When Yi Tian and Hua Yulin reach an agreement on the third floor of Chuangong temple, Hua Yuxin can be fished out from daozong of Shangqing Dynasty. From Hua Yulin's mouth, we know that anyone who has spent the apocalyptic robbery in the Taoist sect of the Shangqing Dynasty can no longer be selected as an attendant of the inner disciples.

Like Hong Fei, he is strong in the branch vein, but he has lost the qualification to enter the main vein. It is difficult to say that he will suffer losses and be cost-effective between gains and losses.

As for mentioning that divination is Yi Tian's most concerned thing, it seems that nine times out of ten he is right. Ordinary people think that if they want to go to Lihuo palace, they will have a lot of opportunities only if they get close to the shaozong leader chiwuji of Lihuo palace through the draft.

But after flying to the upper world, I just want to suppress leaving the fire palace, and a war between myself and Ji Xuanyuan is inevitable. If Hua Yuxin really follows her and stays in Lihuo palace again when master Wuye returns, then Hua Yuxin can settle down in the right place.

Similarly, according to his own personality, he will never be interested in managing the sect. In this way, Hua Yuxin becomes a legitimate agent in charge of Lihuo palace.

Look at Hua Yulin's disdain for Yan Daozi's divination, but they really didn't say wrong. It's just that the process is a little unexpected.

Hua Yulin sighed and said, "when I looked for Yan Daozi to calculate the fortune of my flower family, I spent 3000 achievements."

"What's the result?" Yi Tian didn't urge him to let him play.

"Of course, it's excellent. Yan Daozi's divination was very smooth in those years. He used his unique skill to see luck," Hua Yulin said. "Afterwards, he told me that she Mei's life was too expensive to speak of. In the future, he will have a chance to stay in Lihuo Palace and even run the sect."

"Isn't that very good? Now those who want to worship Lihuo palace have broken their heads. Sister Yuxin is naturally much more valuable than ordinary people," Yi Tian said. "Is that all the divination words?"

"Let me see," Hua Yulin recalled. "In those days, Yan Daozi also mentioned that she Mei had three robberies when she hit. Fortunately, with the help of noble people, you can turn bad luck into good luck."

"Three catastrophes," Yi Tian thought. After he directed the sunset City, Hua Yuxin was assigned to his command. The first accident was to ambush the lone wind thief. At that time, she was rescued by herself.

The second robbery should be the attack of a thunderstorm on the way to carry the Sky Patrol warship. It seemed that he was not present, but the warship was designed by himself.

The defensive array was completely engraved by her own hand. Conversely, she helped her indirectly.

As for the third disaster, it seems that she will not appear until she comes to Taiqing Pavilion, but it is difficult to guarantee that she will have a direct relationship with herself.

In this case, it's better to go against the times and see the moves. It's meaningless to think more now.

After talking, they knew that Cui Fuling was coming to challenge the ladder. Hua Yulin was infatuated with him, so he followed him.

I see my brother-in-law in front of me. I can always help you. But after understanding, I knew that Cui Fuling wanted to go to the fourth floor to take a jade slip called Shangqing talisman.

Hua Yulin wanted to win the beauty's smile, so she tried to climb the ladder. Unfortunately, her strength was still slightly inferior. She was defeated after only a quarter of the distance.

Hearing this, Yi Tian asked, "did the disciples in the incarnation period successfully go up?"

"Yes, elder martial sister Qing Lianyun, Murong Feixue and the grandson Xiang Donghui have all gone up," Hua Yulin replied, "but when they go up, they all incarnate their later accomplishments. Why do you want to have a try, brother-in-law?"

Unexpectedly, Hua Yulin still gave some sunshine. He just promised to help him take care of his sister, so he relied on himself.

However, I thought that I was black in the Taiqing Pavilion, and the flower Yulin in front of me was definitely the best agent. Then he smiled and said, "I'm not sure, but I have to try everything to know. Tell me the location of the Shangqing talisman scroll. As long as I can go, I'll take it down for you, but you have to pay for the merit points."

"That's OK. I knew your brother-in-law was interesting enough. Just don't push the ladder too hard. Just do your best," Hua Yulin replied.

Looking at him, he didn't look embarrassed at all. Yi Tian also shook his head helplessly. Then they slowly left the reception room and went straight to the place where the ladder was.

Almost all the religious monks here have tried. Those who can go naturally can go, and those who can't give up early.

At this time, it seems that there is only one person on the third floor, and this person also seems to go to the ladder, which seems to be going up to the fourth floor.

Before I got there, I saw a young woman in her twenties and eighties wearing inner door clothes, with a bun on her head and three clear signs on her cuffs. She stood in front of the ladder and walked up with a gentle step.

Hua Yulin lowered his head and said, "it's Murong Feixue. She's not easy to mess with. Don't be stared at by her, otherwise there will be some trouble."

It turns out that this is Murong Feixue, one of the top three in the period of becoming a God. However, it seems that there should be Taoist partners. It may be a distracted friar.

After I got there, I didn't talk much. I turned around and asked, "I'll try. Don't hold too much hope."

"Just try your best, brother-in-law. I'll watch it for you next," Hua Yulin then replied.

After a week's exercise, Yi Tian opened his legs and stepped on the first step of the stairs. At the same time, a strong spiritual pressure came from all directions and directly oppressed himself. Yi Tian feels that it is similar to what he expected. If the next 15 steps are so virtuous, there should be no problem.

After walking slowly up the stairs, I felt a little heavy burden. I walked up again. After two steps, I didn't feel too much obstruction.

After half a journey, I found that the spiritual pressure on my body was almost to the boundary of my current stage. Then he silently recited the truth in his mouth and exercised the Jinyang body method. After the operation, a layer of golden light appeared on the surface of the external skin. Relying on the strong body different from ordinary people, Yi Tian has finally passed through 14 steps. Look at the two stairs behind. The golden light on the body slowly faded away. Instead, he used Wanyuan forging technique. Then he suddenly raised his true Qi and directly stepped on the fourth floor in two steps.

Hua Yulin, who was looking at below, showed an excited look on his face and said repeatedly, "my brother-in-law is really powerful. Don't forget to take down the jade slips for me."

As for Murong Feixue who just went upstairs, she turned her head and looked at it not far from the fourth floor, and the color of shock flashed in her eyes.