On the second floor of Huajia lingchong store, the receptionist was a shopkeeper of Yuanying cultivation. Yi Tian also said his request directly.

This time I came here mainly to get a detailed information of the spirit world's pet. It would be great if I could find out the news of Yunmeng toad.

After telling his request, the shopkeeper didn't say much. He directly took out a jade slip and said, "elder, this atlas is the public part of the detailed explanation of the Royal beast of my flower family. It contains nearly a thousand kinds of common demon beasts in the spirit world. It can be regarded as a complete variety."

After hearing this, Yi Tian just threw his mouth and said, "don't you say that there is still an unpublished part of your detailed explanation of the Royal beast of the flower family."

"Elder Rong reported that those are the foundation of our flower family's foothold in the spiritual world, so please forgive me. However, the one in front of us is very complete, and ordinary spiritual monsters have been included in a detailed description," said the shopkeeper.

Yi Tian knows that their authority is limited, and it's inconvenient to get to the bottom of this issue. After asking the price, he paid the Lingshi directly on the spot, and then changed the detailed explanation of the Royal beast. Then he put the jade slips on his forehead and quickly read them with divine knowledge.

In fact, this time I came here mainly for two purposes: one is to check my spiritual pet information, and the other is to see if there are any records about Mengxin. After all, she really shocked herself when she showed her original shape that day. In fact, only after fully understanding her species and characteristics can I decide how to deal with the fire phoenix plume.

Unfortunately, after browsing with the mind and carefully looking up the two major items of frogs and birds, I didn't find the exact information.

Even the word "cloud dream toad" has not been mentioned in the records of frogs. In the end, there was a phoenix record of birds. It was briefly recorded that the next Phoenix family was divided into two branches: Fire Phoenix and green Luan. There is no other written description.

After reading it, Yi Tianxin complained that such a jade slip cost him a thousand top-grade spirit stones. Although most of the monsters have never been seen by themselves, the most critical part of their attention is missing.

Unfortunately, once the goods are sold, they can't be returned, especially the documents of these records are all like this. Later, Yi Tian put away the jade slips explained in detail by the Royal beast and left. The shopkeeper didn't ask the waiter waiting outside to see off the guests.

After coming down from the second floor, Yi Tian found that the quarrel in the lobby continued. It sounded like Hua Yuxin was chasing and staring at each other. The cause of the quarrel seems to be about the Royal beast ring.

Yi Tian sneers at this, but he is not interested in these strange things. Then he quickly ordered the man's leader to go straight out of the corridor on one side.

Before I reached the front door, I suddenly heard a crisp cry: "team Yi is coming. Please wait."

It was Hua Yuxin who saw Yi Tian's figure and hurriedly opened his mouth and called to stay. At the same time, this voice also attracted many eyes around. But when these friars found that there was a divine friar in front of them, they naturally took their eyes back.

These high-level friars are eccentric. If an unhappy spirit presses others, they will suffer.

Yi Tian was also extremely helpless. He thought about how to avoid flowering jade core, but he stopped her after all. Then he stopped and turned to see Hua Yuxin walking towards him after quarrelling with others. Today, she didn't wear the uniform dress of the inspection department. She wore a green shirt and a bun on her head. She looked like a refined shopkeeper.

Before Yi Tian spoke, Hua Yuxin asked, "when did captain Yi come, and Yuxin hasn't seen him."

"I'm not busy. I just went to the second floor and bought some holy pet atlas," Yi Tian replied.

Hua Yuxin smiled and said, "Yuxin sent a message before. Yufu specially asked captain Yi to come to the cold house. Unfortunately, it's difficult for the captain to have free time for closed training. Today, it's better to go to the inner hall to have a chat, so that I can make a little of the friendship of being a subordinate."

His voice was silent, but he was in awe in the eyes of the monks around him. Hua Yuxin's identity is well known, and she claims to be a subordinate from her mouth. The identity of the person in front of her is of great origin.

Today, Yi Tian didn't wear the official uniform of the patrol envoy, so he looked like an ordinary God friar. Now Hua Yuxin's statement to reveal her identity is somewhat embarrassing.

If you don't accept it now, I'm afraid you've offended the flower family positively. You won't be foolish enough to do so in love and reason.

Then he smiled and replied, "in that case, I also have something to ask."

Seeing Yi Tianshuang's quick promise, Hua Yuxin immediately put the unhappiness of the quarrel behind her head. After ordering a few words with his entourage, he led Yi Tian through the corridor to the backyard of the shop.

After a while, they came to a wing room in the backyard garden. Then Hua Yuxin ordered the servant girls around him and said, "go and invite my ancestors to come, and say that the captain of my inspection department is coming."

After receiving the order, the servant girl hurried out and finally took the door.

Then Hua Yuxin and Yi Tiancai sat down and slowly said, "I don't know why the captain came this time. Please forgive me for the shortcomings of the waiter's reception in our store."

Yi Tian smiled and nodded in agreement, then directly opened the topic and said, "just now I went into the store and saw you arguing with others. I don't know what it is?"

"Captain, I don't know. Our flower family started with royal beasts. In the early years, our ancestors worshipped under the head of the Royal beast temple in Taiqing Pavilion and got some true legends. However, time has changed, the older generation is gone, and the disciples of the left family are not angry, and there are no distracted monks, so it's worth going out to open a Xiuzhen family to be attached to the sect," Hua Yuxin explained.

Yi Tian's eyes lit up after hearing this. Unexpectedly, the ancestors of the flower family had something to do with Taiqing Pavilion. As she said, since we can understand the true story of the Royal beast in Taiqing Pavilion, we must have a unique view of the spirit world monster.

Then Hua Yuxin said, "just now I argued with people about the quality of those Royal animal rings. Unfortunately, my flower family has no tool refiner to offer, so I have to turn to others for help in this link."

Yi Tian felt a little strange when he heard the speech. The Royal beast ring is easy to make. Is there anything strange in it.

Seeing Yi Tian's face, Hua Yuxin explained, "the captain doesn't know that the Royal animal ring in my house is different from ordinary ones. It is specially used to tame those fierce animals and has the effect of spiritual suppression."

It's so easy to be a genius. Suddenly, the physical strength of monsters is strong, but the spirit is their weakest place without special training. As for the spirits of those fierce beasts, they are much stronger than ordinary spirit beasts. In order to subdue them in one fell swoop, the suppression of spirits is an essential link.