After leaving the cave, he Huan old devil stood on one side, his face seemed angry, while Bai Jinglian knelt on the ground and dared not make any action.

Howie saw it. First, she gently pointed to her disciples, and then told her that there was nothing for you here. Go on. Bai Jinglian listened and hurriedly turned around and went out of the forbidden valley of Hehuan sect.

At this time, Yi Tian found that the divine consciousness of Hehuan old devil seemed to have scanned his body several times to find out. At present, his face just changed and offered a white halo to cover himself and isolate the other party's divine consciousness.

Later, I just heard Haoji say, "Why are you in such a hurry, elder martial brother? You entered my younger sister's territory without communication. Have you forgotten the sect discipline?"

After hearing this, the old devil Hehuan suddenly became a little angry, and returned to normal later: "the patriarch said that I was reckless. But I don't know what virtue this person has. How can he enter the younger martial sister's boudoir?" he raised his hand and pointed to Yi Tian's position.

I didn't expect that there was such a thing in Howie's cave. So I was the first person to enter her boudoir. No wonder old devil Hehuan said it so seriously.

Yi Tian thought about it and was waiting to be distinguished. Suddenly, Haoji on the side said with a solemn face: "Yi Daoyou is the master level tool refiner I invited. This time, he not only repaired and improved the family's most precious Hehuan bell, but also helped me communicate the tool spirit." after that, he took out a three inch Hehuan bell and put it in the palm of his right hand.

"Really?" the old devil of Hehuan suddenly showed an incredible look when his face changed. After scanning the Hehuan bell with doubts, he directly stretched out a wisp of divine consciousness to explore it.

After ten breath, the tightly locked eyebrows slowly stretched out, and there was a happy look on his face. Obviously, he also made contact with the instrument spirit in the Hehuan bell. Although he only made preliminary negotiations, it can prove that Haoji's words are true.

But after three breaths, the old devil whispered again: "that younger martial sister is too kind to invite this person into the cave. Even my elder martial brother doesn't have such a chance."

Yi Tian was speechless after listening. Unexpectedly, the old devil of Hehuan still chased the matter. He didn't speak at the moment. He just glanced at Haoji to see how she solved the matter.

Later, Howie's lips moved a few times and whispered with Hehuan old devil in private. They talked for a long time before they saw that Hehuan old devil's face gradually eased down.

But Yi Tian found that when he looked at himself, there seemed to be some doubt in his eyes, but he didn't dare to attack because of Haoji's face.

When they finished talking, the old devil Hehuan asked, "since Yi Daoyou is a master of refining utensils and everyone in the array, there's just something I want you to do."

The so-called thing is no good. Since the other party has a grudge with their own heart, it's better to cooperate less and save money. At that time, it's hard for everyone to get along with each other.

Yi Tian didn't think about it, but directly refused: "I have something important to do. I'll stay if I'm inconvenient. This time your family's Hehuan bell repair has been successfully completed. Taoist Haoji, we'd better say goodbye." after that, he wanted to leave directly.

The old devil of Hehuan just glanced and motioned. Howie looked puzzled and said, "I'm afraid I need your array to help you."

"I don't know what made the Taoist friends so embarrassed?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

"In fact, this is also a strange thing that has happened in mainland China in recent decades," hodgton explained "An underground ice cave was exposed after an earthquake six or seven decades ago, thousands of miles north of Hehuan Zong and the border with Beiyuan. At first, it was nothing, but with each passing year, a strange wind generated in the ice cave, forming a perennial hurricane barrier at the boundary of Beiyuan."

After thinking about it, Yi Tian replied, "that Taoist friend means to help me explore the ice cave?"

On one side, the old devil of Hehuan grabbed his mouth and said, "the survey is free. Abbot Wuyin and I have gone down to the bottom of the valley, and then found an abyss crack. As for the vigorous wind, it is from the crack."

Speaking of this, Yi Tianxin knew that the old devil of emotional joy saw his array attainments and wanted to seal the abyss cracks. However, it seemed that he had to go this time because the abbot also took part in the exploration.

Just looking at the appearance of Hehuan old devil, he was a little stunned. His greatest fear was that he was angry. At that time, he would secretly make trouble and put himself in danger.

After thinking about it again and again, Yi Tian directly took out a messenger to write a message on it and activated it.

Seeing Yi Tian's action, Haoji and Hehuan old devil didn't say much, but waited silently. In less than a quarter of an hour, a golden light flashed on the messenger, and Yi Tian swept his divine consciousness over it, and a solemn color appeared on his face.

This message is the reply from abbot Wuyin. The general content of the above is in line with the caliber of old devil Hehuan. It is only mentioned that they will ask Du Ziheng of tiandaozong to help this time.

Seeing the corner of Yi Tian's mouth, his eyes showed a little disdain. Du Ziheng met him three times. It's OK to say during the war of eliminating demons, but he abandoned everyone and ran away alone during his trip to huozong dange. This act alone made him look down on himself.

Then he stretched out his hand and handed the messenger jade amulet to Haoji, who also showed a trace of disdain on his face. Seeing this, he Huan old devil directly glanced at the messenger jade Rune with divine knowledge, but he didn't find anything wrong after watching it for a while.

Turning to Hao Ji, she said angrily, "this Du Ziheng ran away when he left huozong Dan Pavilion last time, ignoring our safety. Elder martial brother, how dare you ask this man to help?"

After hearing this, the old devil of Hehuan looked helpless and said, "Du Ziheng is the Yuanying friar with the highest array attainments in Zhongzhou, and he was invited out of the mountain by the abbot of Wuyin who went to heaven in person."

"That's before. With Yi Daoyou, Du Ziheng can only be second," said Howie disdainfully.

Old devil Hehuan glanced at Yi Tian again. He didn't know what he was thinking. Then he echoed a few words and asked Yi Tian to do it.

Since it's inconvenient for Yi Tian to refuse because of the Abbot's summons, he just confirmed again and again that Du Ziheng was the first, so he'd better let him do it and try again when the matter can't be solved.

After hearing this, the old devil agreed immediately and informed the abbot of no cause that he was ready to leave for the Beiyuan ice cave.