After cracking the magic array on the corridor of Qionghua Pavilion, Yi Tian looked back at Dugu Jackie Chan and looked at himself awkwardly, but he had a magic knife in his hand.

With a faint smile on his face, Yi Tian naturally wouldn't take it to heart. After all, Dugu Jackie Chan can't turn against himself now. His appearance also shows that the array, especially those magic arrays, has unexpected effects on the magic cultivation.

"Dugu Aotian, let's go down quickly, or it's not a good sign for Fei Tong devil to take the lead."

Put away his magic knife, Dugu Chenglong replied with a solemn face: "what Yi Daoyou said is reasonable. Please lead the way in front. Whatever you like."

Knowing that it was a little unreasonable, Dugu Jackie Chan's voice softened a little. Yi Tian just held his smile, and then pushed his feet and ran quickly towards the Qionghua Pavilion.

His mind slightly stretched out and found that Jackie Chan also followed him with his feet, ten breath away from each other.

Soon he entered the main hall of Qionghua Pavilion. Yi Tian did a little here. After listening to the hasty eyes, he glanced over the stone murals on the wall and found that it was a monk in his thirties, whose signature was Feng Lingzi. I think this should be his self portrait. After looking at it, Yi Tian wrote down the appearance of the characters in the painting.

After passing through the main hall, Yi Tian followed the source of the previous sound and soon locked near a courtyard about ten miles away.

After lowering their heads and talking to Dugu Jackie Chan, they adjusted their direction and ran there. When you came to the nearby mind, you could already notice that a large number of evil spirits overflowed, and then covered the surrounding stone steps with a layer of black spiritual power. He was very familiar with this spiritual power, which was left on Fei Tong devil who had fought before.

But Yi Tian found a simple fluctuation of spiritual pressure in this layer of spiritual power. He was amused. It is estimated that the two people should be arguing. If the only pupil had the upper hand, it would be the best, and it seems that Fei Tong devil can't help him, otherwise it won't happen.

After rushing into a different courtyard, Yi Tian found the figure of Fei Tong devil in the distance in his eyes. But at this time, his hands went deep into a furnace and seemed to be taking something.

Seeing his arrival, Fei Tong devil turned his head, and the two folded one eyes on his forehead were particularly obvious. Yi Tian found that at this time, the eyes above seemed to grow bigger than those below, and their eyes were bright. As for Fei Tong devil, his eyes had become dim, as if they were holding on.

He said in another tone, "I didn't expect you to find it so soon, boy. Have you taken care of that dark pupil?"

It seemed that she didn't care that she had solved the dark pupil. On the contrary, Fei Tong's one eye suddenly widened when she saw the two people walking together. It seems that you have something to say, but you are losing the control of your body, and you can't express your due meaning.

After Yi Tian stood still, he looked at him and said, "you should be the elder Du Tong. It seems that your loss is much better than dark Tong. It's estimated that I'm all the one eyed demons and won't show flaws like dark Tong."

"Boy, it seems that you know a lot of the secrets of the one eyed demon clan," said dark Tong. "It's naive that Fei Tong demon still wants to compete with you." then he opened his mouth and smiled.

Yi Tian's face did not show a happy look at all. Instead, he stopped his eyes on Fei Tong devil's hands. I saw his hands reaching into the hot furnace, as if he were taking something.

Noticing his own eyes, Du Tong didn't avoid pulling his hands and took out a one foot object from the Dan stove in front of him.

Yi Tian looked around and found that once it left the furnace, it first showed a fiery red appearance. After three breaths, the halo on it dispersed and returned to a gray stone color. It seems to be an ordinary stone, but after the divine mind sweeps it, you can detect a trace of spirit pressure wave from it.

The only thing I heard was that Du Tong raised his head and said with a wild smile, "the secret hiding that Qiu Yu, the prince of the devil, kept here at that time has finally seen the sun again today. You two are here at the right time to appreciate what good things this demon family elder has left for us."

Although I was told that there may be half of master jieding's Buddha heart, Yi Tian was also very curious to see what it would look like. If it is really half a Buddha's heart, the remaining spiritual power must be extremely powerful, and the two evil practitioners in front of them can't bear such a powerful Buddhist power anyway.

Therefore, Yi Tian was very calm at this time, and looked like sitting on the wall. On the contrary, Dugu Jackie Chan on one side changed his face slightly and shouted: "Taoist Yi, stop him quickly. What's inside may be the key to the advanced Mahayana period. Don't you feel excited?"

Shook his head, but Yi Tian disdained: "Tiancai and Dibao were originally learned by fate. Since this thing was left by Qiu Yu, the prince of magic saint, it will not play a great role in my spiritual cultivation. It should be of great help to you demons."

As he was saying this, Du Tong took out a one foot long hammer and hit the stone hard. Once or twice, as he dropped the hammer, the surface of the stone opened one after another, with a "click". After the stone fell from the middle, there was a light of colorful glass from the inside, and then an incomparably surging spiritual power was slowly released from the gap.

Yi Tian didn't notice the power of Buddhism. He was wondering. Suddenly, Dugu Jackie Chan nearby moved. He took out the animal skin talisman in his hand, spit out a mouth of black magic blood on it, and then read a harsh spell in his mouth.

His move naturally surprised the only pupil and Yi Tian's face in front of him, especially a cruel color flashed in Yi Tian's eyes, and the purple flame wind thunder fan was sacrificed in his hand at some time.

After Dugu Jackie Chan finished reading the spell, he put the animal skin amulet on his chest, and a spirit force no weaker than the two burst out. Dugu Chenglong's shadow appeared behind him. Dugu Tong saw it and shouted, "demon Saint storm, you are calling him to come."

"It's just an incarnation of a spirit. Why are you afraid of Dugu Tong, Taoist friend," Yi Tian said coldly. "Why don't we join hands to deal with him and completely wipe out Dugu Jackie Chan before his split soul comes?"

"OK," Dugu Tong also clenched his teeth. Then it seemed that he had reached an agreement with Fei Tong devil. A strange light appeared in both eyes and shone on Dugu Jackie Chan.