The guardian spirit outside the treasure house can force Prince Lei Yan to such a point, which also makes Yi Tianxin on one side have lingering fear. At this time, the attack strength of the guardian spirit is stronger than that just now. No wonder it can suppress Prince Leiyan one-sided.

His face turned red, and I didn't know whether the Dragon chant had completely angered the guardian spirit or his strength was a little inferior. After a confrontation, Prince Lei Yan fell down.

Seeing this, Yi Tian had to lend a helping hand. If he was allowed to hang up here, the Dragon King of the East China Sea would know that he would not provoke the dispute between the Terran and the sea again.

In the face of such cultivation, the second generation himself was speechless. After the Taiyuan sword in his hand was waved again and again, it turned into several blue sword lights and split towards the tiger spirit.

At the same time, the three spells staggered together, and the tiger spirit had to retreat with hatred under the double attack. As soon as he ran, he returned to the stone platform and stared at Yi Tian and Prince Lei Yan with his teeth.

When they were ready to attack together, they saw that the tiger spirit moved again. This time, it directly activated the stone platform, and the temperature around suddenly dropped a lot. The tiger spirit's body gradually expanded from the original size of three feet to one foot long, and the fluctuation of spirit pressure on his body also increased a lot.

Since the fight, both of them have been passive defense frequently. As the saying goes, if you keep it for a long time, you will lose. After Yi Tian locked the guardian spirit beast with his divine sense, he directly said to Prince Lei Yan: "Taoist friends, why don't we fight together to subdue it? I think the guardian spirit should be the key to open the treasure house and can't let it do whatever it wants."

Prince Lei Yan just suffered a loss and looked at his opponent again. He knew that his decision alone could not be made. Since Yi Tian gave him the step, he echoed the trend: "what Yi Daoyou said is good. Let's fight together. The guardian spirit absorbs the earth vein spirit Qi and nourishes the spirit body by the array. I think we must first break its spirit power to deal with it."

Yi Tian also nodded. Just now, he wondered why the guardian spirit always squatted on the stone platform. He didn't find the wonderful function of the stone platform until it started the spirit array.

Although I am very interested in the array on the stone platform, I have to destroy it now. Otherwise, the other party can consume more than myself in a long war.

They knew each other's thoughts as soon as they looked at each other, and immediately hit the guardian spirit from the left and right sides. White sword light and red lightning flashed from both sides of the stone chamber, and then accurately hit the guardian spirit on the stone platform.

However, Yi Tian's move was obviously a foot lower and cleaved towards the stone platform base, ready to destroy it. Prince Leiyan's thunder struck directly at the body of the tiger spirit. It can be seen that he was also angered this time and made no reservation.

A tiger roar sounded again. After the body size of the guardian spirit tiger increased, its strength was obviously improved. It did not shrink back in the face of the attack from both sides. It opened its mouth and spit a white cold, forming a frozen Jedi space within a foot of its body.

Once the incoming thunder entered the Jedi space, it was like a fist on cotton. Although it could penetrate slowly, its power was offset by the cold in the space, so that it disappeared without touching the guardian spirit.

Yi Tian's sword light, however, lost most of his power after passing through the Jedi. Finally, only 30% of his strength hit the base column of the stone platform. Suddenly, the activated array shook, as if the spiritual power path was unstable.

After seeing this, Yi Tian was overjoyed and said, "Taoist friend Lei Yan, let's continue. If we break this array, the guardian spirit will have no supplies and jump for a long time."

Prince Lei Yan looked at Yi Tian Tian Tian and hesitated a little, then continued to cast spells and attack the guardian spirit of the center. This time, he also learned to avoid the protection of the ice and frost Jedi and shot frequently towards the stone platform base.

The tiger spirit saw that it was unable to protect the integrity and rushed directly at Yi Tian. This time, it was more powerful than just now. After two claws staggered, he saw ten small white lights flash in the air, and then a "bang" directly hit the spiral fire shield protected by Yi Tian.

Unexpectedly, the two claws were not stirred by the spiral fire shield. After the two spells of ice and fire staggered in the air, several red and white sparks appeared above the shield.

Prince Lei Yan on one side saw that Yi Tian was entangled by the guardian spirit, and a different color flashed in his eyes. Then he closed his hands and gathered several red thunder balls, and threw them all in the direction of the guardian spirit.

For Prince Lei Yan's actions, Yi Tian has never relaxed his vigilance. At this time, if he is careless, he will fall into an irreparable place. Seeing the other party's full hand, even if it's not a direct hit in such a narrow space, the afterwave of the burst of the spell is enough for yourself to drink a pot.

I didn't expect that I helped him out just now, but now it's so rewarding. A fierce look flashed in Yi Tian's eyes, and then regardless of so much, the escape skill under his feet was launched, and the thunder purple flame all over his body immediately appeared to wrap his whole body. Then the spiritual power on his body ran quickly, "whoosh" two sounds stretched out four hands from under his ribs, and two heads appeared on the back of his ears.

With the appearance of Ashura Dharma body, the momentum of the whole person immediately increased, and the spirit pressure was as high as that of the later friars of Yuanying.

Separate the sun and moon Tonghui wheel on the two hands, and use the unique skill to form a protective ring within three feet of the body. The other two hands are not idle. Under the seal, they sacrifice a thundering purple flame to protect themselves.

As soon as I was ready, I saw that all the red thunder bombs hit the guardian spirit in front of me and narrowed it by a few points. The continuous magic burst, shaking the whole narrow stone chamber. The sound of the burst lasted ten breath before it became quiet.

After the smoke dissipated, Prince Lei Yan only saw that the guardian spirit had shrunk to half a foot, and the trace of Yi Tian disappeared, leaving only a dark figure.

Suddenly Prince Lei Yan laughed loudly. Then the two dragon claws stretched out and directly wanted to hold the guardian spirit. Who knows that the spirit body had more strength to escape when it was hit. Although the spirit pressure was not as good as before, it only retained the appearance of Yuanying in the early stage, Prince Lei Yan hit the wheel empty under his double claws.

Before it returned to the array stone platform, a purple fire appeared behind Prince Lei Yan and directly hit the stone pillar base to destroy the above array.

Before Prince Leiyan reacted, one hand suddenly stuck his neck from the rear. Then he saw an incredible look in his eyes and turned his head. Yi Tian, with three heads and six arms, glanced at him with disdain, followed by a burst of dizziness. Prince Lei Yan fainted at once.