More than half of the places in the spiritual world have not been clearly explored, and among the proved lands, the three major gates will delimit nearly half of the lands as the vassal lands of the sect.

Those small and medium-sized sects occupy one-third of the spiritual veins in the rest of the territory, and there are basically no large spiritual veins in the rest of the territory. Even if there are, most of them are polluted places left after the last demon invasion.

The place agreed by Mi Jun and Ding Xuan for the competition is a relic of holy demons, called "doujiangtai". It is said that it was the last gathering place for those demons who had not yet got out after driving the demon family out of the spirit world.

In the battle of generals, the three factions once consumed these residual demons in a one-on-one competition. Those who lose will be executed on the spot, and those who win can directly return to the demon world by opening the interface channel on one side.

For thousands of years, this place has become a good place for spiritual friars to duel. Of course, it is not all like life and death. But the monks of the three main doors are usually invited as witnesses.

At noon, several white lights flashed on a hidden transmission array thousands of miles southeast of doujiangtai. Later, the protection barrier of the transmission array was automatically activated to form a protection barrier.

After three breaths, a surge of spiritual pressure flashed in the inner circle, showing the appearance of five people, namely Yi Tian, MI Jun and Hong Fei.

After the halo of the transmission array faded, Hong Fei led the people to fly towards the doujiangtai. It took only a few minutes to fly to the range of doujiangtai.

Yi Tian looked down in the air and saw that the Doujiang platform was located in a valley, which opened up a circular stone platform of nearly three miles. Three high platforms are respectively built around the garden platform, which are clamped in the middle in the shape of Pinzi.

Hong Fei stretched out his finger and said, "there is an array below, which can isolate the people inside. Similarly, people outside can't get in. There is an array mechanism to lift the ban only on the grandstand of the three monks."

After hearing this, Yi Tian quickly turned his head, and after a flash of light in his eyes, he showed his real eyes and began to check them. I don't know that there is a large forbidden array on the Doujiang platform below.

The array node is just set on the three stands. The array pattern on the middle stone platform is actually made of stone carving stripes on the ground. What makes me feel the most difficult to understand is the simple array arrangement of the people who arrange the array. Aren't you afraid that the belligerents inside will crack the ground of the doujiangtai and affect the closed array method.

Seeing Yi Tian's suspicious face, Hong Fei said, "what's the matter with Yi, brother? Have you found anything?"

Yi Tian didn't bother to tell his worries clearly. Then Hong Fei laughed and said, "it's strange. You'll understand it after MI Jun goes in and fights."

With doubt, the five men descended to the clouds and saw that Ding Xuan had already arrived. They almost had six sect friars. It seems that he is a fellow disciple of Fei Yu sword sect. He wears different clothes, both inside and outside.

As for another group on the other side, there are more than 30 or 40 people. But they seem to be trading with stalls on one side. Yi Tian frowned, stretched out his hand, pointed to them and asked, "what are these people doing?"

Mi Jun looked contemptuous and said, "these people are scattered or side branches of the clan. Every time someone fights on the general platform, they will come and set up a stall, including betting."

Speaking of this, Yi Tianshen read a sweep and found that there were really such stalls. As for other stalls, there were many things to sell. There are a lot of spirit tools and treasure materials, but it's unclear how many of them are valuable.

Just thinking about it, I suddenly saw Mi Jun walking alone, and a young monk from the other camp came forward. After they met, they seemed to talk and came back.

After MI Jun came back, Shaoqing heard him say, "it's estimated that the competition will take some time. This time, a witness was invited."

"Witness?" Yi Tian heard this arrangement for the first time. He turned to look at Hong Fei. The latter explained: "usually, when the three disciples fight openly, they will invite the first one in the sect to testify. On the one hand, it can boost the momentum of his sect, and on the other hand, he is not afraid of being cheated by the other."

Then they found a place to sit and wait. Seeing that there was nothing wrong, Yi Tian greeted them and went to the scattered stalls to sweep the goods.

After passing by several stalls there, I found that the quality level of things sold in these places was uneven. Fortunately, I had been engaged in refining utensils for many years. Along the way, I found that they were basically inferior spirit tools. As for treasure materials, they were raw ores that had not been refined, but the price was ridiculously high.

After walking all the way to the betting point, I saw a three foot high flagpole with a black dragon. The name of MI Jun and Ding Xuan is written on the sign below.

The guy introduced that MI Jun's odds are 1:13 and Ding Xuan's odds are a little better, 1:1 for every 1000 spirit stones. After reading it, Yi Tian took a swipe at the corners of his mouth and seemed not optimistic about most of MI Jun. then he took out five thousand spirit stones and handed them to the man, saying, "buy all Mi Jun and win."

The man looked at Yi Tian with a greasy eye, and then took Lingshi and issued a bet without saying a word.

After Yi Tian put away the bill, he turned to his camp, but in his mind, he found that the guys at these betting points pointed behind him and didn't know what they were talking about.

After going back, he told everyone what he had just experienced. However, MI Jun looked at the other party and said with disdain: "I didn't expect to look down on me so much, but it's better for Ding Xuan to be proud for a while. However, he didn't remind brother Yi early that the five thousand spirit stones seem to be going to drift."

Yi Tian was surprised when he heard the speech and hurriedly said, "the spirit stone is a small thing, but brother MI, don't you have so little confidence in yourself?"

Hong Fei said, "Mi Jun doesn't mean that. This gambling stall is run by the family of Fei Yu Jian Zong ou. Are you really going to exchange gambling money if Mi Jun wins? Don't forget that Ou Jinglong, whom I saw last time, is their patron. Most of your spirit stones won't come back. Unless you can enter the top ten of the Disha list, there is still a possibility."

Yi Tian was stunned when he heard this. He knew that he had set up this time. However, he still had a lot of strength difference with Ou Jinglong. It seems that this bet can only be saved for later.

Just thinking about it, suddenly several lights flashed across the horizon, and then the mind swept over, as if two waves of people and horses were flying towards doujiangtai. Mi Jun's faces are a little happy, but Yi Tian's face changes when he sees the visitor.

There are three people from Taiqing Pavilion. In addition to huayulin, there is a man and a woman. That woman is Cui Fuling, the attendant of the eldest martial sister of Taiqing Pavilion. It seems that she is still the main person this time.