In the sky over the desert island, Yi Tian and he Weiming are directly attacking in the face of many snake descendants. One shows his real body, and the other cooperates to sacrifice the spirit sword and magic flame. The three attack the large black Python in turn in three ways, left, middle and right.

The other party seemed to ignore it completely. With rough skin and thick meat and strong defense, he opened his mouth and bit at the three people after resisting the attack. In particular, a mass of dark green juice vomited out of his mouth after he opened his mouth, emitting a stench, divided into three in the air and hit the three people respectively.

Yi Tian saw something bad and knew that this thing must contain strong toxicity. The whole figure blinked in the air and opened the distance twice to prevent the front from being hard hit into a war of consumption. Then he turned Yueyao wheel into a vacuum barrier in front of him and caught the dark green venom.

The three foot size vacuum Jedi kept rotating, quickly sucked these venoms into the vortex and consumed them. After ten breath, the venom attack was dissolved into invisibility.

He Weiming was also quick-sighted and dodged. Unexpectedly, the venom group followed closely as if it had eyes. Then he had to sacrifice the spirit sword into thousands of sword silk to block it.

With a bang, the sword net made of sword silk wrapped the venom and cut it into thousands of pieces. When the spirit sword flew back, the light on it was obviously weak by three points. The venom had an obvious effect of eroding the spirit power. He Weiming shook his head.

His split body seemed to be more capable. A black magic flame spewed out of the air and hit the poison. With a "coax" sound, the black magic flame completely wrapped the poison. Then it burned more and more, which seemed to add fuel to the fire.

Under this move, Yi Tian didn't dare to neglect. After sacrificing the Rihui wheel, he replaced it with a golden dazzling sun and hit the black Python seven inches away. At the same time, he took back the moon shining wheel in front of him and gently sacrificed it in his hand, ready to go.

After the light wheel hit the scale of the black python, it made a "bang" sound. The golden light of the sun glow wheel hit the black Python's body, but it had already rolled up and covered the seven inch key. Yi Tian stretched out his hand and recalled the Rihui wheel. Although he didn't hit the key directly, he also left a charred trace on its scales.

Moreover, his own skill obviously restrained these dark poisons. After one blow, he also shattered the scales on the back of the black Python to reveal the bright red meat inside.

On one side, he Weiming took advantage of the situation to sacrifice the spirit sword again. This time, he mobilized his spirit to turn the spirit sword into thousands of sword wires again, and then covered the black Python's head.

After three breaths, an overwhelming sword net completely covered the five long snake bodies below. He Weiming shouted in the air, "close", and the sword net suddenly tightened. As soon as the sword net touched the black python, it suddenly burst into black smoke.

Yi Tian saw it clearly in the air. His sword net turned into sword silk and stared at the place where he had just hit. Without the protection of scales, those sword wires seemed to enter the uninhabited territory. They only drilled into the north of the black Python and broke the flesh and blood, and a fist sized blood hole appeared in an instant.

The sword Qi that intruded into the black Python's body didn't seem to have been completely exhausted. Later, the black Python's body shook violently. After he Weiming's seal in the air, he shouted again in front of him: "open".

The sword wire drilled into the body of the black Python became active again, and immediately crushed its internal organs and protruded directly from the inside of the scale.

At the same time, he Weiming took out a black short knife, which was full of blood and evil spirit. After his hands were sealed, he manipulated the spirit tool to hit the black Python's wound.

After a black flash, the blood blade accurately hit the north of the black python, and then a strange scene appeared. A red light flashed on the blood blade, and the blood on the black Python rushed towards the blade.

This magic knife is to absorb the blood essence of the black Python and collect it for your own use. Under this elimination, the black Python's anger is much weaker than before. The magic knife inserted on its back fluctuated violently, and its appetite was endless. It didn't seem to stop.

After ten breaths, the fluctuation of spiritual pressure on the black Python was about half weaker than before. Then he saw his tail swing, glanced over the magic blade and pulled it out directly from his back.

In an instant, a blood column gushed out of the wound, and then it was completely absorbed by the magic blade without reservation.

Yi Tian then stretched out his hand and again combined the sun and moon into one, turning into a one foot spiral light ball and smashing it at the head of Heijiao.

After a green poison was spit out from its mouth, it was mixed with an egg sized demon pill. Then the poison condensed around the demon pill in the air to form a half foot sized poison ball.

With the sound of "bang", the two spells collided with each other, and then the wave of spirit power mixed with venom spread everywhere. Yi Tian saw that when the green wave of spirit power swept over the desert island, the original green trees withered and withered instantly, and only the venom remained on the ground after the light wave of spirit power.

After seeing this scene, the three faces all showed fear. After a flash of their figures at the same time, they all avoided it.

After the wave of green psychic power completely dissipated, Yi genius scanned his divine consciousness and found that the black Python was dying and fell powerlessly on the hillside, with blood flowing from many wounds on his body.

And he Weiming's separation seems not to want to let it go. He controls the magic knife blood blade to stay not far above the snake and continuously absorb the blood flowing out.

He Weiming took away the spirit sword and looked at it carefully. However, the black Python didn't seem to relax at all, and his eyebrows wrinkled slightly, as if he was thinking about something.

Seeing this, Yi Tian was puzzled and asked, "he Daoyou, is there anything special about this black Python?"

"I once saw the description of the descendants of this kind of snake in the foreign body chronicles of Tianlan continent," he Weiming said with a solemn face. "It is said that this type of snake is a social animal. I think it should be the ancestor of the ethnic group."

"That's it, isn't it? Does he Daoyou have other worries?" Yi Tian asked.

"These snake descendants usually like to coexist with Xuanwu descendants, but I searched with divine knowledge. It seems that there are no large tortoises around," he Weiming sighed.

Just as he was talking, a low roar sounded in the fog, which immediately calmed the three people. The roar came from the front of the desert island, and then a huge shadow appeared in the fog.

When the shadow broke through the fog and appeared in front of them, the three people were surprised. Yi Tian pointed to him not far from the front and said, "he Daoyou, your judgment is right. It seems that we are in big trouble."