After entering the demon world, Yi Tian inadvertently went deep into the gray dense fog area. Unexpectedly, after passing through the fog area, he found that he had come to a world with extremely strong evil power. It is reasonable to say that such existence should not appear in the demon world, but in my eyes, I found that on the top of the mountain thousands of miles away, it seems that there is the source of the evil force, from which a steady stream of magic flows out.

Since they all came here, Yi Tian naturally wanted to find out. He just flew thousands of miles towards that place, and a voice came from his ear: "why did the Taoist friend of the devil ancestor come so late? I've been waiting here for a long time."

In his heart, Yi Tian's face changed slightly, and it was obvious that he had inadvertently mixed up with the affairs of the monk in Mahayana. At this time, I dare not show the slightest hesitation, otherwise I will be recognized by the other party, and the consequences will be unimaginable.

However, Yi Tian inadvertently noticed some clues from each other's words. The other party claims to be the demon ancestor rather than the demon saint, which shows that the person who conspired with him is not the original Mahayana friar in the demon world, but the new Mahayana friar in the Tianmo family.

When he fought with the remnant soul of emperor Yuanhao before, he was finally taken directly by this one. Now I can't pretend to be his part, but the characteristics of Tianmo clan can be imitated vividly.

It's up to Yi Tian to speed up his speed and fly straight to the top of the mountain.

Half a minute later, when Yi Tian flew to the top of the mountain, he found a strong spirit of evil spirit scattered. When he rushed face-to-face, he had to pull back a distance. The purity of the magic power above can only be seen in the abyss of the demon world. No wonder the Mahayana friar of the Tianmo family will look here. If all the accomplishments are absorbed, they can at least be promoted to the later stage of Mahayana and even to the stage of flying.

There was a figure halfway up the mountain. At this time, he was looking at himself with a solemn face. His face was pale, but he exuded a strong spirit of the nether world. Later, I just heard him cry: "how can Dugu loneliness send you this younger generation? Where is his part at this time?"

Unexpectedly, the other party is also a part of Mahayana friar, and the breath on him should be a friar in the netherworld. Yi Tianze bowed his hand and said, "the demon ancestor has recently absorbed the soul sharing power of emperor Yuanhao of the demon world. At this time, he is refining it in isolation. He knows that this place is very important, so he sent me to help."

"What, he can absorb the power of the remnant soul of emperor Yuanhao," the man cried with a frozen pupil in his eyes.

It seems that he has bluffed the other party for the time being, but he doesn't know how long he can fool him. But now the situation is unknown. Let's take one step at a time. Yi Tian fell into the clouds and looked at each other's strength not far from the man. This person has the power of the nether world. Needless to say, he should be the Lord of the nether world. It is said that the hell world is the coexistence of hundreds of nationalities, and there is only one Youming emperor in the Youming world. The identity of the people in front of them is also very obvious, which is the fierce separation of the Youming emperor.

As for his strength, he should be in the middle of the fit, slightly higher than his current cultivation. It is estimated that his noumenon cannot come across the force of the interface, so he can only send a separate body to come.

This is just like Dugu, the ancestor of Tianmo family, who can only act separately. Or once his noumenon comes to this world, it will be noticed by the level 10 demon Zun, which will openly provoke the interface war, which is a situation that they don't want to face directly.

Therefore, everything is done separately. Even if you miss, it's a big deal to complete the lost soul in China. As for the noumenon, no one can help him hiding in the nether spring of the nether world.

Shao Qing only listened to the ferocious man and asked, "what did Dugu Aotian tell you?"

Yi Tian knew that the other party was suspicious. If he couldn't dispel his doubts, he was afraid that he would meet with each other soon. After a pause, he said, "the devil asked me to find out the source of the devil force here and take it back to the devil world."

"What a big tone, Dugu lonely, it's beautiful to think about it," said the Youming emperor disdainfully. "What was left here in Wuling Mountain was the treasure left by the fairy world. He was ready to prepare a pot of food."

"Wuling Mountain" Yi Tianxin was overjoyed, but he didn't expect that the one who struggled to find the target in the map actually bumped into it here. It seems that the situation of Wuling Mountain has a long history. It existed at least sixty or seventy thousand years ago. Emperor Yuanhao also came here in those years. He should be closer to the source above before he was affected by his demonization.

In this way, I should be careful. I can see that the separation of the nether emperor and the great demon Dugu loneliness on one side should be found here inadvertently. At this time, Dugu loneliness was absorbing and refining the ghost of emperor Yuanhao. The devil source in his real body could not be separated for a moment, so he broke in to fish in troubled waters.

In the twinkling of an eye, considering the behavior style of Tianmo clan, Yi Tianxin decided to gamble. The more domineering and powerful he was, the more powerful the other party would dispel his doubts.

Then he replied in a deep voice: "these evil forces are the source of strength for the cultivation of the demon family in our day. Now when you see it, you should be kind. It's not easy to absorb a lot of evil forces and convert them into the spirit of the nether world with the strength of your predecessors. Besides, my grandfather and you have agreed not to count?"

"Dugu Aotian told you about our agreement. It seems that you are not low in the Tianmo clan, but you don't look like a pure Tianmo clan," he asked.

"I do have both the blood of Tianmo family and Yanyu demon family, but it's difficult for the family to shelter, so I can only hide in the dark, but if I have enough evil force, I can fully stimulate the blood of Tianmo family and return to the clan in a fair way," Yi Tian's face changed slightly and angrily.

After hearing this, the ferocious man said slowly: "speaking, the passage of the power of the devil source on the top of the mountain has accelerated, and the affected areas around are becoming wider and wider. Since old devil Dugu asked you to come, you should have a way to deal with it."

Although he managed to pass, the Youming emperor in front of him was definitely a personal genius, one set after another. If he could do anything wrong, he would help immediately. Fortunately, I still have some experience in dealing with these evil forces. I remember that when I broke through the fragments of the fairyland, I had a gas cylinder on my body. After killing many colleagues, there were several more. Finally, all the immortal spirits in this bottle are collected in the jingling bottle. It seems that these things on your body can be used.

However, Yi Tian is not stupid enough to take out the jingling bottle, that is, he doesn't recruit himself. But those collecting cylinders can make do with it. After thinking about it, he took out three and handed them over and said, "this thing is a high-level Lingbao, which can be used to store the evil ghost force."