In the dreamland, Yi Tian calmly responded to the attack of the mirror image. After the other party maximized the body of Ashura Dharma, he was surprised to detect a trace of strangeness. This array does not create a mirror image out of thin air, but causes the darkest side of people's heart to enlarge infinitely.

If Yi Tian forcibly defeats the other party with just to just, he may be able to directly cut off the heart demons. However, such consumption is also huge. If he doesn't have the secret technique to win, it will cost a lot.

After several blinks in the air, Yi Tian quickly put away the spirit sword in his hand, and then took out the Japanese Tonghui wheel. After his hands were quickly printed on his chest, he combined the spirit instrument into one and completely protected himself.

After chasing the two green and yellow lights for several times, they finally locked the target and attacked from both sides. This time Yi Tian didn't hide or flash. He just made a perfect defense with the genuine spirit weapon on his hand. I saw that the sun and moon two wheels combined into one protected Yi Tian, and his whole body rotated rapidly, and then formed a large and small Jedi space within ten feet around him.

After the two loud sounds of "bang", there was a slight distortion in this space-time. The whirlwind formed by the evil spirit power took itself as the origin, and the spirit power spread in all directions.

After the smoke dispersed, a round ball of ten feet in size appeared in the air. However, Zhongyi Tian stared at the huge figure of Ashura Dharma in front of him unharmed, and said with a heavy complexion: "it is difficult to get rid of the demons in the heart. We must kill them today."

Then he pushed his hands to remove the defense, and then stretched out his hand to seal on his chest and cast the spell. After a sudden blue light appeared on the body, four hands stretched out from under the ribs, and two heads appeared at the root of the neck behind the ears.

At this time, a strange scene appeared in the air, and a red blood light covered the world. In the middle of this blood color is a huge three headed and six armed Ashura FA with a ferocious face. All three faces show a ferocious appearance.

At the same time, a blue light flashed at the edge of the blood light, and the slow blue light was mixed with some soft golden light. Inside, there is also an Ashura Dharma figure, but its shape is like that of ordinary people, and its size is not huge.

Yi Tian's six eyes on his three heads opened at the same time, and his three mouths shouted in unison, "today I'm going to completely eradicate you." after that, he stretched out his hand to sacrifice the sun and moon Tonghui wheel to control and hit the mirror image.

When the other party saw it, he laughed and said, "I am you and you are me. Eradicating me is not equal to your suicide." after talking, he also manipulated the dark golden sun and moon wheels to meet again.

Although the voice of the words came from the heart devil's mouth, Yi Tian seemed to feel that he could not resist it, and there was a wonderful change in his heart. The spiritual power in the whole human body was shocked, and the blood gas surged up, showing a state of instability of spiritual power.

After listening to the devil's words, Yi Tian immediately felt dizzy on his forehead and said something bad in his heart. This is the other party's usual trick. Those words contain all kinds of negative emotions to disturb the Tao's heart.

If he takes advantage of it to break into his heart, it's really bad. Then he binds his hands and silently uses the heart method of Prajna bitter Zen to quickly get rid of the distractions in his heart.

The wise head on the right side had a flash in his eyes. He offered the Qingling Dharma to sweep the demons around him. Then he said with a disdainful smile: "you are my demons, but I am not you, and the demons confuse the public and also want to confuse me." the voice used the unique skill of Prajna temple, Tianlei Bayin, and the whole person's spirit was boosted in an instant, The whole body's spiritual power runs in an orderly manner, without the previous feeling of blood surging and impetuous.

The peaceful head on the left side also said with a simple smile: "you'll look good later." then he raised his hands and took out a string of Buddha beads to slowly sing the 'Bodhi condensing heart mantra'. Suddenly, with Yi Tian as the center, there was a peaceful appearance, and the negative emotions that can be induced by the heart demon's blood and Qi were imperceptibly dissolved.

When the demon saw it, three faces showed an angry look of shame, but the other four hands showed their shining sword and Tengmu skills again and again. There were some black magic fires on the left and right sides.

I saw Yi Tian's face unchanged and calmly deal with it. He made a spiral stroke with his hands in front of his chest, and the tip of his index finger swept a trace of white flame to sacrifice it as a spiral fire shield. This is the first time to cast Nanming Lihuo to load on the fire shield spell. For a time, the white flame invaded all around, and the blood, color and aura were forced out three feet away.

Suddenly, a blood red sword wire hit the fire shield. In a moment, it was relieved by the rotating Nanming from the fire, and even the black magic fire was swallowed up.

Feeling the power of Nanming after being loaded from the fire, Yi Tian put it in front of him with a draw from the corner of his mouth. Later, he only heard a few "poop poop" sounds. The thick and thin bloody rattan vein of the bucket hit the middle of the spiral fire shield.

But seeing Yi Tian's Figure shaking slightly, he stabilized in the air. A section of the cane seemed to be involved by something, and was suddenly pulled over.

As long as you look carefully, you can find that the white spiral fire shield is rapidly crushing the incoming rattan veins into a mass of waste residue. Less than three seconds later, the rattan wood entanglement spell was directly cracked.

After putting away the fire shield, Yi Tian turned over his hands and took out the Haotian mirror directly. Holding his mouth in his hands, he said something, and some white light came out from the mirror.

Then he turned it over and took a picture of himself. A figure just like himself appeared in the Haotian mirror. Yi Tian's eyes flashed over the mirror and found that he was wrapped in white Nanming from the fire, in which there were some purple thunder Mans.

But he aimed the Haotian mirror at the heart demon again. Suddenly, he saw that the huge Ashura Dharma body in front of him twitched, and what appeared in the Haotian mirror was a dark demon with open teeth and claws. Needless to say, this was the heart demon hidden in his heart.

Yi Tian was also restrained by the mirror image in the mirror. Unexpectedly, there was such a terrible existence in his heart. If he hadn't practiced the secret Dharma of Buddhism in Zhongzhou Prajna temple, he really didn't know how to deal with it.

Moreover, this evil spirit obviously grows with its own strength. At this time, it will become a major trouble in the future.

After thinking about it, he kept chanting "Bodhi condensing heart mantra" and Tianlei Bayin, and urged Haotian mirror to stare the light from it on the forehead of the heart demon.

Where the white light shone, the blood gas became thinner and thinner, and soon split the blood fog in the sky in two. As for the heart devil, his action became slow under the light of Haotian mirror, and the eight tones of Tianlei sounded in his ears from time to time, and the fluctuation of psychic power became very slow.

Yi Tian sees the opportunity to open his mouth and spit out a white flame mixed with golden light to run towards the heart demon. A bright white light flashed across the sky directly to the magic face door of the life center, and only a scream was heard. The heart demon's Ashura Dharma body emitted a trace of white light from the inside out, and soon turned directly into a white flame, burning from the inside out.

I only heard it scream, "you can't kill me. I'm you. If you kill me, you'll lack persistence in your heart."

Yi Tian smiled at the corners of his mouth and replied faintly, "it's better to get rid of such ugly obsession."