is still dangerous for the alchemy friars, so any friars who enter can consider it first."

As soon as he said this, several friars with weak accomplishments began to retreat, but Yi Tian looked at those friends around him and showed a clear look.

Under careful questioning, Yin Jie explained: "younger martial brother Yi doesn't know the benefits. The time and space in this space are a little disordered. The passage of time is much faster than outside. The year mentioned by leader Yan is about ten years."

In this way, didn't I practice Kung Fu for ten years without being disturbed? It turns out that all the people present didn't come to recruit a son-in-law. Obviously, finding some natural materials and earth treasures here is just enough for my practice. Who doesn't want to kill one stone.

And Yin Jie also said mysteriously, "this is the boundary guarded by the girls' sect, but according to people who have been in before, this may be the broken boundary fragment of the sword God domain, because there have been the same clues of the former leaving fire sect as the sword God domain."

Yi Tian was stunned, and then tasted Yin Jie's words carefully. If, as he said, the sword realm should be the back garden of Lihuo sect to cultivate spiritual plants and raise spiritual animals, but it was divided into two parts by some external force.

It would be reasonable to regard the founder of the girls' sect as a disciple sent by Yunzhong, the ancestor of xuanyang, to guard here. So easy to arrive, I really hope to find something in it. In fact, the sword realm should be a spiritual animal slaughterhouse and a spiritual plant planting base.

After ten breaths, they walked into the door in order. After a trance, Yi Tian found that he was behind the door of the virtual world. At the same time, the people who entered also gathered here one after another. They pointed to the sky one after another. They saw that all the strange animals flying in the sky.

The entrance is relatively safe. If you extend your divine consciousness ten miles away, you can detect the existence of level 5 monsters.

Although the main purpose of picking "Jinyang grass", Yi Tianxin felt that there was definitely a problem. According to the records of "ten thousand pieces of miraculous medicine", this kind of spiritual plant is Lingyang grass below level 5. He once bought it in Tianjian city because cultivating Jinyang is not bad for his body.

Although those spiritual plants have been used up, there is also a Jinyang grass in his spiritual plant bag obtained from cracking the chessboard puppet array. After 130 years of cultivation, it has also advanced to level 6.

In fact, if you count this strain, you have basically completed half of the task. But the question is, why did the girls school specify to collect it? It's a pure Yang thing, unless it's used for.

The corners of Yi Tian's mouth couldn't help laughing at this. Yin Kui's pulse really didn't learn all the Kung Fu of xuanyang sect, or the skill of Lihuo sect is still suitable for men's cultivation.

The power of this "Kui Yin true fire" is indeed amazing. Unfortunately, the Yuan Ying friar of the girls' sect did not want to achieve the balance of yin and Yang, so he needed the assistance of Jinyang grass. However, this is only a way to treat the symptoms rather than the root cause.

Turning his head to see monk Huiyuan, he was meditating there, as if he were thinking about something. His question just now was obviously to take Jinyang grass as his own. Did he practice a powerful body skill like himself and need to use Jinyang grass as an aid.

Since jiedan, Yi Tian has advanced the cultivation of Jinyang not bad body to three levels. Now the effect of Lingyang grass can be basically ignored. If there is high-level Jinyang grass to assist, I believe it will be no problem to practice to the third floor.

After they walked together in twos and threes, Yi Tian found that monk Huiyuan was still staying in the open space at the entrance, but he kept reading scriptures and fiddling with the string of Buddha beads, but his eyes couldn't stop looking ahead, and showed a look of joy.

Seeing this, Yi Tian slowly walked up to monk Huiyuan and said, "I don't know what I want to ask you, master?"

Huiyuan heard that she opened her eyes and looked at Fan Yi Tian Tian carefully and replied, "I've heard a little about Master Yi's reputation. What advice do you have?"

Seeing that the other party was also polite, Yi Tian then said, "I heard the master's meaning before. It seems that he came for this Jinyang grass?"

Huiyuan smiled and said, "monks don't lie. I'm here for this. But it seems that the purpose of Yi Daoyou's trip is not pure?"

Being told the central thing by someone, Yi Tian was very nervous, but he pretended to be okay and said: "I have practiced a body skill and need the help of Jinyang grass. Is that the same with the master?"

Under the counter question, Huiyuan was also stunned, and then replied: "since our purposes are the same, how about walking together. I can also take this opportunity to consult Master Yi."

"I don't dare. I always ask Zhongzhou is the most prosperous area in this world. I also want to ask for advice. Master wanwang, don't refuse," said Yi Tian, pointing to the direction, and then got up and flew away slowly.

Huiyuan also understood, and one jumped up.