In the depths of Qingfeng old city, Yi Tian sneaked in and met martial uncle Wuxiang. At this time, he showed a spiritual body, but after he knew his details and was polite, his heart was still secretly on guard.

After the following conversation, Yi Tian competed with martial uncle Wuxiang to express his views. After all, they still found that they had a deviation about how to deal with these lower bound real immortals.

From the point of view of martial uncle Wuxiang, it is necessary to take precautions, stop each other's activities in the spirit world at the first time, and drive them back to the fairy world. But Yi Tian's point of view is quite the opposite. From the experience of dealing with those real immortals before, although they are ordered to act, these real immortals dare not directly lower themselves.

They usually sneak into the nine realms of the upper spirit with their separate bodies. In this way, it seems unimpeded on the surface, but it is dangerous. Not only to deal with the invasion of spiritual monks, but also the possibility of separation and rebellion. These things are variables that can not be found for people in the nine realms of the upper spirit.

However, Yi Tian's words seem to directly deny the strategy of Miao Di Zi Shizu, which is criticized by martial uncle Wuxiang.

After talking for a while, martial uncle Wuyuan, who was secretly practicing in the forbidden area of Taiqing Pavilion, suddenly appeared at the gate of the hall. In this way, the atmosphere on the scene became more subtle. Yi Tian is determined to be one-on-one. Naturally, he can't leave Wu Xiang here. He can only watch him leave calmly. But it would be hard to say if Wuyuan Shibo was willing to do it, but it was just an idea in his mind. From their names, it seems that martial uncle Wuyuan still has considerable respect for martial uncle Wuxiang. The idea of joining hands is just the result of his own imagination.

Shao Qing Yi Tian hurriedly saluted after hearing Wuyuan's words. At this time, although his cultivation was equal to that of Wuye, he was still Wuye's disciple after all. In terms of seniority, he was a generation shorter. However, if you are a disciple, you should inherit the great treasure of the Lord of Luotian fairy palace, which should be the same as the two in front of you, or even higher than half a chip.

However, there should be some etiquette. Yi Tianze did it in the way that the descendants of the sect met the elders. See: "it's a sin to disturb martial uncle Wuyuan Qingxiu for no reason."

"No harm, no harm," Wuyuan replied with a pale face. At the same time, he stared at the "Zixiao lamp" in his hand and looked at it. A trace of surprise flashed in his eyes. Then the chief inspector saluted himself and said, "nephew Yi is really blessed. At this time, you have been inherited by Luo Tianxian palace. It is reasonable that you should be the less patriarch of the fairy palace."

"No, there are two martial uncles and masters in front. How dare the disciples surpass," Yi Tian hurried back.

"If it's not beyond, the fact is the fact," Wuyuan sighed. "If you follow the rules of the sect, if the sect leader is not here, you can be directly promoted to the sect leader."

"I dare not. How can I be a disciple in front of martial uncle Wuxiang now? If it's about identity, martial uncle Wuxiang should be the head of the sect," Yi Tian hurried away.

Although Wuyuan said it well, Yi Tian didn't want to directly confront him in front of martial uncle Wuxiang at this time. After all, his identity is still on display.

As soon as he said this, Wu Xiang, who was sitting on the top, said calmly: "that's really the case, but when I left the fairy palace, I already indicated that I would give up the position of little patriarch. My only purpose is to save the master."

"That's true," Wuyuan agreed hastily. "When the elder martial brother left the fairy palace, he already showed his mind. It hasn't changed in 50000 years."

Then Wuyuan turned his head and slowly saluted Yi Tian again. At this time, he gave the gift of meeting the patriarch, and then said, "since Yi Tian has corrected your name, you don't need to give it any more."

In response, Yi Tian quickly stopped and said, "my master also inherited the lineal descendant of Lihuo palace. He should also have 'Zixiao lanterns' in his hand. Why doesn't my martial uncle regard him as the patriarch?"

After hearing this, Wuyuan was dismal and said with a smile: "on the strength of weakness, martial brother Wuye is indeed the strongest of the three of us, and it is no doubt that he inherited the lineal lineage and became the patriarch. Unfortunately, after he was divided into two by the 'good and evil Zen', he split his' zixiaozhan 'into two parts, and now it is impossible to repair it again."

"Even if zixiaozhan is so refined, it can be refined again," Yi Tian said.

"Have you ever seen your master offer and refine again?" Wuyuan asked in reply.

It's been a long time for Yi Tian to mention this. In his mind, he has never seen his master's intention to refine Zixiao lamps.

After a faint suspicious color appeared on his face, he was about to ask. At this time, Wuxiang, sitting in the upper position, opened his mouth and explained: "boy, do you still think that the 'Zixiao lamp' in your hand is such a simple spiritual weapon of the sect?"

"How do you say that?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

"The eldest martial brother has the most say in this matter, or listening to his explanation is ten times better than me," martial uncle Wuyuan sighed for a while.

"Imagine that in the upper celestial world and the luotian celestial world, the lineage of the sect is to sacrifice and refine this' Zixiao lantern ', because this spirit instrument is the inner lampstand of the sect's most precious' eight view palace lantern'," said martial uncle Wuxiang.

Yi Tian raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this. He had heard "Jin Yan'er" mention this before in the fragments of the fairy world. Unexpectedly, martial uncle Wuxiang in front of him knew it. I just don't know what the "eight view palace lantern" is and why it moved all the martial uncles.

Just listen to martial uncle Wuxiang then say: "You know, it's not difficult to refine a Zixiao cup, but the difficulty is that it needs to be refined by the disciples of the sect when they first enter the practice of truth. Only by gradually cultivating and improving along the way can they carry enough karma. It doesn't mean that Wu ye can refine a Zixiao cup again now. Even if he has refined it, he has to use the art of reincarnation to retreat himself It's only useful to return to the state of mortal and make a new step by step. It's only useful to practice back to the Mahayana period with your own efforts. "

No wonder so. In this way, the whole spirit world was originally inherited from the fire palace, and there had been its own master Wuye and master brother Ji Xuanyuan in the fairy palace who had once refined Zixiao lanterns.

Now Shifu has been robbed and changed during the demon disaster war, and there is no possibility to repair the "Zixiao lamp" in his hand. The cultivation of the eldest martial brother Ji Xuanyuan has not been improved in thousands of years since the middle of the fit. In addition, during the absence of Shifu, he also took charge of the sect affairs, and finally died for the sect.

Come back and think about it. Now only Xia Minyu and his disciple Xia Minyu have Zixiao lanterns in their hands. At present, Xia Minyu's strength is poor. Although it is possible to cultivate to fit, it is the magic eye of the two people who can't get in front of him.

What's more, the cultivation of the younger disciples is too weak to mention in front of the sect elders. Don't say that Xia Minyu, as a new disciple of Lihuo, is not weak among the sect martial brothers, but even the current deacon elder Han Liu hasn't really cared about him.

Thinking of this, Yi Tiancai knows why martial uncle Wuxiang still treats himself with courtesy. It is reasonable to say that he dealt with his separation in those years, regardless of the fact that he doesn't seem to have too much intention to investigate.

I thought about it in my heart, but then I stared at Wuxiang martial uncle who was sitting in front of me. After a long time, I said, "is there something wrong with the 'chaotic source power' skill that martial uncle has cultivated? In my opinion, your yellow Qi is now suppressed by Xuanqi, but it can't last long. When Xuanqi is suppressed, it will be the time for you to show the devil holy storm?"

As soon as the words came out, both of them were slightly stunned. Martial uncle Wuyuan raised his eyebrows, which seemed to agree with Yi Tian's opinion.

At the same time, martial uncle Wuxiang also showed approval in his eyes and said, "where did you find this news? According to me, there were no more than five people who knew this at that time, and even no ye or Ling were not qualified to know."

"I learned from the relics of martial uncle wu'ang," said Yi Tian, but from the storage ring came the relics of wu'ang found in the fragments of the immortal world in the spirit world.

After sending it away, I saw no face and stared at the jade slip. After looking at it for a long time, I stretched out my hand to take it. After a glance in my palm, a faint color flashed in my eyes.

I didn't expect that I had been paying attention to the changes of martial uncle Wuxiang's state of mind since I came in. I haven't seen any fluctuations in martial uncle Wuxiang's state of mind from the discussion of master Zu miaodi Zi to the inheritance of the clan. But when he saw Wuang's relics, there was an obvious change. This shocked Yi Tian, and he secretly thought about the relationship between the two people. It's estimated that it should be It's a deep friendship.

After seeing the jade slip, Wuxiang fell into a deep thought on his face, and then stretched out his hand and gently pushed it to deliver the jade slip to Wuyuan.

After the latter took over, he also scanned his eyes and read through quickly. After ten breaths, he sighed and murmured: "younger martial brother Wu ang disappeared for no reason. I didn't expect that he would be folded in the fragments of the fairy world. If we all studied together for thousands of years at that time, this past is vivid now."

Yi Tian carefully observed martial uncle Wuxiang sitting at the top. It seemed that there was a ripple in his state of mind at this time. Unexpectedly, his state of mind flaw would appear here. Keep this in mind. Yi Tian stood still and looked at their changes carefully.

Shao Qingwu's complexion returned to normal again, as if he had forcibly turned back from the flaw of his state of mind. His mouth said: "junior brother Wuang went to explore among the fragments of the fairyland for me. Now all we do is to wake the master from his sleep."

Whenever the topic is related to Shizu miaodizi, Yi Tian can find that martial uncle Wuxiang's state of mind seems to have changed. After listening to Yi Tian, he sighed helplessly. He has no room to refute what martial uncle Wuxiang said. It can only be said that he has different personal views and cares about different things.

After saying this, martial uncle Wuxiang suddenly stood up, his face slightly changed, stretched out his hand and gently scratched in front of him. The sound of "Cha" seemed to be cut through the void, and a strong spirit of evil spirit came out.

Obviously, martial uncle Wuxiang opened the space gap between the spirit world and the demon world. On one side, martial uncle Wuyuan stared and said, "Congratulations, senior brother."

Seeing Wu Xiang didn't answer directly, he just walked straight towards the gap in the space. At last, he turned around involuntarily, glanced at Yi Tian, and said faintly: "you're very good, there are successors in the sect. But you and I will be right sooner or later. I hope you can tell me what's right or wrong with your actions."

Then the body flashed and disappeared into the space gap of the interface. After three breaths, all the overflowing evil Qi were sucked back into the channel gap‘ After the sound, the space gap appeared out of thin air in front of me closed again, as if it had never appeared before.

After Wu Xiang left, Yi genius took a breath, then turned around and saw that martial uncle Wuyuan in front of him also had a similar feeling. After looking at Yi Tian, he also saw the helpless color in the eyes of martial uncle Wuxiang, so he had to comfort him: "martial uncle doesn't need to be like this. I think martial uncle Wuxiang should be trapped in a tangle. As he said when he left, sooner or later I will have a chance to solve him."

After hearing this, Wuyuan nodded slightly and said, "it's the first time in these years that I can get along with the eldest martial brother for such a long time. I think he came and went in a hurry every time before. After a few simple explanations, he left directly."

Then he gently handed the jade slip in his hand and said, "since you found the relics of younger martial brother wu'ang, you should keep them. As for the description in it, I have read and know it."

After hearing that Yi Tian took the jade slip, he directly put it into the storage ring. Unexpectedly, this one he got from the fragments of the fairyland can have such an effect. It not only makes martial uncle Wuxiang's mood appear a flaw, but also finds an opportunity to defeat the devil holy storm.

Later, martial uncle Wuyuan turned around and looked at himself again before he said, "now that master miaodizi is gone, senior brother Wuxiang has fallen into the demon world. We have to divide one of the three veins into three in order to maintain the inheritance of the fairy palace. Fortunately, today I see that you are lucky to be able to return with the clan keepsake. I think the period of re integration of the forces in the spirit world is not far away."

"Master Mu praised," Yi Tian replied hurriedly, "the world will be divided for a long time. No one can escape it. In my opinion, the spiritual world has been properly managed since Luo Tianxian palace was divided into three. If you rashly mention the integration of the sect at this time, the situation will have a significant impact on the whole spiritual world, and the consequences are unknown."