Yi Tian didn't leave directly after the emperor capital alien exchange meeting, but stayed at the request of Tang ya. As for Feng Zhong, President of Tianyu chamber of Commerce, he glanced at his face and smiled knowingly. Then he took a large group of Dan masters around him and left straight. He thought that there would be no less trouble around him than himself.

After the crowd left, Yi Tian followed Tang Ya out of the back door of the exchange venue. They went straight out of the alien trading area and came to the Asura area. Soon, under the leadership of Tang ya, they came to a remote street intersection and entered the house like an aristocrat's residence as soon as they turned the corner.

At the door, Yi Tian's eyes held back. There was a plaque of "Tang mansion" hanging on the door. He looked at Tang Ya in front of him again, but he secretly guessed other real identities.

You should know that the foreign friars who can make such a brazen start in the imperial capital of Asura must be involved with the imperial dignitaries. But I didn't know which faction he was, so Yi Tian lightened his steps and became vigilant.

Tang ya, who was walking in front of her, seemed to notice that she was different. Then she bowed her head and said, "don't you know your surname?"

"The name is just a code. If I say a name at will, I believe Taoist friends won't take it seriously," Yi Tian replied disdainfully.

Tang Ya listened with a helpless wry smile, and then said, "maybe the Taoist friends will be suspicious of my identity. I'm afraid the next cooperation will be reserved."

"That's not true. I'll do things for you," Yi Tian said quietly. At the same time, he pretended to be vigilant and followed him carefully.

Who knows, in this way, Tang Ya's tightly frowned eyebrows slowly stretch out. Only in this way can it be regarded as normal. His spiritual attachment to the Asura aristocracy will naturally be regarded as an alternative by fellow monks.

When he returned to the main hall of the residence, Tang Yaping withdrew the servants around him, opened the sound insulation barrier, and then motioned to take a seat. Yi Tian was also impolite. He directly found a seat in front of him and asked later, "it seems that Tang Daoyou has a wide range of friends in the Asura nationality. It's not easy to establish a government here."

"Taoist friends praise me," said Tang ya. Although she answered with humility, her face was full of satisfaction. After a pause, he said, "I asked my Taoist friends to help me this time. After the success, I will never break my promise. I will certainly serve it with the blood of level 9 monster."

"I have only one word to tell you that there is no way to recover," Yi Tian replied. Later, he asked again, "but as far as I know, there are only nine levels of monsters in the great commander Luo Yao's residence in the whole Ashura imperial capital, and the Lord seems to be seriously ill now. If it is his spiritual blood, I'm afraid it's inappropriate."

Although the matter in Luoyao house is secret, there is no airtight wall in the world. Some clues can be heard among some upper Ashura nobles and high-level friars.

Tang Ya was dumbfounded and looked at Yi Tian Tian Tian and said, "Taoist friends, don't worry. There are more than one level-9 monster in the Asura family. As long as you can draw the 'child and mother tracking symbol', I will give the level-9 monster spirit blood."

Hearing his resolute remarks, Yi Tian was stunned and said, "it seems that he won't fight uncertain battles. He must have something in his hand."

While he asks for himself, Yi Tian still wants to test his background. Then he sighed and said, "Tang Daoyou, do you know that the 'child and mother tracker' is very inappropriate to make. The treasure materials needed are monster skins containing spatial attributes. In addition, when drawing, the blood deed of the user should be sealed in, and the steps are extremely cumbersome."

When Tang Ya heard the speech, she showed a determined look and said, "I also know that I will provide two copies of the materials first. As for the blood of the person who used it when the blood deed was sealed, it can be brought back when it was finally completed. At that time, I will assist Taoist friends."

Unexpectedly, he also knows a lot about the making process of the talisman. As Tang Ya said, as long as the materials are ready, he can make the talisman first and seal it when he takes a drop of the user's blood. However, the other party doesn't seem to be at ease with himself. It's called helping from the side. In fact, it's supervising.

Thinking of this, Yi Tianxin was also calm. As Tang Ya said, everyone is driven by interests. Naturally, he will be on guard against each other. In this regard, Yi Tian just said, "well, when will it start?"

"It's here without delay," Tang Ya reached out and took out a jade box from the storage ring and handed it over. "Here are the skin of the space-time owl and some accessories. I believe Taoist friends should use it."

"What about the blood drops?" Yi Tian asked, "Tao you Tang should know that a specially customized talisman like this needs to drop the real blood of the applicable person immediately after it is painted, otherwise it will fall short of success.".

"I'll get it now and return in half an hour," Tang Ya replied. "I think it's almost time to give Taoist friends."

"No harm, the time should be just right," Yi Tian said after taking the jade box.

Then Tang ya got up and left, but she didn't remove the forbidden border in the hall. Yi Tian just looked at it and smiled helplessly. It seems that he is also afraid of leaving without saying goodbye. It is very simple to break the ban, but it is bound to disturb him.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian didn't say much. He sat down slowly in front of the table in the middle of the hall and opened the jade box. Turning his head and glancing, he found that there were two palm sized animal skins in it. The breath left on them proved that they were cut from the level 8 monster. After quickly passing the information of the time-space owl beast in my mind, Yi Tian is sure to be right. These two thick skins should be.

Later, he took out the rune pen and spirit ink and put them on the table. At the same time, he took out a stack of Rune paper and put it in front of him. After reaching for the rune pen and smearing it with spiritual ink, he began to practice the Rune of "child mother tracking Rune" on the rune paper.

Although I have also spent a lot of effort in writing runes, such runes are the first attempt. There is only one piece of material. Naturally, I don't dare to act rashly. I'd better write the rune skillfully before turning to the subject.

After writing for half a minute, Yi Tian's face showed a little joy. He looked at the three broken Rune papers in his hand and shouted in his heart. The previous runes written by yourself have not been successful, so the rune paper can withstand the stress. After tens of feet of painting, it was found that three pieces of Rune paper could not withstand the huge space tearing force of the above rune. When the last stroke was dropped, it was directly fragmented.

When I was happy, I suddenly noticed that there was a slight fluctuation around the forbidden border, and a gap appeared at the front door. Tang Ya hurried in, with two jade bottles in her hands.

After seeing himself, he opened his mouth and said, "Taoist friends, can you be ready?"

"The time is just right. Let's start now," Yi Tian said with a smile.