The five hundred mile boundary around Tianji Pavilion in astrology mountain belongs to Tianyun gate. There is an unwritten rule in mainland China. Don't easily provoke Tianyun gate anyway.

Even the three top sects have maintained a tacit attitude towards this matter, so it has been surprisingly calm here for thousands of years. One of the main reasons is that the head disciples of Tianyun sect are very strict, and they directly look for people through divination.

On the other hand, there is also a big monk tianjizi in the later period of Yuanying, so people who want to find fault in astrology mountain have to weigh their weight.

But that's it. Today's astrological mountain doesn't seem to be as leisurely as in the past. One red light and one white light fly from the sky and fly towards the Qingtian Pavilion of astrological mountain.

The two hermits soon found that each other's destination was the same, but they deliberately kept a distance and did not entangle each other.

Half an hour later, the two lights flew over Qingtian Pavilion, then fell slowly on both sides, and appeared on the square in front of Qingtian Pavilion.

After a while, a loud voice came from Qingtian Pavilion: "it's polite for you to come to Tianyun gate."

After talking, the door on the main hall opened slowly, and then a 40-year-old monk walked out to meet them in front of the store.

If Yi Tian is present, he can recognize that this person is the tianyunzi he saw in Xihuang that year, but he hasn't seen in more than 200 years. At this time, his face seems to be aging a lot, and his cultivation seems to stay in the early days of Yuanying. Even those who practice truth can change their looks at will, but the price of divination is undoubtedly revealed on tianyunzi's face.

There was a blood evil spirit in the red light. After the halo faded, an old man with a bald red beard appeared. A pair of triangular eyes turned around and looked around, and then locked the divine consciousness in tianyunzi and the other white light.

Tianyunzi took a deep breath and blurted out, "the blood refining devil is here. I don't know what to teach?" it is obvious that this man is a casual monk in the middle of Yuanying, and tianyunmen is the most tired of dealing with such monks. On the one hand, they are more perverse and have no scruples. On the other hand, most of these people like to cling to their door-to-door demands, and they will linger on one after another.

After hearing this, the blood refining devil just squeezed out a smile on his face, and then faintly replied: "I want to ask brother tianyunzi to do something next." he said something, but most of his attention was focused on the white light.

Later, after the white light faded at the other end of the square, a middle-aged friar appeared. He was sharp with swords and two wood like torches. His eyes swept the corner of his mouth after the blood refining demon king, showing a trace of disdain. He turned and said to tianyunzi: "brother Tianyun, I haven't seen him for many years. I really have something to ask for this venture to disturb."

The visitor is Beiming kongjing, an elder of the divine sword sect who once met in Xihuang by Yi Tian.

"Beiming Taoist friend's words are heavy," tianyunzi then made an invitation gesture and said, "please join me in the hall to talk in detail."

At the invitation of the master, the two mid-term friars of Yuanying followed tianyunzi into the main hall, but before they sat down, their faces suddenly changed slightly. In their divine sense, they found that someone was flying towards the astrological mountain.

Its escape speed is faster than that of the mid-term friars of Yuanying. It seems that it should be carrying some flying vehicle, but even so, the strength of the people who control it will not be weak.

Within a day, several people visited tianyunzi. His face was both sad and happy. Sitting on the futon, he slowly stretched out his left hand and picked up the Dharma formula to write a divination. Then his face gradually showed a little joy. At the same time, he bowed his head and muttered, "finally."

The words were not loud, but the two present also listened in their ears, but the situation was unknown and they dared to make a mistake.

Tianyunzi, who had just sat down, stood up and straightened his clothes. Then he opened his mouth with the two people and said, "the distinguished guest is coming to bizong. I have to meet him. You two will wait a moment." then he ignored their reaction and hurried out of the hall door.

A moment later, there was a roar in the sky. It should be that a charging boat arrived over the Qingtian Pavilion of Tianyun gate, and then two spiritual power waves slowly fell to the square in front of the hall.

Beiming empty mirror and the blood refining demon king immediately explored the divine knowledge and found that the visitor was also a monk in the middle of Yuanying, and Xiao Linhang followed the person walking along under the leadership of tianyunzi.

Beiming's empty mirror was stunned. When he saw the man, he asked tentatively, "Your Excellency is nephew Yi Tianxian?"

As early as on the assault boat, Yi Tian found that there seemed to be three people in the Tiange of Xiafang Qing, but he didn't know that tianyunzi had a visitor today. After entering, he recognized the person at a glance, then saluted with both hands and said, "martial uncle Beiming is polite to my nephew."

Then he glanced at the blood refining devil and looked at the corner of his mouth. He smiled and said nothing, followed tianyunzi into the main hall.

Unexpectedly, this move made the blood refining devil's face uneasy. Today, the three came to visit tianyunzi, and their intention is self-evident. I only heard the blood refining Demon King say to tianyunzi, "brother Tianyun, I know you have a distinguished guest, but I happen to have something urgent on hand. Please divine for me first, which is good for my wish."

After hearing this, the unhappy color between tianyunzi's eyebrows flashed away. Just when he wanted to reply, Xiao Linhang interrupted: "Why are you in a hurry, Taoist friend of blood refining? You should know that this divination is not a small matter. You need to choose a good day to bathe, change clothes, burn incense and pray. It's not something you can do casually."

The blood refining devil snorted coldly and said, "I don't know when Tianyun Taoist friends will be ready. I see a lot of visitors coming this time. Will Taoist friends favor one over the other?"

After hearing this, tianyunzi immediately smiled and said, "the blood refining Taoist friends are too worried, and I treat them equally. But what the little disciple said is also to the point, but what divination pays attention to is a accurate word, so these early preparations should not be careless."

Beiming's empty mirror readily echoed: "so guests follow the Lord, just wait for Tianyun brother to choose a good day to do divination."

The blood refining devil just glanced at a few people and said, "it's better to hit the sun than choose a day. Don't shirk it. I'm involved in important things and can't tolerate half a delay."

The implication was to force tianyunzi to start immediately. For a moment, the atmosphere on the court was dignified. At this time, Xiao Linhang's voice came to Yi Tian's ear: "This man is a casual monk. He came to our teacher four times in hundreds of years to calculate the opportunity. Unexpectedly, he was really lucky to be promoted to the mid-term of Yuanying. So now it seems that we can find some opportunities and come to ask for divination."

Unexpectedly, Yi Tian opened his mouth and said, "this Taoist friend, don't force people to be difficult. Well, as long as you can take my move, I'll ask senior tianyunzi to do divination for you first."

"Does he mean what he says?"

Tianyunzi nodded and agreed.