Facing King Xun's forced palace, empress Luo Ziyan, sitting in the middle, smiled calmly, and then opened her mouth and replied: "what king Xun said is very true. How can today's husband selection ceremony end so hastily? However, many candidates recommended by the Qing family failed to open our family's secret treasures. It can be seen that they are not chosen by heaven."

As soon as this statement came out, all the officials below suddenly became silent. Everyone's eyes were full of confusion. It seems that there are successors, but I don't know what will happen next.

The present King Xun and Luo Ruijia also exchanged eyes with each other. They had their own thoughts and pretended to be confused.

Seeing that the fire was almost over, Luo Ziyan immediately said, "since it is my choice of husband today, we must not exclude all the nobles of the imperial dynasty. Although some people leave their names on the stone tablet of the ten storey tower of Tongtian Road, they can't say that they are also potential people, so we can't judge them only by their accomplishments."

"What does your majesty mean?" King Xun felt that Luo Ziyan had something to say, so he asked directly.

"Every noble friar present, as long as he is not married and has good conduct, has a chance to try," Luo Ziyan said with a smile.

As soon as he said this, he immediately began to fry the pot. This is a great opportunity to fall from the sky. At this time, regardless of strength ranking and military achievements, as long as he is a royal aristocrat.

There were no fewer than hundreds of noble friars in the whole Asura imperial dynasty, of which nearly half were Taoist monks. But there are still more than half of them. How can they give up easily when they see such an opportunity.

In the hall, no matter how powerful king Xun is, he can't stop it with one hundred steps. If he does, he will certainly chill the hearts of everyone. In the future, he will be unable to support himself without the support of aristocratic factions in the court.

But king Xun obviously didn't want to give in so easily. He turned and asked, "if all the nobles present can't afford to open the Shura destiny spectrum, what's your Majesty's plan?"

It was expected that there would be such an event. Luo Ziyan didn't worry and said slowly: "since I said to choose a husband by this method, it will be nothing changed. But if I can't do it today, this method will be used for selection in the next great court meeting. At that time, every Ashura noble friar participating in the court meeting can try again as long as he meets the conditions."

Hearing this, I don't know who took the lead and shouted, "Your Majesty is wise." then those Asura nobles around all echoed.

At this point, the trend of the times, it is inconvenient for King Xun to speak again to block, but he said faintly: "let's start."

Then a group of waitresses lined up and began to register in turn, so that qualified monks came forward to show that they were identified, and then walked forward in turn to try to sacrifice the astrological wheel.

But many of these royal nobles failed to cultivate the Ashura Dharma body to a great level, and many nobles failed to cultivate even three capitals. But in view of the Queen's order, these people are brave enough to rush to come forward and try.

This time, even shuicangyue, who had quit before, was forced to participate, and his strength was superior. He could shine the astrological wheel on the Shura destiny spectrum, almost opening the first page of the jade book. After ten breaths, the cold sweat on the water cangyue's forehead exuded, and he felt that he couldn't do what he wanted. Later, he said, "I'll give up."

But after he retired, his mouth moved a few words, which seemed to be a private voice with Qiao Yongjun and others. The latter immediately showed a clear color on his face.

Water cangyue's action can't hide from the Lord. After watching it for so long, he can see something famous. I'm afraid not everyone present can open the Shura destiny spectrum. The key may be the cultivation.

After everyone tried, King Xun showed his displeasure and said in a cold voice: "Your Majesty, it is estimated that even the king may not be able to open it?"

Such a question naturally turned the spearhead to Luo Ziyan again. If the answer is different, it will inevitably affect the majesty of the queen. Luo Ziyan thought about it and then smiled back: "King Xun's words are heavy, but in my opinion, not everyone has tried. All the military attach é s with titles in the imperial guard can also try."

After reaching out for a pat, the head of the imperial front guard took several people out of the back hall slowly, bowed to the three people on the upper seat, and then walked forward in order to try.

King Xun's eyes swept over these people and fell on the last very strange face of the team. But when his eyes swept away, he couldn't move any more. At the same time, Luo Ruijia on one side also seemed to have found a clue. He looked at it and said, "boy, I know you. I didn't expect you to be the head of the Imperial Guard."

At the end of the line was Yi Tian, dressed as a green Ranger. He looked at him with a pair of eyes. His back lips moved and whispered back: "Taoist Luo has recovered well. It seems that the prescription is still quite effective."

Luo Ruijia's complexion changed slightly. Later, he replied, "don't be cheap and good. You can do it at one time, but you have to do it three times. Unexpectedly, you have a crush on my spiritual vein and animal blood."

"Forgive me, Taoist friend. It was just forced by the situation at that time. Afterwards, I will come to the door to apologize." Yi Tian is unwilling to argue with him more on this issue. Anyway, he won't suffer any loss if he takes a step back.

Since Yi Tian followed the brigade into the main hall, many people have long recognized it. It is debatable that he suddenly lost his trace in the Asura boundary a hundred years ago.

As for Luo Yao, it was hard for Qiao Yongjun and others to move their eyes after looking at him. Although Yi Tian restrained his breath and seemed to retain only the cultivation accomplishments in the early stage of distraction, they had learned and knew their strength in those years.

Now, after meeting again, I can feel the invisible pressure as much as facing Prince Wei. Although I didn't pick it out, I have some suspicion in my heart.

As for Hao Ren and Duan Xiaolou, they were old acquaintances. After saying hello to each other, they watched carefully.

As for the king Xun sitting at the top, he narrowed his eyes and looked at it carefully. Then he couldn't help saying: "Your Majesty is really good at calculation. When you are old, you will concentrate on staying at the boundary gate. From now on, all the important things in the hall should be handled by your majesty."

I didn't expect that the king of honor, who gained great power in the court, said this at the great court meeting. This can be understood as that he will hand over all his power. If he can make such a decision, the variable must be among these royal guards.

Just as an ordinary person, you can't see the clue. As one of the imperial guards tried, Yi Tian, who was in the last row, walked forward slowly. It doesn't show that the body of Ashura Dharma just flashes a golden mark on his forehead. Then he reaches out his hand to take the astrological wheel and holds it in his left hand. He gently divides the spiritual power in his hand into six strands and injects it into the spiritual tool.