Although I don't know why Qingxin Taoist would do this, the consequences are self-evident. As the leader of Jiuxian mountain, I'm afraid he did it. The demons at the banquet are not fools. Later, he will unite to turn the spearhead to Jiuxian mountain.

But this matter has nothing to do with himself. Now the most puzzling thing is the motivation of Qingxin Taoist. Yi Tianfei kept guessing in the air. Later, he found that there was only one reason for Qingxin Taoist to abandon his identity as the leader of Jiuxian mountain.

"He will deal with Yan Peigong himself, because they are the last three wild animals and nine headed insects left in the world," Yi Tian said secretly in his heart.

At the same time, the body burst out suddenly, and the speed was more than doubled in an instant. Within a hundred breath interval, my mind could not detect the whereabouts of Qingxin Taoist.

Either he is too fast or he uses his secret skills to avoid his own thoughts. Now Yi Tian only hopes to be the latter, so that he can find them at the first time.

After speeding up, he flew to the depths of Taiyou mountain. Before long, he found that there was a violent spiritual pressure fluctuation outside the limit in front of the right. With a happy face, Yi Tian quickly turned his direction and flew to the position where the spiritual pressure fluctuated.

A moment later, when I came to the sensing place of the fluctuation of spiritual pressure, I found that there was a 30 Zhang wide gap in the depression below, and the trees around were blown upside down. There was a strong smell in the air. Needless to say, these were caused by the poisonous gas spitting out from the nine heads of Yan Peigong.

At this time, quack quack immortal has fallen into hibernation, and he can't expect to ask her for help. After thinking about it, he patted the Royal beast bag around his waist and said, "please come out and see me."

Just after a golden light flew out of it, it circled in the air and turned into a three foot long golden snake. When it spread in the wind, the snake grew dragon scales on its body, its head turned into a dragon head, and horns on both sides. Yishun's body stretched into a dragon body two feet long after the earthquake, roared past, and finally fell in front of him and turned into a human shape.

After three breaths, Yi Shun said, "I smell the smell of Yan Peigong. It seems that you have found him. How can others?"

"I don't know whether to find him, but others haven't come yet. It's estimated that it will take at least an hour for more reinforcements to arrive," Yi Tian explained.

"What's the matter?" Yi Shun asked with a puzzled face.

"Things happen for a reason. Let me make a long story short," Yi Tian sighed, and then said about the dinner at the top of Jidao mountain.

I didn't expect that Yishun didn't have any surprised expression after listening to it. Instead, he showed a sympathetic look on his face and said, "it seems that Qingxin Taoist friend has difficulties in doing so. If it were me, I would think of a similar way to deal with it."

After hearing this, Yi Tian said expressionless, "well, I'll sigh later. I tracked that the last spiritual pressure fluctuation appeared at the bottom of this place, but now God has searched and can't find anything suspicious, so I want to ask you for help."

Yi Shun nodded his head, then put his hands out in front of his chest to tie up the seal method, and then offered a red light to fly in the air, instantly turning into a dragon spirit and running around in front of him. Later, I heard the voice of Yi: "go and find the rest of the blood power there."

The Dragon Spirit heard the "whoosh" fall, and then began to run around within a hundred miles. It didn't take long to stop in front of a huge rock wall on a cliff.

"Yes, let's go," said Yi Shun, and his figure hurried after him. Yi Tian took a picture of the Taoist Messenger, took a picture of the situation here, and directly sacrificed it and sent it out. After the talisman got rid of it, he flew straight towards Jidao mountain. After finishing these, Yi genius turned and fell into the clouds, followed Yishun and came to the location of Longling's exploration.

After looking at the boulder in front of him, Yi Tian hurriedly showed his pupil magic power and checked it, but after three breaths, he didn't find any trace of array pattern.

On the contrary, Yi Shun tied his hands and said, "open." at the same time, a beam of light flashed on his hand and hit the boulder directly.

"Kaka, KaKa" after several loud noises, a cave door of ten feet in size was opened on the boulder rock wall. Yishun shouted coldly, "I found it. Yan Peigong's snake cave is here."

Yi Tian glanced over and found that the passage in the cave was about three feet wide and two high. There were many green juice residues on the surrounding rock walls, and at the same time, it also gave off a foul smell.

It seems right. Yishun sensed the position of Yan Peigong through his own real dragon blood, but I don't know whether the other party will do the same. It seems that Yi Shun saw his doubts. Yi Shun opened his mouth and explained: "Yi Daoyou, rest assured that this blood induction can be exerted only by integrating the original demons. I think Yan Peigong and his people only know how to absorb the blood of the real dragon, but there is no correct way to activate it. It is useless even if they get three-quarters of my blood."

"I see. It seems that this place should be the nest of Yan Peigong. Let's go in quickly and find Qingxin Taoist and try to deal with Yan Peigong," Yi Tian said.

"Be careful of the green venom on those rock walls. These are all things spitting out of his mouth, and I feel through the power of blood. At this time, the blood gas in Yan Peigong's body is surging rapidly, mostly falling into a hard struggle," Yi Shun stretched out his hand and pointed.

After nodding his head, Yi Tian fell down all his life and ran directly into the snake's nest channel with Yishun.

The road was dark and long. There were some lurking poisonous snakes waiting for the opportunity to attack them from time to time. Yi Tian took out the Taiyuan sword and offered lingyaohua thousand sword silk to protect his body. Wherever he goes, any snake without eyes who dares to attack him will be hanged into meat residue in an instant.

After flying for nearly a hundred breath, he looked back and couldn't see the position of the entrance. Yi Tian opened his mind, but the poisonous fog around the cave isolated his mind in a position of about a mile, and he couldn't detect it any further.

Suddenly, the whole channel shook violently, and a violent spiritual pressure fluctuation came from the deep. At the same time, the top of the corridor began to crack, and a large amount of green venom penetrated from the crack. Those venoms splashed on the sword silk after falling, and instantly dimmed the halo of the spirit sword by three points. He snorted coldly: "it's so corrosive." so Yi Tian had to take out the defense spirit weapon and open it to protect his whole body.

Then they quickened their pace and moved forward rapidly in the snake cave corridor. Seeing the exit of the front passage suddenly appear, three strong spiritual pressure fluctuations burst out in front, and their momentum was no less than that of the two.

After flying out of the passage, they found that they came to the basement of a hundred feet in size, but there were three human faced snakes in front of them, with red eyes and crazy faces staring at them.