Bingling mountain is shrouded by wind and snow all year round. It is thousands of miles south of the gathering place of Youwen family. On that day, three spiritual lights flew over the top of the mountain and stayed in the air for half a minute. Then they limited a valley and fell upside down.

Among the three hermits were Lei Xiaotian, Yi Tian and a dragon rhinoceros friar. This person is the help invited by Lei Xiaotian. His name is Xing Dali. His cultivation at the top of level 8 is about the same as his spiritual cultivation at the later stage of separation.

This time, it was made clear that Lei Xiaotian's pain was caused, and the person who made the move must know well about the An Tian conference, and he was also the sworn enemy of the Thunderbird family.

Falling into the valley, Yi Tian first looked around, then took out the sundial and Luo Geng began to measure it. After a while, he turned around and said to the two: "I've surveyed, and you can arrange the array if the position is good. Is it sure that Taoist Lei can attract each other? You know, if there is any mistake, there will be no small hidden danger."

"Taoist Yi, don't worry about arranging the array. With my understanding of the man, he must be very interested in it. Since the insect is afraid of cold, the other party's poison refining master must come with him. It's not easy to refine a heart eating insect. Moreover, the person who practices the insect has the same mind with the insect and is determined not to give up," Lei Xiaotian replied.

After hearing this, Yi Tian took out the four spirits array card and put it on his hand. Then he flew into the air and embedded the array card on the surrounding cliffs in turn.

Later, take out the array disk and print with both hands for several times. Then hit several magic tricks on it to activate the array. The whole valley shook slightly, and the hillside seemed to be covered with a layer of aura, which disappeared even if it disappeared into the ground.

Yi Tian lowered his head and said to the two people below, "it's ready. As long as the other party enters the range of the array, I can trap him for a while and a half."

"Taoist friend Yi, now you can hide while I cast a spell to attract the other party," Lei Xiaotian replied.

In that case, without his own hand, Yi Tian naturally wanted it. After his figure slowly disappeared in the air, he converged in the air and waited.

As for the ground, Lei Xiaotian stretched out his hand to summon the bull, and then aroused two blue lights on his hands to shoot directly on the bull's head.

Later, he stretched out his hand and pointed to the bull's body, which was directly reduced to the size of a child. His face was the same as Lei Tingting.

Then Xing Dali took out a white bead and the whole person disappeared in the ice and snow in an instant.

After waiting in the air for less than half a day, Yi Tian suddenly saw two escape lights flashing in the distance. He didn't dare to reveal his mind. Just by looking down, he could find that the cultivation of the visitor was more than the middle stage of distraction.

After a while, the two escape lights flew to the top of the valley and stopped. When the escape light faded, a middle-aged monk appeared, but there were still some undeveloped feathers on his head, indicating that he should be a demon clan.

As for the other man, he was a monk wearing a mask and a cloak. It was not difficult to see from his breath that he should not be a demon monk. Not surprisingly, this person should be the person who poisoned the insects. This time, he didn't want to expose his identity.

Just listen to Lei Xiaotian open his mouth and cry, "Qian Jinlei is really the ghost you made. Do you really want us Thunderbirds to never emerge?"

"Elder brother, why do you say that," the demon friar said with a smile: "if I were to lead the Thunderbird family, they would have attached themselves to the Minglun temple in the snow mountain in the Buddhist world. Don't say to return to the demon family at that time, and the rest of all walks of life would go at will."

"How many benefits did they give you to do this?" Lei Xiaotian scolded angrily. "Do you know the fate of the vassal? My Thunderbird family was originally a branch of the bailing family. How can we forget the sect? It was not easy to get a chance to stand out at the Antan conference this time. Why did you harm the younger generation of the family."

"Only by breaking your hope can you stay here at ease, or you will have the delusion of returning to your hometown all day," Qian Jinlei said angrily.

At this point, it is obvious that both of them have torn their faces. Then Lei Xiaotian's figure flashed to the center and offered a blue light to protect Lei Tingting.

The two men in the air fell into the clouds one after another, sandwiching them in the middle. After three breaths, Qian Jinlei took the lead. After his figure flashed quickly, the two blue thunder lights on his hands covered the two heads in the middle.

The valley suddenly vibrated slightly, and the surrounding spiritual power was mobilized to cover a hundred miles around, forming a transparent light film. Knowing that this was the array effect inspired by Yi Tian, Lei Xiaotian immediately released his hands and feet and jumped up to meet Qian Jinlei in front of him.

Both of them were born in the Thunderbird family. Naturally, they know the strength of each other. They have changed their tactics and improved their magic power to a sign of great determination.

On one side, the lightning blue light scattered, and the snow was flying all over the mountains, while on the other side, the monk with mask and cloak flew straight forward to break Lei Tingting's defense.

But when he touched his hand, his face suddenly changed and said, "bad, beware of fraud."

Before he finished, Xing Dali, who was ready to hide on one side, suddenly appeared, clenched his hands and stirred up a spiritual pressure in the air. He rushed forward and fought with the man.

Yi Tian saw it clearly in the air. Although he didn't agree with the method of fighting by relying on physical instinct like the demon family, the effect was immediate.

The four distracted friars fought two-on-two in the snow ridge, but it was obvious that Lei Xiaotian and Qian Jinlei were really angry, and the thunder photoelectric force in their hands attracted meat. Moreover, Lei Xiaotian seems determined to keep the other party this time, so he is completely a game of exchanging injury for injury. Qian Jinlei can't avoid it and can only force him to consume it.

As for the poison refining master, he was totally invited to help. There's no need to play with people. He was attacked by Xing Dali and immediately fell into the disadvantage, but he was quick to take the hostages.

But after breaking the lightning cage, he found that the man in front of him suddenly turned into a ten foot long land bull. However, from the connection between the Gu mother and the heart biting Gu, I'm afraid the Gu He gave had long been cracked.

Fortunately, he wore a mask to cover his anger. He was very angry and said, "you deceived people so much that you moved my poison bug that doesn't change money to this stupid cow."

Xing Dali was not wordy with him. He was also informed of the specific situation. He must have discussed countermeasures before coming.

Yi Tian saw it clearly in the air. Holding the array in his hand, he kept practicing the magic formula and began to mobilize the vitality of heaven and earth. In this way, the four people below can feel the change of the environment in an instant.

Lei Xiaotian only felt that the surrounding spiritual power rushed towards him, and the calligraphy on his hand was three points smoother than before. After this change, Qian Jinlei was angry and shouted, "I didn't expect you to spend so much money and find so many people to help boxing. I'm so angry with me."

"It's time to finish our business," Lei Xiaotian shouted to the sky. "Yi Daoyou let the man go and let Gan Jinlei and I be in the array."

Xing Dali then stopped his offensive and stepped aside to make way. The Gu refining master looked at the situation before and said, "don't think I will accept your love. Don't let me encounter it again in the future, otherwise everyone will never die." after that, he flew in the direction of coming without turning his head.

Yi Tian stared at him for a while, then stretched out his hand to put the array disk in the air, but he caught up with his figure flashing. Although Lei Xiaotian didn't want to offend the Gu refining master for the sake of his people, he was different, and he also found that the man's magic power seemed familiar, but he couldn't be sure, so he had to chase and check it.