Taking advantage of the gap between searching for Yan Peigong, Yi Tian and Chuanshan tiger walked together. When they got out of the range of people's thoughts, they turned around and flew towards the Imperial Academy Hall of Yuanhao emperor.

The area controlled within this boundary has not been measured in detail, but the land occupied by the old capital of the Yuanhao imperial dynasty does not need to be small from the capital of Ashura. Flying in the enchantment is no slower than the outside world. Even if you try your best to perform evasion, it is much slower than the outside world.

Fortunately, this place is full of spiritual power. Even if the excess spiritual power is consumed, it can be replenished soon. Along the way, Yi Tian raised the escape speed to 70% or 80%. On the contrary, the mountain tiger is a little nervous when he flies away with all his strength.

Not long after, they came to a huge building community. Above the main hall gate, there were three big words "taixuefu" written in demon words. Below is a three foot iron door, with a two foot twist lock in the middle. The front of the lock head is cast into the shape of a faucet.

Needless to say, if you want to go in, you must open the lock on the door. Yi Tian looked at it and said, "since Taoist friends sincerely invite you, please open the door."

He stepped forward and looked at the hinge lock on the gate of the Imperial Academy hall. Then he reached out and took out a half foot long key and inserted it into the mouth of the faucet. After slowly turning the key, I only heard a rapid "click" sound from the door. Then, after the ban on the whole door was activated, the mountain tiger pressed his hands on the door and gently pushed it, opening a three foot wide gap in the hall door.

Looking back, his face showed a trace of satisfaction and said, "come with me. There may be mechanisms in it. I can't say we have to work together."

After nodding, Yi Tian followed the mountain tiger into the Imperial College hall. After entering, he found that this place was well preserved. There are array enchantments on the whole Imperial College hall. If you want to forcibly break in from the outside, there will be some noise. The key in the hand of Chuanshan tiger also proves that what he said is true. If its tiger ancestors had not been the guards here, they would not have been able to get such a key thing.

After taking a few steps, Yi tianshennian opened his mind and explored deeply. Only then did he find that there were seven entrances and seven exits in this Taixue University, covering an area of about ten miles. Such a small place can be walked all over in a moment. However, in the Imperial College hall, it seems that there are several partial Temple gods that can not be extended, as if they are protected by the inner prohibition barrier.

If you want to find out where you can find it, the mountain tiger can also find it. Yi Tian casually asked, "since we are here, we don't waste time. Where do you think we should start?"

"Do you know why the Imperial Academy hall was set up in the Yuan Hao dynasty?" the mountain tiger suddenly asked.

"I guess I want to imitate the spiritual cultivation of the human race and refer to the ruling mode of the mortal imperial dynasty, so I set up such an institution to educate the younger generation," Yi Tian replied without thinking.

"It's natural, so Yuan Hao's rule in the demon world for hundreds of thousands of years before the fall of the imperial dynasty is as solid as gold soup. With the continuous flow of new forces into the imperial dynasty, it can naturally ensure the continuous improvement of strength. Unfortunately, no matter how strong the Imperial Dynasty can be inherited forever, it will be destroyed one day," said the mountain tiger with a sad face.

Then he stretched out his hand and pointed to the fork road in front: "according to the last words of our ancestors, there are three other courts in the Imperial College hall. They are the main 'power transmission Hall', the 'pill house' responsible for assisting in the refining of tools and pills, and the 'Library' containing skills. There are still many records about the ancient history of the demon world."

"Time is pressing, so where shall we go first?" Yi Tian asked.

"Of course it's the library. I'm going to go in and get a copy of the" TIANYAO Bahuang formula ", and the rest can be given to Yi Daoyou," said the mountain tiger with a look of solemnity.

"Well, since I promised Taoist friends, I will do my best. Besides, I am also very interested in the files kept in the 'Library'. Since Taoist friends said to take only one volume, the rest will be disrespectful," Yi Tian was also impolite. He put his words there first. After saving a while, it will be bad for everyone to have differences.

They turned a few corners, crossed the main road of the Imperial College hall and went straight to the area where the "Sutra building" was located. In the twinkling of an eye, it suddenly opened up behind several channels. Yi Tian glanced and found that they were in a loud square thousands of feet in size.

Behind the square, there is a high platform with hundred steps of stone steps. On the high platform stands a four story Pavilion. On the front door, there is a plaque with the words "library".

When the mountain tiger saw it, he was overjoyed and was about to step forward. Suddenly Yi Tian stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder and said, "don't worry, Taoist friends. I think there is something strange in the square here. Don't act rashly, so it won't be beautiful to touch the mechanism."

Just as he was saying this, a gust of wind suddenly blew up on the square in front of him, covering up the "library" behind him in an instant. At the four corners of the square, four statues slowly rose. Yi Tian's eyes coagulated and found that the four stone sculptures looked like "spirit ape, evil tiger, nine headed dragon and Kirin".

He secretly called himself strange in his heart, but said, "why is it not the Xuanwu image of the four Royal array, green dragon, white tiger, red finch?"

"Friends of Yi Dao, let's get a picture. These four statues were carved according to the appearance of the four protectors of the Yuan Hao Dynasty. They are completely out of touch with the four Royal arrays of the human race," said the mountain tiger proudly. "I think our predecessors are also conscientious and conscientious, so they can become the guards of the 'Imperial Academy Hall'."

"The nine headed dragon and the Kirin friar were originally part of the Yuan Hao Dynasty," joked Yi Tian.

"That's right. It's said that the two ethnic groups have been friends for generations, but the nine headed dragon is a kind of flood and famine, so it's very difficult to continue the blood," explained the mountain tiger.

"Is the spirit ape the ancestor of the violent demon ape family?" Yi Tian looked at it and asked.

"It should be, but the demon ape family is the closest among all demon families and human spiritual cultivation. It is very convenient for them to practice human skills, and they can draw inferences from one example. For example, the red bearded spirit ape in Jiuxian mountain is one of the best," said chuanshanhu.

"I always have a lot of questions in my heart. Since the Yuan Hao Dynasty is so strong, how was it overthrown?" Yi Tian asked.

"I don't know the specific situation, but I just heard that the elders mentioned that if the four Dharma protectors had not had different opinions, they finally parted ways and became antagonistic forces. I'm afraid it would be difficult for the demon God to win the war of the destruction of the imperial dynasty without their assistance," the mountain tiger thought next time.

The tiger statue in the northeast corner above the scene seemed to move, and large pieces of stone skin fell down and showed their true body. Yi Tian was stunned and found a tiger three feet long and one foot high coming across him. At this time, he was looking at the two people in front of him.

Shaoqing said in the tiger's mouth, "you must pass the test before you get started. You can pass the test after a moment." then, a stone hourglass of one foot size was raised at the front passage, and the sand inside was constantly falling below the hourglass.