After the ceremony of offering sacrifices to the gods began, the Kirin people first gave speeches on the stage, and then began to distribute according to the previous ranking. If any race wants to challenge the front ranking, it can be put forward on the spot.

The original order is according to the Kirin clan, lion clan, tiger clan and iron eating beast clan. In each race, it is cost-effective according to the number of nine levels of demon statues retained in the clan. As soon as the Kirin clan came up, three nine level demon dignitaries appeared, naturally holding the right to speak. As for the lion family, only roar yuan participated in the ceremony this time, which immediately reminded those demon practitioners who had known the inside story.

The internal strife of the lion family is definitely not groundless. Although there is no sound about roaring heaven's return to the lion family, at least Kirin son Guo Rui is an insider. Seeing such a situation now, naturally, I don't have much to say, but I miss roar yuan in my heart.

Among the big families, only the iron eating beast family has one more level 9 demon statue. In this way, it must occupy a share in the discourse power. Moreover, under the negotiation of several major races on the spot, it seems that they want to deliberately improve the status of the iron eating beast family. By the way, they can also take an extra share of Yulu kansui.

However, Yi Tian sat on the rostrum and scanned his eyes and found that the King Kong demon ape patriarch seemed unwilling to be excluded from the big family. He personally came forward to negotiate with the speakers of several major races. It seems that we want to occupy a place in distribution.

It's no wonder that it is related to the millennium plan of the race. Naturally, the allocation of resources is a struggle for every inch of land. No one wants to lose in this, and the result will lead to the strength of the next generation of the whole race falling to a higher level after the millennium. The chain reaction is unbearable for these big races.

Soon the results of the discussion came out. The position of those demon worshippers who had become famous thousands of years ago was naturally unchanged. This time, there are more Qilin Guo Rui, iron eater Xiong Erbao and King Kong demon ape. The violent demon apes can choose the people in front to fight in turn. The winner can occupy each other's ranking, and the loser will be postponed one later.

This distribution arrangement is also very reasonable. Soon, Kirin son Guo Rui came forward to do it. Although the two demons had an intersection in the previous ambush against roaring sky, they still stood in the same camp. But today is different. Everyone fights for their own race. Naturally, there will be no carelessness.

Moreover, the two demons saw each other's action that day, and they had already calculated in their hearts. Yi Tian sat on the auditorium and silently watched the development of the situation in the sky, but he couldn't help cheering Xiong Erbao up. His strength is equal to that of his opponent. In addition, he has heard and witnessed a lot of things for many years. Such an occasion should not be solved only by brute force.

Three days later, several strong winds blew over the venue of the Chengtian sacrifice ceremony. Xiong Erbao stretched out his hands to condense a black and a white light, and then blended together into a Tai Chi pattern. The mountain tiger on the opposite side showed an unprecedented dignified color on his face. This move is not the first time. Of course, he knew the power. He didn't keep his hands and did his best moves. It was also a verbal agreement between the two demons.

Level 9 demon Zun really wants to fight a long war. He's afraid it won't be a problem if it takes ten days and a half months, but now this situation can't tolerate so many of them. Therefore, Xiong Erbao proposed to take the three moves as the speed limit and make a quick decision. Of course, the mountain tiger has no reason to refuse.

Seeing the other party's move, a virtual shadow slowly emerged behind the mountain tiger, which looked like the king of beasts. His momentum was suddenly raised and did not converge at all.

He had no scruples, but he made the demons below spit bitterly. This momentum had no impact on the demon respect level, and the oppressable demons below level 9 were very uncomfortable. Along with those spiritual practitioners who came to watch the ceremony, the demon cultivation was affected by this.

Except that the Korean wave who left the fire palace can protect the two people around him, others can only open the protective cover and forcibly resist such coercion. Suddenly, a golden light flashed from the auditorium and then passed through the people on the auditorium, which immediately reduced their pressure and eliminated their sense of coercion.

Then the golden light swept to those demon families present again, which also reduced their influence by the majesty of the king of beasts. Many demon practitioners hurriedly turned their heads to check the source of the golden light and found that it was in the area where many monks in the big Leiguang Buddhist temple sat on the viewing platform that a dignified chanting voice continued to spread, helping them resolve their sense of oppression.

Among the people present, Qing Lianyun of Taiqing Pavilion stared at the source of the golden light, and the doubt on his face became more and more serious.