In the secret place of the devil disaster ruins in Qingfeng old city, Yi Tian found that it was Luo Ziyan, the first God friar in the spiritual world, who pursued her, and her real identity was the king daughter of the Asura family.

I originally wanted to use the array to encircle and strangle many parties, but I didn't expect Luo Ziyan not only told the origin of her moves, but also cracked them. In all desperation, it's worth trying to set up a large array to wait for the opportunity to start fighting back, but I didn't expect that the place where the two fought was actually the habitat of a magic dragon.

I'm afraid the other party woke up from the fight just now, but I don't know why he came out at this time. When the magic dragon flies into the air, Yi Tianshen reads and sweeps his face, revealing all kinds of helplessness.

This black dragon seems to have only the strength of the peak of Huashen, but the dragon family is the top of the monster. Moreover, it is not as subspecies as Jiaolong. This demonized black dragon is indeed three points stronger than himself in the state of total victory.

What's more, it's even more difficult to cope with the current state of consuming a lot of spiritual power. It seems that he has become the weakest of the three parties.

Looking at Luo Ziyan in the distance, her face was not good. She also felt unwilling to kill a strong opponent on the way. But it was obvious that the magic dragon wanted to take them as lunch. He turned his head and looked at Yi Tian Tian. Jiao shouted, "you really learned my family's skills. Show up quickly and join hands to deal with the magic dragon, or we can't go."

In fact, one hundred of Yi Tianxin are unwilling to fight with Ashura's real body. In recent years, he has also found that his Dharma body is really not suitable for fighting. On the contrary, it is very useful to cultivate supernatural powers and study skills.

However, I have no choice. After showing the Dharma body, my strength can be more than doubled. Of course, I have a chance to fight.

After thinking about it, Leng hum replied, "let's do it together, or we'll break up with each other." after that, no matter how the other party answered, he stretched out his hand and said, "now.".

Suddenly, under his ribs, his four hands broke, his clothes stretched out, and two heads appeared behind his ears. It looks as like as two peas, but the three heads are not showing any anger.

The black devil dragon saw it and roared, "you'd better stop fighting senselessly." before he finished, he saw thousands of green silk sword rain falling from the sky. It was Yi Tian who took the lead.

On the contrary, Luo Ziyan stood in the air with a surprised face, and the spirit tools on her hands were not sacrificed.

When the sword rain attacked the magic dragon again, the black dragon scale on its back completely blocked the sword silk. Fortunately, there were several sword marks across the soft crotch of his abdomen, and some dark red spiritual power gradually exuded along the wound.

The magic dragon ate the pain, raised his head and shouted angrily. Then he opened his mouth and spit out the Taoist dragon breath towards Yi Tian. Yi Tian sees it and is surprised. This move is stronger than Luo Ziyan's attack. There was no way to avoid, and there was no ghost face flower vine defense, so I had to raise the dragon scale shield to block the dragon breath in front of me.

Suddenly, a purple figure flashed in front of him and stretched out a spirit bead to protect both of them. The flame dragon breath was sprayed on the Pearl defense and was all bounced away.

Only heard Luo Ziyan's back to herself: "don't try your best at this time. Take out the sun and moon wheels of our family in your hand."

I think the other party also came for the sun and moon. Although Yi Tianxin was reluctant to give up, he couldn't care so much at this critical juncture.

With his hands together, he said: "now", and then suddenly there were moon shaped and sun shaped marks on his arms. The mark immediately took off and flew out, turned into the sun and moon with the glow of the wheel, and was sacrificed on his hand.

Luo Ziyan put away the spirit bead and raised the sharp blade in her hand again. With a move, the sword light cut through the space in front of her, together with several spiritual power fluctuations that appeared out of thin air, she went away towards the black demon dragon.

With a loud bang, after the magic dragon was attacked, the sad dragon scales were deeply scratched with a sword mark of more than five feet, and a lot of black magic gas suddenly burst out.

When he had not yet slowed down, two green and red lights flashed on the left and right sides, the sun and moon with the light wheel cut through the void, and then followed to hit in the direction of the dragon's tail.

The sound of "Ping Ping" only made the black demon dragon shake slightly, and there was no trace left.

Luo Ziyan saw it and turned to look at Yi Tian with a look of contempt on her face and said, "that's all you can do. You didn't practice your magic power when you took the Lingbao of our family."

"I want you to take care of it," Yi Tian spat disdainfully, but his eyelids trembled. Obviously, the gap is too big. Since the sun and the moon are the spiritual treasures of the Asura family, it's outrageous to stay with you for more than a thousand years and haven't practiced it at home.

In this open Xumi space, the magic Qi is vertical and horizontal, and the spiritual power can't make up for it. The strength of the magic dragon in front of him almost reached the distracted period. In addition, he did not lose the slightest under one-on-two with the power of geographical advantage. Even if it was just cut by Luo Ziyan, the hard armor on her back was quickly replenished by absorbing magic Qi without ten breath.

After a roar, he opened his mouth and spit out the magic flame. This time, the power of dragon breath was three points more powerful than before. The black devil or the emptiness where he went had a lot of distortion, and at the same time, he extracted the aura within a hundred miles.

At the same time, Yi Tian and Luo Ziyan absorb their spiritual power, and their recovery speed seems to be slower. In this way, both of them gradually fall into the disadvantage.

"If you paddle again, we may all explain here," said Luo Ziyan with a very dignified look on her face.

Obviously, she didn't intend to run away alone. Yi Tian was also confused in his eyes. In this way, the other party obviously has another plan, but he has to work together now to have a chance to win the magic dragon. After thinking about it, he didn't bother to take back the sun moon Tonghui wheel, and said in his mouth, "close".

After combining the two spirit tools into one, his hands quickly tied up the seal method and said in a deep voice: "the sun and the moon shine together." in an instant, the two spirit tools quickly autobiographically spread and were gently sent out. The huge cyan top formed by the spirit tool forms a huge vacuum Jedi wherever it goes, pulls everything involved in four hands into the Jedi, and then completely smashes it.

The magic dragon also saw the power of the move, and his abdomen surged up as if brewing something. After three breaths, he only saw his throat shaking and his mouth roaring. Then he saw a black evil saber wrapped in the devil's flame and flew out.

Luo Ziyan cried out: "this is the body of guarding the true spirit, flash."

Yi Tian also had something strange and hurried to fly out ten miles away. Before he could look back, he found that the sun and moon collided fiercely with the black sword, which aroused a huge wave of spiritual power and spread around. Where the spiritual shock wave went, the trees on the ground were uprooted, and the rocks were scattered and cracked by the vigorous wind.

A little later, I found that the mountains below the position I just occupied were blown down, leaving only a pit about a hundred feet deep.

After the two spiritual lights flashed past the sun and moon Tonghui wheel and took it back, Yi Tian found that the spiritual power above was much weaker than the original. It was obvious that he didn't take much advantage under one blow.

Just listen to Luo Ziyan's voice: "give me the spirit tool. Let you see the real power of our holy things."