It's only a thousand nautical miles from Dinghai City in the south to Saining Sea city in the north. According to Yi Tian's escape speed, it's only an hour to get there, and even it won't take an hour to fly at full speed.

At that time, the array plates on the defense island chain of Dinghai City were erected by themselves. When they flew along the way, they found that most of them were well preserved except a few nodes were broken.

I believe Dinghai City will send more people to repair these damaged nodes one by one. You don't have to worry about these things.

After talking with Nangong Ba, I learned that the reason why the old iron sword didn't fight the three factions in the north is to rely on their strength to defend the coastline in the north of Dongao. As long as the three factions don't step on the bottom line, the old iron sword is open and closed.

Now, as soon as he returned, he greatly weakened the strength of the northern Yin corpse sect, so this time Ninghai city was forced to break through by Chilin Haize because there were not enough friars Yuanying.

Although he said so, Yi Tian didn't care too much. In those years, he was entangled with the Yin corpse sect. Everyone's communication has been uninterrupted since the gas refining period. Lunar calendar line and Fu Kecheng's master and apprentice regard themselves as thorns in the flesh. They almost broke in their hands several times. Now Feng Shui turns to be strong, so these accounts must be calculated well.

Even if you don't ask heaven, no matter how you complain, people will kill you if they kill you. There's nothing to say. Moreover, Yi Tian has contacted the white bone sect before, and may have further plans for the Yin corpse sect in the future.

Flying all the way to the north, the defensive island chain near Dinghai City is the most complete, but the farther north, the more severely those remaining island chains are destroyed. After entering the defense island chain area of Ninghai City, the situation here is worse than that in the south. Look down, most of the defense arrays originally set every 30 to 50 miles have been destroyed.

Only a few nodes are still relying on the original facilities for tenacious defense, and some level-4 sea animals around are leading many low-level subordinates to try to siege these nodes.

Yi Tian in the air only frowned slightly after seeing the situation below the meeting. It seems that the situation in Ninghai city is worse than he thought. After the attack of Ninghai City, it is estimated that the three factions can only retreat along the coastline before they can reorganize their defense.

As for the previous mutant Thunder Dragon, it should have burst into the inland sea from the defense gap of these island chains. If it hadn't met itself, it might have made waves in the inland sea area.

At the thought of this, Yi Tian dared not delay any more. In this way, even if Dinghai City was not lost, it would not be able to defend the red scale sea people in the north. At that time, it would only be a matter of time to become an isolated island.

The low-level sea beasts who held their eyes, Yi Tian just raised his right hand, and suddenly a blue sword light came out and stabbed straight down. When it was close to the sea, the sword light directly stirred the surrounding sea animals into meat mud in ten seconds.

After staying for a little while, Yi Tian strengthened the array plate on the island node again, and then continued to fly in the direction of Ninghai city. Originally, the northern island chain was fragmented under the fierce attack of the sea clan, but it took Yi Tian only half a day to repair most of the island chain defense along the way.

Although there is no core Ninghai City, these island chain defenses have indeed begun to operate. At least Yi Tian can rest assured that those level 5 sea animals can be stopped outside the inland sea temporarily in the repaired area.

After slowly approaching the area of Ninghai City, Yi Tian gradually stopped and began to observe the movement on the sea below most of the time. There are more and more level 5 sea animals here, and even level 6 primary sea animals are stationed near some large node debris.

Although they are all hidden under the sea, it is easy to find their hiding place by exploring with their own divine consciousness. Now Yi Tian doesn't need to be cleared one by one. On the one hand, it takes time, and on the other hand, it's afraid to disturb those high-level sea animals.

So Yi Tian decisively turned high above the sky and flew rapidly towards the northern coastline.

On the way, he deliberately took a detour to visit the original site of Ninghai city. Looking at the island of Ninghai city from high altitude, the houses on the island were blown up, and the city master's house, the tallest building, was also dilapidated at this time.

However, what makes Yi Tian feel most uneasy is that there are six extremely powerful breath in the original value of Naning Haicheng. It should be those monsters gathered here. No wonder Ninghai city will be directly captured.

The sea animals of this level of strength gather together, and even don't ask heaven to come by yourself can't get anything cheap.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian felt that he had to avoid the edge for a while. He went to have a round with the white bone devil first. Maybe he could find some opportunity to fight from their mouth.

The three northern factions set their temporary combat readiness point at Bolang mountain in the middle of Dongao coastline, which is seven or eight hundred nautical miles away from Ninghai City, but now without Ninghai city's defense, the Hai clan can attack the coastline from all directions.

All the people on the local coast have been forcibly moved to the inland area 100 miles away, and within a hundred miles of the coastline has become a temporary war zone.

When Yi Tian came to Bolang mountain, he saw that the Terran friars were holding hands in sections in the area with this mountain as the center and extending nearly 100 miles from north to south. The flags erected in these areas are diverse. It seems that the three northern sects are also elite. In addition, the scattered monks of those aristocratic families were recruited, and they hurriedly laid a defense array along the coastline of more than 200 miles.

After slowly flying into the headquarters of the three factions in Bolang mountain, I found that it was arranged in an orderly manner. The personnel of the medicine valley were responsible for logistics, and the outside defense was the wing composed of the white bone gate and the Yin corpse sect.

After sweeping the friars below, there are not less than dozens of friars in the golden elixir alone, some of whom are still in charge of the aristocratic family. But Yi Tian knew in his heart that the conflict had risen to the level of monk Yuanying. Relying on the following people alone to recapture Ninghai city is like a fool talking in his sleep.

Now the first thing to deal with is the six high-level sea animals living in Ninghai City, among which there is no lack of the existence of the transformation period.

When Yi Tianfei was more than ten miles away from the headquarters of Bolang mountain, he suddenly saw that the defense array on the mountain fanned a few times, and then opened a hole of ten feet out of thin air.

There came the words of the White Bone Demon: "Taoist friends galloped all the way to Bolang mountain. It's just time. Please come to the main hall first."