Two years passed in a flash, during which Yi Tian was not idle. A few Lingzhi medicinal materials were taken from the Lingtian of his five teams and sent directly to Hu Weichuan.

As an alchemist, he is responsible for preparing the pills needed for the task. At the same time, Yi Tian also wants to see how his skills are, so he has increased the number of herbs by about 30%. He even secretly took out a mature red ginseng and gave it to the other party. The result was gratifying. Hu Weichuan didn't disappoint himself.

In addition to the spare pill, he also took out the surplus and exchanged it with his fellow disciples. The obtained spirit stone was also not good. Finally, it was divided into three parts and everyone shared it equally.

During this period, in order to make full preparations, Yi Tian took all the spirit stones he got to buy Heiyao gold essence and glazed stone. These two precious materials are not very rare in the spiritual world, but they are really effective in refining Buddhist magic tools.

During this period, a string of one hundred and eight glazed stone Buddha beads and a King Kong subduing magic cone were secretly refined, and the Buddhist teachings such as Prajna bitter Zen were integrated into them for future use.

After almost reaching the agreed time, Yi Tian recruited five shift leaders to distribute the work for the next period of time.

Later, he went back to his cave on the grounds of closing down. Later, he cast a hidden spell and slipped out of the large array of the spirit planting garden.

After flying through the door for a while, he showed his identity jade card at the gate of the mountain and went out of the door without obstruction.

Not long after, a sudden illness flew to the agreed place at the foot of the mountain. At this time, Hua Yulin and Hu Weichuan were already waiting. Yi Tian hurried down to the clouds and shouted, "it's late. You must have been waiting for a long time. I'm sorry."

Hu Weichuan had his own advantage before. Naturally, he greeted humanity with a smile: "nothing happens. Younger martial brother Yi is busy with business. He can't come out until he's arranged. It's urgent."

Hua Yulin came forward carelessly and said, "bring your identity jade card."

"What's the matter?" Yi Tian asked in a puzzled way. He needed his own identity as soon as he met. There must be something wrong with the jade card.

Hua Yulin just smiled faintly and said, "it's a good thing. When I do business, I'll make you suffer." he stretched out his hand and took out a jade slip and left a seal at the end of the jade slip with his identity jade card.

Yi Tianshen shook his head helplessly when he read it. He didn't expect someone to send his sister as soon as he arrived. He didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

"Then" Hua Yulin put the calligraphy away directly after it was completed, took out a messenger, took the jade slip and sent it out.

Later, he said with deep meaning: "my brother-in-law, I have directly prepared the documents for selecting people and sent them to the sub pulse of Shangqing daozong. This time, we can pick up the jade core when we come back."

Yi Tian is silent. Anyway, he forced Hua Yuxin to help him.

A moment later, the three took out the jade slips of the mission and left their seals and signatures on them with their identity jade cards, which was officially launched.

Then just listen to Hu Weichuan: "it's a little way to Qingfeng old city. Let's go and return quickly."

As soon as they nodded their heads, they agreed one after another. Half a minute later, they flew with the materials, and then they used their evasion skills to fly straight towards the Qingfeng old city.

Hu Weichuan, who was later incarnated, led the way. Yi Tian found that even if his cultivation was a little worse, his escape speed was slower than he expected. Along the way, I found that the flight speed was 80% normal. In this way, I also had a considerable judgment on the strength of Hu Weichuan, a friar in the later stage of incarnation.

After flying for more than two days, I saw the outline of Qingfeng old city. I remember the last time I passed by, I was still sitting in the Sky Patrol warship, looking down at the whole sky city, and I didn't feel how huge it was.

Now I came here in person and found that the area occupied here is wider than the current Qingfeng new town. The area thousands of miles around is the jurisdiction of the old city. Only when I walked into the city did I find those dilapidated city walls, dilapidated city gates, and potholes on the inner and central mainland, which have not been repaired for thousands of years.

Fortunately, there are many monks in Qingfeng old city, and many casual monks take this as their home. Who knows, the original underground spiritual pulse here was once listed as the first in the spiritual world. Even after the baptism of magic disaster, many usable places are still reserved. Yi Tian really has a question in his mind. Why did the patriarch of Taiqing Pavilion give up his ancestral industry and build a new city.

Just thinking about it, I suddenly heard Hu Weichuan cry: "I'll go to the discipline post to report first, and then go in when I get the pass order."

Yi Tian just nodded his head symbolically, then turned to Hua Yulin and asked, "Why are we here to do the task? Do we need a pass order to do anything?"

"You just entered the sect gate, and many places don't know the rules," Hua Yulin said in an old-fashioned way. "In order to prevent illegal casual cultivation from sneaking into the magic disaster forbidden area to steal sect gate secrets, the sect gate specially rearranged an array barrier in the city. Anyone who wants to go deep into it needs to go to the discipline post to exchange for a pass order."

"As inner disciples, don't we have any discount?" Yi Tian asked.

"There is your and my seal on the jade slip, which is the biggest certificate. We don't need to do additional inspection. It's hard to say about other sects and external casual repairs," Hua Yulin said proudly.

Then he looked in the direction of his hand and found that there were just three teams of people in front of another entrance channel to receive identity verification.

Yi Tian's eyes scanned the crowd and found that these people were basically mainly primordial friars, and there was a small cluster of divine friars in line, but the number was small, only about seven or eight.

But when his eyes swept over a monk with a white gauze hat, his pupils suddenly coagulated, and then he showed his true eyes, but he couldn't see his true face.

Hua Yulin on one side also found something wrong and hurriedly asked, "what happened?"

I found a sense of threat from her. I hope I'm wrong. Don't go against this person after you go in

Hua Yulin looked at him, but said with disdain: "he's nothing special. He's just an ordinary incarnation. There are many monks going in and out of the magic disaster array area of the old city every day. Are you making a mountain out of a molehill?"

Yi Tian stopped talking after listening, and his intuition was very sharp when he cultivated his strength. The man wearing a hat obviously gave himself a stronger sense of oppression than facing Xi Tian. It was almost the first time he faced hongshanhe. However, the Lord of Luoxia city is a distracted friar. He feels that he is only a notch higher than himself. In fact, his strength must be unimaginable.